embryology Flashcards
persistent cloaca
abnormal development of urorectal septum
nondivision of the cloaca into urogenital and anorectal parts
common path–persistent cloaca
ectopic testes
failure of gubernaculum to descend
arises from lower gonadal ridge
extrophy of the bladder
failure of primitive streak mesoderm to migrate around cloacal membrane
ureteric bud
metanephric diverticulum outgrowth of the mesonephric duct gives rise to ureter, renal pelvis calyces, collection tubules incomplete division is bifid ureter
bicornate uterus vs double uterus
failure of fusion of inferior paramesonephric ducts=double uterus
superior parts of paramesonephric==bicornate
hypospadias vs epispadias
hypospadias, below, ventral, inguinal hernia, cryptorchidism, urethral folds
epispadias, dorsal penis, genital tubercle, extrophy of the bladder,
Epispadias, hit your Eye when you pEE, spongy urethra
perineal hypospadia
failure of fusion of labioscrotal folds
urethra is between unfused halves of scrotum