Embalming 2 Flashcards
Non-Legal definition of Death
o Irreversible cessation of all vital functions
o Such as:
• Respiration
• Heart action
Death Rattle
the noise made by a moribund person caused by air passing through a residue of mucous in the trachea and posterior oral cavity.
Death Struggle
the semi-convulsive twitches which often occur before death
Apparent Death
condition in which the manifestations of life are feebly maintained
Human Remains
body of a deceased person, including cremated remains
Cremated Remains
those elements remaining after cremation of a dead human body
is the major element remaining in cremated remains?
Dead human body used for medical purposes; including anatomical dissection and study
the study of death
Somatic Death
pernouncement of death; death of the organism as a whole
Historically somatic death is recognized by the failure of one of three organs
Post Mortem Cellular Death
Death of the individual cells of the body; Final cause of cellular death is oxygen starvation; Post mortem cellular death will occur after somatic death
- Cause of Death
- Environmental conditions
- Condition of body
- Medication preceding death
Factors influencing onset of post mortem cellular death:
Yes; Necrosis such as in a decubitus ulcer or gangrene
Can cellular death occur antemortem?
Signs of Death
Those manifestations of death by which we may recognize its presence in the body
The separation of compounds into simpler substances by the action of microbial and/or autolytic enzymes; considered the single most reliable sign of death
circulation; respiration
Algor Mortis
Post mortem cooling of the body to the surrounding temperatures
Livor Mortis
also referred to as cadaveric lividity; The post mortem, intravascular, red-blue discoloration resulting from the hypostasis of blood
Intravascular; Livor Mortis
within the vessels
YES, because it is intravascular
Can Livor Mortis be removed with normal arterial injection and venous drainage?
the settling of blood and/or other fluids to the dependent (lowest) portions of the body.
Rigor Mortis
the post mortem temporary stiffening of the body muscles due to natural chemical body processes
Complete Muscular Relaxation
at death the muscles DO NOT function
Changes of the EYE
clouding of the cornea and loss of luster; flattening of the eyeball; pupil does not respond to light
Test for Death
Any procedure used to prove a sign of death
Expert Test
Electronic Life Detection Devices
Injections of various dyes
a delicate instrument used to detect almost inaudible sounds produced in the body
an optical instrument with an accompanying light that makes it possible to examine the retina and explore blood circulation
Electronic Life Detection Devices (encephalogram)
(EEG) Electroencephalogram: measure the brain electrical activity
(ECG/EKG) Electrocardiogram: records heart’s electrical activity
(ABR) Audio Brainstem Response: check brain activity based on audio sounds
(EGG) Electrogastrogram: records stomach/gastric activity
detect normal heart activity
Check brain wave activity
check specific brain for vital activity
Injections of various dyes into the body to check for circulation
2cc of Flourescein is injected into the upper arm. If there is circulation the whites of the eyes turn green
Inexpert Test
Ligature test
Ammonia injection test
Feel for the pulse
Ligature Test
ligate a finger; if it becomes discolored and swells, life is present
Ammonia Injection Test
hypodermically inject ammonia, if alive the skin will show a reddish reaction
Ante Mortem (Agonal) Changes
Those changes occurring prior to somatic death
Thermal Changes
changes in temperature of body; rising or fallen
Agonal Algor
decrease in the body temperature prior to somatic death; decrease in the body temperature prior to somatic death
Agonal Fever
increase in body temperature prior to somatic death
Commonly found in infectious diseases; increase in body temperature prior to somatic death
Commonly found in infectious diseases
Hypostasis (ante mortem)
the settling of blood and/or other fluids to the dependent portions of the body
Coagulation (clots)
congealing of the blood
Agonal Edema
the escape of blood serum from an intravascular to an extravascular location immediately before death
There is an increase in moisture in the tissues and cavities
Results from capillary
Speeds the decomposition process
Increase strength
How will this effect the strength of your diluted arterial fluid?
Agonal dehydration
the loss of moisture from the human body prior to somatic death
Could result in the thickening of the blood and dehydration of certain tissue
Translocation of Microorganisms
movement of microorganisms from one area of the body to another.
An example is from the intestinal area to the blood vascular system due to capillary permeability changes