Embryology Flashcards
What are the processes in embryology?
Growth - occurring by increase in cell numbers, increase in size of cells or increase in volume of extracellular matrix
Differentiation - of stem cells into specialist cell types
Cell migration - some cells move a long way from their origin
Cell death - hollowing our rods of tissue into tubes for example
What happens in fertilisation?
Ovulation - an ovum is released from the ovarian follicle and swept up into the oviduct by cilia and muscle contractions of oviduct
- Fertilization normally occurs in the wide ampulla of the oviduct - sperm have travelled from the upper vagina, through the uterus, into the oviduct
- The sperm penetrates the cumulus oophorus, corona radiata and zona pellucida around the ovum, then the membranes of the sperm and ovum fuse
- Ovum completes meiosis
• The male and female pronuclei fuse, bringing 46 chromosomes together
briefly, before the first round of cell division starts
What is contraception?
Contraception is deigned to prevent fertilisation, either physically preventing contact between sperm and egg, physically blocking implantation, or hormonally reducing egg and sperm production.
Physical blocks include barrier methods (eg: condoms, diaphragm); intrauterine devices to block sperm or prevent embryo implantation; surgical methods (vasectomy in men; tubal ligation or blocking in women)
Hormonal methods: female contraceptive pill (oestrogen and/or progestin inhibits ovulation); male pill (synthetic androgen reduces sperm production); emergency contraceptive pills: high dose progestin or hormone blocker initiates menstruation
What is infertility?
Around 15% couples experience fertility problems
Male infertility: too few sperm or poor motility; normal ejaculate is 2-6ml with 20-100 million sperm per ml - anything less may cause problems
Female infertility: blocked oviducts following pelvic inflammatory disease; hostile cervical mucus; immunity to sperm; absence of ovulation, etc.
What is assisted reproduction?
• IVF (in vitro fertilization) or ICSI (intracytoplasmic sperm injection)
• In IVF: gonadotrophins given to stimulate ovary; oocytes are collected
• sperm are added to egg; 8 cell stage embryo placed in uterus
• IVF - 30% successful after first attempt in younger couples
FF: Formation of the morula
• Rapid cell division (cleavage) begins immediately: 1st division occurs within 24h; 2nd division occurs within 48h; 6-12 cells by 3 days: morula (‘mulberry’)
• Day 4 - morula undergoes compaction – tight junctions form between cells
• 2 sets of cells become distinct:
inner cell mass (embryoblast) – will form embryo
outer cell mass (trophoblast) – will form part of placenta
FF: formation of the blastocyst
- Day 4-5 - fluid enters the ball of cells – morula transformed into hollow blastocyst
- Inner cell mass lies at the embryonic pole of the blastocyst
FF - implantation
- Day 6: blastocyst ‘hatches’ from the zona pellucida – and begins to implant in the endometrium (in its secretory phase - growing under influence of progesterone from the corpus luteum)
- Trophoblast cells secrete human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG) – maintains uterine lining
- hCG levels high enough to be detected by end of 2nd week - basis of pregnancy tests
- The implanted embryo employs mechanisms to suppress immune system and block recognition as foreign tissue – so it’s not attacked by mother’s immune system
What is failure of implantation?
I • 10% blastocysts though to fail to implant
• Around 15% of detected pregnancies miscarry - but true figure for
miscarriage is closer to 50%
• Abnormalities in blastocyst include absent embryoblast - trophoblast may
develop into hydatidiform mole (which may miscarry or be detected in
routine US scan)
• Many human embryos (>70%) contain major chromosomal abnormalities
(from IVF studies) - embryonic signalling disrupted, causing uterine stress
response - implantation less likely (Brosens et al. 2014)
• This ‘natural screening’ reduces the rate of birth defects
• Some embryos with chromosomal abnormalities do implant - antenatal tests
are available for various genetic defects; advances in genetics and the scope of screening present ethical dilemmas for individuals and society as a whole
What is an ectopic pregnancy?
• Blastocyst implants in abnormal site, eg: peritoneal cavity, oviduct
• Most ectopic embryos die in 2nd month – causing haemorrhage; ruptured
oviduct may require emergency surgery.
What happens in week 2?
• Trophoblast differentiates into TWO layers: cytotrophoblast & syncytiotrophoblast
• Embryoblast differentiates into TWO layers: epiblast & hypoblast (bilaminar germ disc)
• The original blastocyst cavity is lined with hypoblast cells – becomes the yolk sac cavity – facing the hypoblast
• Some yolk sac cells form a new layer: the extraembryonic mesoderm
• TWO brand new cavities form: amniotic cavity within epiblast & chorionic
cavity within extraembryonic mesoderm
• The extraembryonic (chorionic) cavity expands until the embryo is suspended
by a stalk of extraembryonic mesoderm: the connecting stalk (precursor of
the umbilical cord)
• Uteroplacental circulation starts - lacunae in syncytiotrophoblast open into
large capillaries (sinusoids) in endometrium
Week 3 - gastrulation
• Primitive streak appears in week 3
• Establishes longitudinal axis and bilateral symmetry of embryo
• Epiblast cells proliferate and migrate through the primitive streak:
• 3 germ layers formed: ectoderm, mesoderm, endoderm - forming the
trilaminar germ disc
• Mesoderm cells migrate through the primitive pit to form the notochord
(replaced later by vertebral column)
Week 3 : Buccopharyngeal and cloacal membranes
• Depressions visible on ectoderm - where ectoderm tightly fused to endoderm
• Later become the blind ends of the gut tube
• Buccopharyngeal membrane will perforate in week 4 to form opening of
• Cloacal membrane will perforate in week 7 to become openings of anus and
urogenital tracts
Week 3: genes and fate maps
- The differentiation of regions is governed by expression of genes, eg: cerberus in head region, Nodal in primitive streak
- The fate of gastrulating epiblast cells can be mapped by cell tracing studies
Week 3: gastrulation and teratogenesis
• Gastrulation may be disrupted by genetic abnormalities and toxic insults
• High doses of alcohol can kill cells in anterior midline of germ disc – affecting
face and brain development
• Situs inversus – transposed thoracic and abdominal viscera – often associated
with organ defects
• Caudal dysgenesis – insufficient caudal mesoderm leads to abnormal lower
limbs (sirenomelia), kidneys, etc
• Sacrococcygeal teratomas – from persistent remnants of primitive streak,
most common tumours in newborn (1 in 37,000)
Week 3 : what are the fates of germ layers?
Germ layers will give rise to adult tissues & organs:
• Ectoderm forms epidermis & nervous tissue
• Mesoderm forms skeletal, muscular & circulatory systems & connective
• Endoderm forms digestive & respiratory tracts
Week4 : ectoderm
• The notochord secretes substances including noggin and chordin which inhibit the growth factor BMP-4, causing the overlying ectoderm cells form the neural plate or neurectoderm
• In week 4, the flat neural plate rolls up into the neural tube
• The neural tube will form the brain and spinal cord
• Other ectoderm (in the presence of BMP-4) becomes epidermis
• The otic and lens placodes are thickenings of ectoderm that will form the
labyrinth of the ear and the lens of the eye
• Ectoderm also gives rise to subcutaneous glands, pituitary gland and tooth
Week 4: mesoderm
• Mesoderm condenses into 3 columns on each side
• Paraxial mesoderm forms paired segments: somites - appear in a
craniocaudal sequence; ‘segmentation clock’ depends on cyclic expression of
several genes in mesoderm
• Each somite divides into: sclerotome; myotome; dermatome; molecular
signals from neural tube and notochord (sonic hedgehog and noggin) induce
sclerotome to differentiate
• Intermediate mesoderm forms urogenital structures
• Lateral plate mesoderm pulls apart at the edges of the germ disc - to form a
visceral/splanchnic layer lining yolk sac/organs and a parietal/somatic layer
lining inside of body wall
• Growth of somites causes lateral folding of the embryo and encloses
intraembryonic cavity
Week 4: endoderm
• Development of the brain causes cephalocaudal folding of the embryo – encloses part of the endoderm-lined cavity inside the embryo as the primitive gut tube
• Foregut finishes blindly at buccopharyngeal membrane
• Midgut still attached to yolk sac (outside the body of the embryo) via yolk sac
duct/vitelline duct
• Hindgut finishes blindly at cloacal membrane
What are the consequences of embryonic folding?
- Flat trilaminar germ disc converted into cylinder of nested endoderm, mesoderm and ectoderm tubes
- Brings ectoderm to cover the outside of the body – encloses endoderm, mesoderm and intraembryonic cavity
- Pulls the amniotic cavity around the developing embryo – and pushes the connecting stalk and vitelline duct together to form the umbilical cord
What are the functions of extra embryonic membranes?
- to store or remove waste products
- to transport nutrients
- to exchange gases (supply oxygen, remove carbon dioxide)
- to create an aquatic environment for the developing embryo
What are extraembryonic membranes in placental mammals?
• Amniotic cavity develops early, in epiblast
• Yolk sac forms but contains no yolk platelets – only fluid
• Allantois grows and fuses with chorion, forming the fetal part of the
placenta (allantoic vessels in reptiles and birds are equivalent to umbilical
vessels in placental mammals)
• The placenta functions to transfer oxygen and nutrients to fetus, and
remove carbon dioxide and metabolic waste
• The placenta also produces hormones (hCG then progesterone) to
maintain the uterine lining and oestriol to stimulate growth of uterus and breasts
Week 2 of development of formation of placenta
• From day 9, small cavities called lacunae form in the syncytiotrophoblast -
and at the same time, maternal capillaries are enlarging to form sinusoids
• Around day 12, the lacunae and sinusoids join up and the uteroplacental
circulation is established; at the same time, extraembryonic mesoderm is forming, and cavitating to create the extraembryonic (or chorionic) cavity - which expands until the embryo is suspended by its connecting stalk of extraembryonic mesoderm
• The extraembryonic mesoderm lining the inside of the cytotrophoblast is also known as the chorionic plate
Week 4 development of placenta
• Lacunae have expanded and and cytotrophoblast has grown to form
fingerlike villi - and an outer cytotrophoblast shell
• Stem or anchoring villi reach from chorionic plate out to the
cytotrophoblast shell; free villi branch from the stem villi
• Primary chorionic villi are protrusions of cytoptrophoblast
• Secondary chorionic villi contain an extraembryonic mesoderm core
• Tertiary stem villi contain capillaries within the mesoderm core
• Lacunae grow larger - forming intervillous spaces, full of maternal blood
supplied by spiral arteries
Week 8 development of placenta
• The chorion around the attachment of the umbilical cord becomes more
bushy - chorion frondosum; the chorion opposite the embryo becomes
smooth - chorion laeve
• The endometrium is now called the decidua (as it will be shed at birth): the
decidua basalis is in contact with chorion frondosum; the decidua capsularis encloses the implanted embryo; the endometrium elsewhere is called the decidua parietalis
• Cytotophoblast layer progressively lost from many villi - so the barrier between metal blood and maternal blood is just the endothelium of the villous capillary and a thin layer of syncytium; placenta brings fetal and maternal blood very close – but no mixing of blood
• Villi produce large surface area for exchange of gases, nutrients, wastes between maternal and fetal blood
• Some cytotophoblast cells incorporate themselves into the walls of the maternal spiral arteries - increasing their diameter and lowering their resistance.
What is preeclampsia?
- This condition involves maternal hypertension and proteinuria (protein lost in urine) and affects about 5% of pregnant mothers
- Pre-eclampsia tends to start after 20 weeks gestation and can be dangerous for both fetus and mother
- The precise cause is unknown but seems to involve a lack of cytotophoblast cells fusing with maternal arteries; risk factors include pre-existing hypertension or diabetes, eclampsia in previous pregnancies and obesity
What happens to all the cavities?
- In weeks 4-8, the amniotic cavity grows larger and obliterates the chorionic (extraembryonic) cavity - the decidua capsular stretches and disappears; the amnion fuses with the chorion laeve, then this amniochorionic membrane fuses with the decidua parietalis (by the end of month 3)
- The yolk sac stays attached to the endoderm gut tube via the vitelline duct
- Both the yolk sac and vitelline duct are obliterated by birth
What happens to the placenta at the end of pregnancy?
• The placenta at term is about 20cm in diameter, 3cm thick and weighs 500g
• The placenta is expelled from the uterus about 30 mins after the baby is born (3rd stage of labour)
• The maternal side of the placenta has about 20 bulging cotyledons
• The umbilical cord is 50cm long, 2cm thick and contains two arteries and a
vein, in a protective gel-like covering called Wharton jelly; a single umbilical artery (1/200 births) may be associated with cardiac defects.
Dizygotic twins membranes/placenta
• 90% of twins are non-identical (dizygotic) twins - from two, separate
fertilised eggs
• Usually have completely separate placentas and chorionic sacs - though
the placentas and walls of the chorionic sacs may fuse (still leaving each twin in a separate amniotic cavity)
Monozygotic twins placenta and membrane
• 10% of twins
• Form from single fertilised egg - stay split at different times
• Split at two-cell stage: each twin develops in its own chorionic sac and with
its own placenta (although these may fuse, as in dizygotic twins)
• Split at blastocyst stage (most common): twins share chorionic sac and
placenta - but have separate amniotic cavities
• Split at bilmainar germ disc stage: twins share chorionic sac, amniotic cavity
and placenta
• Later splitting may lead to conjoined twins
What happens with twins?
Twins have higher rates of pre-term delivery, and higher perinatal morbidity and mortality than singletons. Twins who share a placenta may suffer twin-twin transfusion syndrome where one twin receives more blood than the other - mortality is around 50% with this condition.
How is the primitive gut tube and peritoneal cavity formed?
• Embryonic folding converts the flat trilaminar germ disc into a cylinder of nested endoderm, mesoderm and ectoderm tubes
• The lateral plate mesoderm forms serous membranes lining the intraembryonic coelom (part of which becomes peritoneal cavity)
• The mesoderm between the gut tube and the dorsal body wall forms a dorsal mesentery
• Endoderm differentiates into mucosa
• Surrounding mesoderm differentiates into smooth muscle & visceral
How is the intraembryonic cavity/coelom divided?
- Septum transversum divides the intraembryonic coelom into thoracic & abdominal (peritoneal) cavities
- The diaphragm develops from: septum transversum, pleuroperitoneal folds, oesophageal mesentery
- Congenital diaphragmatic hernia
What are the divisions of the primitive gut tube?
What happens in the midgut rotation?
• Week 5 – midgut elongates to form primary intestinal loop
• Week 6-9 – midgut elongation & growth of liver forces loop to herniate into
• Loop rotates 90o anticlockwise
• Week 10-11 – midgut returns to abdominal cavity, rotating another 180o
• This rotation brings the transverse colon to lie anterior to the duodenum
What is the position of organs in the abdomen?
The primitive gut tube starts off as wholly intraperitoneal in the abdomen, connected to the posterior abdominal wall via a dorsal mesentery along its length. As various rotations occur, some portions of the gut and its derivatives are pressed against the posterior abdominal wall and merge with it, losing their mesenteries. After midgut rotation and rotation of the stomach: the duodenum, the pancreas, and the ascending and descending colon all become secondarily retroperitoneal.
Development of the stomach
• The stomach appears as fusiform dilatation in week 4
• The stomach has a dorsal mesentery (dorsal mesogastrium) and ventral mesentery (ventral mesogastrium - formed by the lower part of septum
• The stomach’s dorsal wall grows faster than the ventral, creating a curve like a
banana - the lesser curvature above, the greater curvature below
• Stomach rotates 90o to right, forming cul de sac: lesser sac
• Dorsal mesogastrium enlarges to form greater omentum; ventral
mesogastrium forms lesser omentum
• Growth & rotation of the stomach pulls duodenum into c-shape & pushes it
against dorsal body wall - duodenum becomes secondarily retroperitoneal
Development of the stomach
• The stomach appears as fusiform dilatation in week 4
• The stomach has a dorsal mesentery (dorsal mesogastrium) and ventral mesentery (ventral mesogastrium - formed by the lower part of septum
• The stomach’s dorsal wall grows faster than the ventral, creating a curve like a
banana - the lesser curvature above, the greater curvature below
• Stomach rotates 90o to right, forming cul de sac: lesser sac
• Dorsal mesogastrium enlarges to form greater omentum; ventral
mesogastrium forms lesser omentum
• Growth & rotation of the stomach pulls duodenum into c-shape & pushes it
against dorsal body wall - duodenum becomes secondarily retroperitoneal
Development of the liver and gallbladder
- Liver is a major early haemopoietic (blood-forming) organ
* Gallbladder forms from cystic diverticulum
Development of the pancreas
- Ventral pancreatic bud - & bile duct - migrates dorsally around duodenum
- Pancreatic buds fuse
- Ventral pancreatic duct becomes main pancreatic duct
Development of the spleen
- Spleen is not part of digestive system; spleen is not derived from endoderm tube
- Spleen differentiates in mesoderm of dorsal mesogastrium
- Spleen is initially purely haemopoietic - later becomes lymphoid organ
Derivatives of the foregut
- Alimentary tract from pharynx to second part of duodenum
- Larynx, trachea & lungs
- Liver and gallbladder
- Pancreas
Derivatives of the midgut
- Pancreas
* Alimentary tract from second half of duodenum to 2/3 along transverse colon
Derivatives of the hindgut
• Alimentary tract from 2/3 along transverse colon to upper anal canal
What are transport systems and pumps?
• Large multicellular organisms cannot receive gases & nutrients, or expel waste by passive diffusion alone
• Passive diffusion is aided by two major transport systems: respiratory & cardiovascular systems
Both respiratory & cardiovascular systems have pumps
• The respiratory pump (rib cage & diaphragm) moves air: ventilation
• Cardiovascular pump (heart) moves blood: perfusion
Development of lungs in human embryo
• The respiratory tree originates as a foregut diverticulum in week 4
• A series of branchings creates the structure of the respiratory tree, starting
with the right & left primary bronchial buds
• The canalicular phase (weeks 5-28) sees further branching
• In the terminal sac phase (last 2 months of gestation), alveoli develop
• Mature alveoli possess a very thin squamous epithelium and produce
pulmonary surfactant.
• Inadequate surfactant production causes respiratory distress syndrome in
premature infants - alveoli tend to collapse on inhalation.
• Neonate possesses around a sixth of the alveoli it will eventually develop -
lungs grow with more alveoli budding for ten years after birth.
Week 3 development of the human heart
• Progenitor heart cells develop in the splanchnic mesoderm, in a horseshoe-
shape around the cranial end of the germ disc - those haemangioblast cells
form both vessels and blood cells
• Closer to the midline, a pair of vessels will form paired dorsal aortae
• Lateral folding brings the two endocardial tubes together in the midline -
they fuse to create the primitive heart tube
Week 4 development of the human heart
• Heart starts beating
• Blood enters the heart tube at its caudal end - the sinus venosus, and leaves
at the cranial end, entering aortic arches which run into two dorsal aortae
• Three bulges appear in the heart tube: common atrium, common ventricle,
bulbus cordis
• Cardiac loop - bulbus cordis moves caudally, ventrally and to the right; the
common atrium moves cranially, dorsally and to the left.
• Aortic arches connect the aortic sac at the top of the heart to two dorsal aorta - fused into one inferiorly; five pairs of aortic arches form: 1,2,3,4,6
(arch 5 is vestigial)
• Atrioventricular endocardial cushions appear (contain migrated neural crest
Week 5&6 development of the heart
• partial septa grow to divide atria: septum primum, septum secundum
• Dorsal and ventral endocardial cushions fuse to divide right and left
atrioventricular channels
• Sinus venosus is incorporated into the right atrial wall - which is smooth; the
original embryonic right atrium becomes the rough-walled right atrial
appendage, containing pectinate muscles
• The developing pulmonary vein is incorporated into the left atrial wall
(smooth-walled) until four pulmonary veins empty into the atrium independently; the original embryonic left atrium becomes the left atrial appendage.
• muscular ventricular septum grows
Week 7&8 development of the heart
• truncoconal septum divides outflow tract and together with tissue from the
ventral endocardial cushion, forms the membranous interventricular septum
• Abnormal growth of the trunconal septum leads to unequal division of the
outflow tract and Tetralogy of Fallot
Heart defects
- Most common birth defects - in up to 1% live neonates
- Often accompanied by other major defects
- Genetic and environmental factors - cardiovascular teratogens include rubella, thalidomide, alcohol
Major veins in the embryo
• Paired common cardinal, umbilical and vitelline veins enter sinus venosus in week 5 of development
• As the liver grows, the vitelline veins form a network inside it, comprising hepatic sinusoids
• The right common cardiac vein becomes the SVC
• The proximal portion of the right vitelline vein becomes the right
hepatocardiac channel - and ultimately the IVC behind the liver
• The anastomosis between the vitelline veins around the duodenum forms the
portal vein (draining blood from the gut)
• The right umbilical vein disappears completely; the proximal part of the left
umbilical vein disappears
• Ductus venous develops - carrying blood from the (left) umbilical vein across
into the right right hepatocardiac channel (eventually the IVC)
Aortic arches
• In lungfishes & tetrapods, including humans, the arch arteries resolve into a single, final aortic arch, with the other arch arteries forming other vessels in the head and neck; new pulmonary arteries sprout.
Feral circulation
- The embryo has incompletely divided atria & ventricles – a single circulation with the gas exchange tissue (the placenta) and the systemic tissues in series
- Oxygenated blood from placenta enters fetus via umbilical vein (80% saturated) while relatively deoxygenated blood (still 60% saturated) leaves via two umbilical arteries
- Head & neck receive well-oxygenated blood from the first branches of the aorta
W hat are the changes at birth?
- Lungs fill with air
- Pulmonary circulation increases
- Venous return to left atrium increases - increased pressure presses septum premium against septum secundum and closes foramen ovale
• Ductus arteriosus quickly closes (muscular contraction in response to bradykinin from lungs)
• Umbilical arteries close (muscular contraction)
• Umbilical vein and ductus venosus close soon after
…pulmonary & systemic circulations are separated
Foramen ovale usually seals shut after one year of life, but around a fifth of individuals have some opening remaining.
What does the intermediate mesoderm give rise to?
- nephric structures
- parts of the gonads
- genital ducts
How are the kidneys developed?
• Nephric tubules develop in intermediate mesoderm
• Pronephros, mesonephros, metanephros
• A longitudinal duct grows alongside the mesonephros - the mesonephric duct • The pronephros disappears; the mesonephros is hijacked by the genital system
(more on that in the next video); the metanephros becomes the definitive
• The collecting system forms from the ureteric bud
• Nephric tubules elongate to form nephrons
• Kidneys ascend on posterior abdominal wall - a kidney may possess accessory
arteries in addition to the main renal artery; a kidney may fail to ascend, remaining in the pelvis; kidneys may fuse as they ascend - forming a horseshoe kidney
Renal function in human fetus
• Definitive kidney architecture forms in weeks 15-20
• Kidney becomes functional in week 12 after distal convoluted tubules
connect to collecting tubules
• Fetal kidney produces urine which supplements amniotic fluid
• Renal agenesis causes oligohydramnios - lack of amniotic fluid
Development of the bladder
- Forms from urogenital sinus
- Mesonephric duct incorporated into bladder as trigone
- Allantois becomes urachus (lies within in median umbilical ligament)
- Bladder defects include urachal fistula, cyst or sinus; bladder exstrophy
Male or female
• Sex differentiation is very complex but a key factor is the presence or
absence of a Y chromosome - with its SRY (sex-determining region of Y)
gene, which produces SRY protein or testis-determining factor
• Indifferent phase lasts until week 7, then gonads and genital ducts begin to
differentiate: male or female
Development of the gonads
• Both sexes start with: paired genital ridges (become gonads); mesonephros • Epithelium of genital ridge grows inwards to form sex cords
• Germ cells migrate from the endoderm lining of the yolk sac, through the
dorsal mesentery, into genital ridge
• In female embryos, the gonad develops into the ovary; sex cords disappear
and replaced with cortical cords which form ovarian follicles around oogonia • In male embryos, the gonad develops into the testis; testis cords comprise
Sertoli cells and primitive germ cells - become hollow seminiferous tubules at
• Interstitial Leydig cells produce testosterone from week 8 - effecting male
differentiation of genital ducts and external genitalia
• Mesonephric tubules form efferent ducts of testis; mesonephric duct persists
as ductus deferens
• Descent of gonads - ovaries descend into pelvis; testes descend further -
through inguinal canal, into scrotum; undescended testes
Development of the genital ducts
• Both sexes start with: mesonephric and paramesonephric ducts
• In female embryos, the mesonephric duct regresses; paramesonephric duct
develops into upper vagina, uterus, oviducts
• In male embryos, the mesonephric duct persists as ductus deferens (stimulated
by testosterone); paramesonephric duct regresses (Mullerian inhibiting substance [MIS] produced by Sertoli cells); accessory glands (seminal vesicles, prostate) bud off from ductus deferens and urethra
Development of external genitalia
- Both sexes start with: genital tubercle; paired cloacal folds and genital swellings
- In female - genital tubercle becomes body of clitoris; cloacal fold becomes labia minora; genital swellings become labia majora
- In males - genital tubercle becomes body of penis; cloacal fold fuses to enclose penile urethra; genital swellings become scrotum
Disorders of sex development
• Ovotesticular DSDs - individuals possess both ovarian and testicular tissues
• 46XX DSD - genetically female, but androgenic substances lead to
masculinisation of external genitalia - most common is Congenital Adrenal
Hyperplasia (CAH)
• 46XY DSD - genetically male, but deficiency of signalling substances or
receptors leads to differentiation of female anatomy, eg: uterus and oviducts forming in deficiency of MIS; failure of differentiation of male genitalia in Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome (AIS)
• 47XXY - Klinefelter syndrome - small testes, reduced fertility, low testosterone
• Gonadal dysgenesis - ovaries present only as streak gonads; secondary sexual
characteristics do not develop at puberty; eg: 45X - Turner syndrome