Electronic Flight Folder Flashcards
What back up briefing elements must be available if primary elements are not available?
CFP (PDF) & AIS/ Company NOTAM (PDF)
Which two Flight Folder functions are required to be functional?
• Activation of the Flight Plan
• Acceptance of Fuel
What does ‘DESK A.O.S.’ as the dispatcher in the flight folder?
When a specific planning restriction is encountered to which the AOS (Airline Operations Support) can find no solution, the process is automatically stopped and passed to a dispatcher as an ‘exception’ for manual verification and completion
In the Dashboard - Fuel & Weight, what do FMS route MCT, MFT, MTT, MDT, /R, /E stand for?
MCT = minimum cost flight plan
MFT = minimum trip fuel plan
MTT = minimum trip time plan
MDT = minimum ground distance plan
/R = flight planning with restriction (e.g. NOTAM restriction)
/E = EDTO flight plan route
Load FMC Wind function, how many data points will this be restricted to?
In the Dashboard - Airport, what does DX, DC, and 1X stand for?
DX: Simultaneous Engine failure and
decompression (depressurisation) scenario
DC: Decompression (depressurisation)
1X: One engine inoperative scenario
What does a yellow not suitable mean on the airports expanded page?
If the unsuitability was due to the forecast weather, the
relevant value(s) that were below planning minima are displayed in amber. Two destination alternate aerodromes will be filed.
On the Airport Dashboard page, how is EFOB calculated pre-flight, after insertion of FOB on LOG page, and after fuel check at waypoint on LOG page
Pre-flight: Displays the estimated arrival fuel assuming all OFP taxi, trip will be consumed. No CON used. EFOB on arrival = Total Fuel - Taxi - Trip
After insertion of FOB on LOG page:
EFOB = Departure FOB - Taxi - Trip
After fuel check waypoint on LOG page:
EFOB = FOB (at waypoint) - required fuel (at waypoint) + alternate fuel + reserve fuel
On the Critical Point (CP) Dashboard, what margins are there pre-flight and inflight?
• Pre-flight: The difference between the planned fuel on board at the critical point and the planned Diversion Fuel required from the critical point to the corresponding ERA. At the planning stage, it is assumed that Contingency Fuel will be consumed at a linear rate to the critical point(s).
• Inflight: The difference between the estimated fuel on board at the critical point and the planned Diversion Fuel required from the critical point to the corresponding ERA, taking into consideration OFP Fuel Log updates. The fuel on board at the last waypoint where crew made an entry in the Fuel Log is used to calculate (predict) the fuel remaining at the critical point(s). The Margin is the difference between calculated fuel remaining at the critical point(s) and the Diversion Fuel required from the critical point(s).
How many miles either side of track does the EDG solution provide terrain clearance to the ERA?
20nm either side
How much clearance is provided for a EDG calculated safe altitude of 14000 with 0-50kts of wind selected?
Which shall be used, the OPT EO ACC HT or the port page EO ACC HT?
The highest value
How can we work out the minimum CON fuel allowed for a flight?
Input 0 into CON fuel and it will give you the minimum figure
Where can you find emergency (e.g Comms failure) procedures in FD Pro X?
Pubs > Region > General Airway Manual > Emergency Data ICAO (one of the last options in the menu)
OR search ‘communications failure’
Does the system check NOTAMS for EDG airports?
Do they have to be suitable?
No unless there is only one available.
Does not have to be suitable, only adequate.
What does an airport have to be if it is;
1. Adequate?
2. Suitable?
1 An airport is adequate if:
* Runway length is sufficient to meet aircraft performance requirements (required takeoff
and landing distance)
* Airport Rescue and Fire Fighting (ARFF) category is compatible with the aircraft
* Pavement strength is compatible with aircraft weight
- Airport is adequate for CPA operations
* Meteorological conditions meet the planning minima for the expected landing time and
meets the approach, runway and aircraft capabilities, and crew qualification (associated
with meteorological conditions).
- Airport is adequate for CPA operations
Does the LOG page MORA include an allowance for wind?
Are cold WX temp corrections required for EDG alts?
Is the EFF MORA MRA the same by definition?