Elementary Step 6 Summer 2024 Flashcards
When I went to the gym yesterday, there was Brad Pit.
昨日ジムに行ったら ブラピがいました。
This grammar construction is
used when the speaker found
something unexpectedly /
discover something new
Do you have a headache? Why don’t you go home? (Strong suggestion with slightly condescending?
あたまがいたいんですか? あたまがいたいんですか?
When I opened the window, a fly came in.
まどをあけたら はえ が はいってきました
I ate it (implies regret)
て form + しまいました expresses 2 different meanings. 1) the speaker’s regret, reluctance or resignation and 2) determination
to get something done completely or quickly.
Last night I finished the homework. (determination)
昨日(きのう)の夜(よる) しゅくだいをして しまいました。
I will finish the summer holiday’s homework (as soon as possible)
To accidentally do something / to something determinedly and fast (informal)
In colloquial Japanese, ちゃう / じゃう is used
Think about the て form of the verb.
If it’s て as in 食(た)べて, it’s 食べちゃう.
If it’s で as in 飲(の)んで, it’s 飲んじゃう.
Telly-chan accidentally fell.
Using ‘が’ instead of ‘は’ in the sentence changes the focus slightly. ‘が’ emphasizes the subject (Telly-chan) more and often suggests that the fact being stated is new information or contrasts with something previously mentioned.
The base verb is ‘おちる’ (落ちる), which means ‘to fall’.
I accidentally saw
I ate it.
I shouldn’t have but I’ve eaten it
(implies regret)
と いう こと で
Mnemonic for remembering Ba form
会う >
In terms of romaji, remove the final “u” sound from any verb, and replace it with “eba.”
会えば (aeba)
書けば (kakeba)
To arrive
着く (つく)
着いて (ついて)
I can only speak English (negative emphasis)
私は英語 しか しゃべれません。
私は英語 しか 話せません。
If you are hot, please turn on the air conditioner
Atsukereba, eakon o tsukete kudasai.
If you turn right, there is a convenience store (all 3 conditional forms).
If I had money, I would buy something. (Hypothetical)
Okane ga attara, nanika o kaimasu
When I press this switch, something happens.
Kono suitchi o oshitara, nanika ga okorimasu
(Maybe other forms are possible)
If you had a million yen, what would you buy? (Hypothetical)
百万円 (ひゃくまんえん) が あったら、何を買いますか?
If you met a celebrity, what would you do?
If it’s cold, please wear a coat.
Samuke reba, kōto o kite kudasai.
If you look at the sky, you can see the stars.
Sora o mireba, hoshi ga miemasu.
If you eat vegetables, you will become healthy.
Yasai o tabereba, kenkō ni narimasu.
I only drink green tea.
Watashi wa ryokucha dake o nomimasu.
I drink only coffee.
If you press this button, the door opens.
このボタンを押(お) すと ドアが 開 (あ) きます。
If I don’t drink coffee, I will have a headache.
Nai form + と for conditional statements
コーヒーを 飲 まない と あたまが痛(いた) くなります。
transitive verbs
intransitive verbs
他動詞 (たどうし) other move / transitive
自動詞 (じどうし) self move / intransitive
I open the door.
私はドアを開ける (わたしは ドアを あける)
開ける (あける) - to open (something)
他動詞 (たどうし) other move / transitive
を is often used with transitive verbs as there is usually a direct object
The door opens.
ドアが開く (ドア が あく)
開く (あく) - to open (by itself)
自動詞 (じどうし) self move / intransitive
が is often used with intransitive verbs.
I close the window.
私はまどを閉める (わたし は まど を しめる)
閉める (しめる) - to close (something)
他動詞 (たどうし) other move / transitive
Cure Dolly says める/meru is always other move/trans
The window closes.
まどが閉まる (まど が しまる)
閉まる (to close by itself).
自動詞 (じどうし) self move / intransitive
When one of the pairs end in ‘aru’ that will be the self-move/intransitive (because ‘aru’ means ‘be’).
I put out the trash.
私はゴミを出す (わたしは ゴミを だす)
出す (だす) - to put out (something), to take out (something)
All verbs ending in す and せる are transitive verbs. Whether they have an intransitive “pair” or not.
を is used with direct object
The man left the room.
男の人が部屋を出る (おとこのひとが へやを でる)
出る (でる, deru) - to go out, to leave
自動詞 (じどうし) self move / intransitive
Raise (v)
other move/trans
Rise (v)
Aru for self-move/intrans. verbs
Yuri is beautiful. That’s all. (her personality is not good etc)
ゆりちゃんは きれいなだけです。
だけ expresses “only, that’s all, as much as”.
* Verb + だけ
* Noun + だけ
* い adjective + だけ
* な adjective + だけ
My husband cooks everyday. I only eat.
しゅじんは 毎日 りょうりをします。私は 食べるだけ です。
だけ expresses “only, that’s all, as much as”.
* Verb + だけ
* Noun + だけ
* い adjective + だけ
* な adjective + だけ
しゅじんは あたまがいい だけです。
しゅじんは あたまがいい だけです。
I only eat Natto.
なっとうだけ 食べます。
なっとうしか 食べません。
だけ x aff = aff
しか x(neg)= aff (complaint)
I don’t eat only Natto.
(I eat any other food)
なっとうだけ 食べません。
だけ x(neg)= neg
I will go to Spain soon.
(私は) すぐ に スペイン に 行きます。
Vicinity / Neighborhood / Around
In this area there are many restaurants.
このあたりには たくさん の レストラン が あります。
(I) will do it soon.
やる is often used in casual or slightly informal contexts.
Can imply a physical action or task. やった! is the past form of やる
I have a lot to do tomorrow.
明日 やる こと が たくさんある。
やる means “to do.” The phrase “やること” (yaru koto) translates to “things to do” or “tasks to do.”
it’s healthy
Intransitive Verb / self (moving) verb
自 動詞(じどうし)
Transitive Verb / (from) other (moving) verb
他 動詞(たどうし
Not only that; furthermore
しかも (shikamo)
Must do something / Have to do something (formal)
Nai form changed to ‘な’ + ければなりません
Verb な(い) form + ければなりません expresses duty
or obligation and by extension, necessity.
I have to go to school. (formal)
I have to take my medicine. (formal)
I have to go to bed early. (formal)
I can’t go to the movie. I have to clean the house. (formal)
Clauses can be in either order.
Must do something / Have to do something (inf.)
I must eat my meal. (inf.)
I must write the report. (inf.)
レポートを 書(か)かなきゃなりません。
レポートを 書(か)かなきゃならないんです。
レポートを 書(か)かなきゃ。
Etc. / …among other things / like…
Please buy things like apples and tangerines /
Please buy and bring back apples and tangerines (or similar fruits).
Or please ‘get’
りんご とか みかん を買ってきてください。
急に Kyuu Ni
Negative form of ば conditional
E.g. 食べる > if you don’t eat
食べなければ (たべなければ)
Conjugate the verb into its negative form (ない form).
Replace ない with なければ.
If (I) don’t go, (I) can’t meet my friend.
If (you) do not watch, (you) will not understand.
I don’t know how to use a computer.
方 / かた at the end of a verb in ます form, by removing the ます. Meaning way to _____
パソコン の つかい かた が わかりません。
Teach me how to make a cake.
ケーキの作り方を知っていますか? /
方 / かた at the end of a verb in ます form, by removing the ます. Meaning way to _____
Tell me how to use it.
Tsukaikata o oshietekudasai
方 / かた at the end of a verb in ます form, by removing the ます. Meaning way to _____