Elizabeth 1-The impact of religious developments 1558-63-RG1 Flashcards
What did many of the religious problems from Elizabeth’s reign stem from?
Her unwillingness to fulfil the role allotted to her by her more religiously enthusiastic councillors
What did many of Elizabeth’s enthusiastic supporters often demonstrate?
A protestant zeal which concerned their loyalty to the queen but which was at variance with Elizabeth’s own scpetical and sometimes conservative approach to religious matters
What was Elizabeth’s protestant emphasis reflected in?
Reflected in the appointment of her new bishops
.All but one of her Marian bishops refused to continue in office
.Most of the appointed bishops were returning exiles and their appointments were part of a conscious strategy to reshape the hierarchy of the English church
Regarding her clergy, what did Elizabeth disapprove of?
Clergy marrying
Distrusted Preaching
Ensured preservation of the musical culture and Universities
What is clear from the religious settlement?
It emphasised the erastian nature of the church of England
What was the Queens view of the settlement?
That it was merely an act of state which defined the positive relationship between the Crown and the Church?
Where did many others believe about the settlement?
It represented the starting point for a process of spiritual renewal which would bring about the establishment of a true church in England