Embryology Flashcards
Body of sphenoid
Hypophyseal cartilage
Sphenoid lesser wings
Ala orbitalis
Body of ethmoid bone
Fused Trabeculae cranii
Base of occipital bone
Parachordal cartilage + sclerotome of occipital somite (cartilaginous mass)
Prtrous and mastoid parts of the temporal bone
Otic capsules
Malleus & incus
Dorsal end of the 1st pharyngeal arch cartilage
Stapes & styloid process of temporal
Dorsal end of 2nd pharyngeal arch
Lesser horns and upper body of hyoid bone
Ventral of 2nd pharyngeal arch
Greater horns and lower body of hyoid bone
Ventral end of 3rd pharyngeal arch
Cartilages of the larynx
4th & 6th pharyngeal arches
Where do the maxillary & mandibular prominences originate from ?
1st pharyngeal arch
Maxilla, zygomatic bond and squamous of temporal
Maxillary prominence
Mandibular prominence
Nucleus pulpous
Vertebral arches
Mesenchymal cells around neural tube
Costal process of thoracic vertebra
Mesenchymal cells in the body wall
somatic layer of the lateral plate mesoderm > mesenchyme > Sternal bars
Bones with intramembranous ossification
Cranial vault, mandible, maxilla, zygomatic bone and clavicle
What is the order of appendicular bone formation in the embryo?
Upper then lower (proximodistally)
Interzonal mesenchyme
Muscles of mastication
Myoblasts of the 1st pharyngeal arch
Muscles of facial expression
Myoblasts of the 2nd pharyngeal arch
Myoblasts of the 3rd pharyngeal arch
Pharyngeal & laryngeal muscles
Myoblasts of the 4th & 6th pharyngeal arch
Deep back muscles
Myotome Epaxial division
Name the 4 myotomes raising from hypaxial division
Cervical, Thoracic, Lumbar and Sacroccygeal
What does craniostosis mean?
Early closure of frontanelles
What is spina bifida?
Failure of vertebral arches to fuse posteriorly
What does ribs form from?
Costal processes
What is weber fingers/toes?
Lack of apoptosis in digital rays
Middle ear
Otic vesicle
Hand & fingers
Limb buds > digital rays
What is syndactly?
Webbed fingers
Quadratus lumborum muscle
Lumbar myotome
Lateral and ventral back muscles
Thoracic myotome