Element 1 Contractors (CDM) Flashcards
Clients and contractors
Shared responsibilities for H and S.
Contractors possibly at greater risk due to:
Unfamiliarity with clients site, rules and procedures, lack of training, poor supervision, high risk activities.
Contract Types
Construction work falls under Construction (Design and Management) Regs 2015
Labour only - where an agency provides staff to work under employers direct control they should be treated as an employee.
Fixed Price Contract -
Separate Site - if completely separated contractor is responsible for H and S. Client may still have responsibilities e.g. noise, access and egress
CDM Requires
Realistic project programme
Early appointment of duty holders
Sufficient info, training, supervision to enable duty holders to secure H and S
Early identification and reduction of risks
Cooperation between duty holders and coordination of work
Consulting with and engaging with workers
H and S proportionate to risk and complexity of project
All projects must have
Workers with right skills, training etc
Contractors providing apt supervision, instruction, info
Written construction phase plan
Projects with more than 1 contractor must have
Principal designer and contractor must be appointed
Health and safety file
Projects lasting longer than 30 days AND more than 20 workers OR exceed 500 person days
Client must notify project to the HSE
CDM allocates specific duties to 7 parties
Clients Domestic Clients Designers Principal Designers Principal Contractors Contractors Workers
Make arrangements for managing project
Welfare facilities
Domestic Clients
duties normally transferred to contractor, principal contractor or principal designer
prepare or modify designs ensuring risks eliminated
Principal Designers
Plan, manage and coordinate H and S in pre-construction phase.
Provide info to principal contractor to help them plan, manage etc
Principal Contractors
Plan, manage and coordinate H and S in construction phase.
Construction phase plan
Plan, manage and monitor work under their control
Coordinate with other contractors
Take care of own H and S
Cooperate with employer, contractor etc
Report anything untoward
Be consulted
Construction Phase Plan outlines
H and S arrangements
Site rules
Specific measures concerning work involving particular risks as listed in Schedule 3 of CDM
Schedule 3 particular risks
workers at risk of Burial under earth, falling from height Chemical or biological substances Ionising radiation high voltage lines Drowning Wells, underground, tunnels divers with air supply working with comp air atmosphere explosives assembly or dismantling of heavy prefab components
Health and Safety File
File appropriate to characteristics of the project, containing relevant H and S info to be taken into account during any subsequent project. Only required for projects with more than one contractor.
Health and Safety file features
a. Description of the work carried out
b. Any hazards not eliminated through the design and construction process e.g. asbestos
c. Key structural principles e.g. sources of stored energy, safe working loads for floors
d. Hazardous materials used e.g. lead paints
e. Info regarding removal or dismantling of plant and equipment
f. H and S info about equipment provided for cleaning and maintenance
g. The nature, location and markings of significant services
h. Info about building, plant and equipment e.g. safe access to and from service voids and fire doors.
5 step approach how to manage contractors and ensure safe working
- Planning
- Choose contractor
- Contractors working on site
- Keeping a Check
- Review
- Planning
Define the job
Risk Assess, the client and contractor
Specify conditions - contractors made aware of expected standards of performance
- Choosing a Contractor
Availability, cost, competence, reliability, H and S.
References, membership of professional body etc
- Contractors working on Site
Manage movement of contractors. Sign in controls, PTWs
All technical and managment controls in place before allowing work to start.
Induction, Instruction, Training
Cooperation and coordination
- Monitoring the Contract
Monitor H and S performance
- Reviewing the work
Client and contractor should review to look for future improvements