Element 2 - Plan Flashcards
Key elements of a H and S Management Plan
Plan - establish objectives and processes to deliver results in accordance with H and S policy
Do - Implement the process
Check - Monitor and measure processes against policy, objectives, legal requirements; report the results
Act - take actions to improve performance
Two main plans
HSG65 3rd edition 2013
ISO45001 2018 Occupational H and S Management Syestem Requirements
Plan Determine Policy Plan for implementation Do Risk Profiling Organise Implement your plan Check Measure performance Monitor before events Investigate after events Act Review performance Act on lessons learned
Plan - Planning for Implementation
Initial review or gap analysis to determine where organisation is wrt legal compliance and risk control and where it should be
Workplace precautions - deliver safety at point of risk
RCS’s - ensure support for workplace precautions by
way of training, supervision etc
Management arrangements ensure control through
Plan - Policy
What is the organisation going to do to manage H and S, who is going to do what and how. It should:
Set a clear direction
Show organisations commitment
Be consistent with org core values and beliefs
Incorporate views of employees through consulatation
Owned and signed by most senior person
Reflect reality and be reflected in reality
Do - Profiling the Organisations H and S Risks
Needs to be understood in context of broader business risks such as environmental, quality and asset damage. Risk profile should consider: Nature and level of risk Likelihood of harm Level of disruption arising Costs associated Effectiveness of current risk controls
Do - Organising for H and S
4 C’s. Controls, Co-operation, Communication, Competence
Do - Organising for H and S
Controls - about responsibility and accountability. Clearly defined performance standards. Rewards for good performance, sanctions for bad
Do - Organising for H and S
Co-operation - worker cooperation is imperative. Active consultation. Will facilitate a positive safety culture
Do - Organising for H and S
Communication - workforce need to know the risks and control measures in place. Needs to be top to bottom, bottom to top and lateral.
Do - Organising for H and S
Competence - Competence is essential. Right people for the right jobs. Training, identifying development needs. Inductions.
Do - Implementing the Plan
Determine the required preventive and protective measures and putting them in place.
Providing the correct equipment and maintaining it
Providing info, instruction, training and supervision, ensuring procedures followed.
Check - Measuring Performance
Active or Reactive
Active - inspections, audits etc
Reactive - analysis of data regarding failures e.g. numbers of accidents, cases of occupational illness
Act - Review Performance
Review is to:
Check validity of H and S policy
Ensure that systems in place manage H and S effectively.
Act - Acting on Lessons Learned
Important that review of info from monitoring and auditing is self-critical and considers human and organisational factors as well as technical failings.
ISO 45001
Context of Organisation - understanding needs and expectations of workers and other interested parties. Determining scope of management system.
ISO 45001
Leadership and worker participation - Top management is required to demonstrate leadership and commitment by: take responsibility, processes in place, resources etc
ISO 45001
Leadership and worker participation - Top management is required to demonstrate leadership and commitment by: take responsibility, processes in place, resources etc
ISO 45001
Participation and consultation - establish and implement processes for participation and consultation at all levels
ISO 45001 Planning
Planning is broken down into 3 sections:
Actions to address risks and opportunities
Hazard ID and assessment of OHS risks
OHS objectives and planning to achieve them
ISO 45001 Support and Operation (Do)
5 main areas: Resources Competence Awareness Information and Communication Documented Information
ISO 45001 Performance Evaluation (Check)
Monitoring, measurement and evaluation of OHS performance. Internal audits. Management reviews of OHSMS
ISO 45001 Improvement (Act)
Take action on any non conformity. Continually improve the OHSMS to: prevent occurrence of incidents, promote health and safety culture, enhance OHS performance.
Why have a H and S Policy?
Legal requirement according to HASAWA. Written document if greater than 5 employees.
Policy must be communicated
Not stated how but suggests:
Give a copy to all
Copy to new starters on induction
Copy on staff noticeboards
= people and their responsibilities
= Systems and processes
Policy Revision
Must be revised if systems, procedures or responsible persons change. Changes must be communicated.
Policy and Decision Making
Policy should be consistent with organisation’s overall policies.
Policy and Decision Making
Should influence Human Resources wrt recruitment, selection, training, development, health promotion initiatives, communication
Policy and Decision Making
Corporate Strategy and Social Responsibility. Policy must be compatible with philosophy, ethics etc
3 Key Features of an Effective H and S Policy
Statement of Intent - The What
Organisation (people and responsibilities) - The Who
Arrangements (systems and procedures) - The How
Statement of Intent
Better ones explain policy relative to other organisational objectives. Should be: apt to nature and scale of H and S risks Documented, implemented, maintained Signed by boss and dated Communicated to all staff Available to interested parties Reviewed
Specifies the H and S responsibilities and accountabilities.
Top down approach essential, with senior board memeber having direct responsibility for coordinating efforts.
Organisation - All Employees
Responsible for:
Themselves and others
Proper use of equipment, do not interfere with anything provided to safeguard.
Report all H and S concerns
Organisation - Supervisors and Managers
As employees, also: Ensure RAs current Employees following SSOWs Workplace is clean and tidy PPE available Accidents/Incidents reported and investigated
Organisation - Directors/Senior Managers
As managers, also:
Downward communicationsystem and management structures
Consider H and S in all business decisions
Targets for H and S performance
Review H and S performance
Provide adequate resources, including H and S advice. Includes H and S advisor, first aiders, fire marshalls etc
How the organisation will implement the policy. Made up of systems, procedures and processes. Should be proportionate to size of organisation and hazard profile.
Typical Arrangements section should include procedures for effective planning, organising, control, monitoring and review of:
- H and S Risk Management
ID of hazards
Specifying preventive and protective measures
Action planning. Priorities. Responsibilities
Typical Arrangements section should include procedures for effective planning, organising, control, monitoring and review of:
- Consultation with Employees
Trade Unions, safety committees
Reps of Employee safety
Other arrangements
Typical Arrangements section should include procedures for effective planning, organising, control, monitoring and review of:
- Safe Plant and equipment
New equipment
Preventive maintenance
Defect reporting
Typical Arrangements section should include procedures for effective planning, organising, control, monitoring and review of:
4. Safe Handling and Use of Substances Purchasing of hazardous substances COSHH assessments Informing employees Reviewing assessments
Typical Arrangements section should include procedures for effective planning, organising, control, monitoring and review of:
- Information, Instruction, Supervision
Provision of H and S info
Supervision and training of new recruits and young
Typical Arrangements section should include procedures for effective planning, organising, control, monitoring and review of:
- Competency for tasks and training
Job specific training
Training records
Typical Arrangements section should include procedures for effective planning, organising, control, monitoring and review of:
7. Accidents, First Aid and Work Related Ill Health Health surveillance and records First aid equipment First aider(s) Record keeping under RIDDOR
Typical Arrangements section should include procedures for effective planning, organising, control, monitoring and review of:
- Monitoring
Proactive monitoring of work conditions and practices
Investigation of accidents and sickness
Typical Arrangements section should include procedures for effective planning, organising, control, monitoring and review of:
- Emergency Procedures
Fire risk assessments
Checks of escape routes, extinguishers, alarms
Evacuation drills
Arrangements - Review of H and S Policy
Should be reviewed:
If no longer valid e.g. after an accident!
After a significant change (e.g. organisation, process,
technology, legislation etc)
Following monitoring and reviewing performance (e.g.
audits, visits from enforcement bodies, consultation etc)
Arrangements - H and S Objectives
Short and long term ones prioritised against business needs
Consideration should be given to:
Who sets them - should be Senior Management
How they are documented
Legal requirements
Types of hazards and level of risk
Technological optionsavailable
Financial, operational and buiness requirements
Views of interested parties