Command Focused Revision Flashcards
What are JFO/ FO limitations? (6 Items)
- takeoff or landing crosswind exceeds 15 KTS
- landing following a major mechanical failure or in-flight shutdown
- landing on a Field Length-limited Runway
- landing when actual terminal weather is less than 300 FT cloud base or less than 1,500 M visibility
- landing at an Alternate airport that is not familiar to both pilots; and
- night visual approaches at any Category B airport.
Note; STC x/w limit up to 25kts
BTC x/w limit up to limit
These limitations do not apply to command course trainees
If there is a MEL which states to be repaired unless ‘reasonably practical’, what does this mean? Is time an excuse for not reasonable practical?
Time is not an excuse for reasonably practical. The statement is intended to cover situations where there is a lack of replacement parts, inadequate engineering resources or manpower to enable the defect to be rectified
When is the MEL applicable up to?
Until the aircraft moves under its own power for the purposes of commencing a flight
What action shall the PIC take if there is a defect between the start of taxi and before take off?
The decision shall be subject to the PIC’s judgement & good airmanship. The decision process shall take into account the applicable FCOM and/or QRH procedure, and any applicable MEL items and their limitations. Communication with IOC is also recommended in order to establish the impact on subsequent flights.
After a defect (not minor) is added to the Etechlog, does the PIC need to notify the company?
They shall contact IOC to advise them of the defect.
If the PIC are onboard the aircraft, should the Ground Engineer seek their
approval before the application of the MEL?
If there are limitations from a defect which is entered before dispatch, shall IOC be notified?
What is important when reviewing deferred defects?
MEL items already logged as current Deferred Defects on the aircraft MUST be reviewed in order to ensure no MEL conflicts exist.
In the event of a defect recurring within the first 2 flights after clearing an MEL item covering for the same defect, how should this be handled?
It should be repaired or deferred, if deferred under the same MEL reference, the defect shall be back dated to the start date of the original MEL application.
If you have a reoccurring defect, after entry into etech log this expires before the aircraft can return to Hong Kong, what should be done?
A new MEL item should be raised allowing return to HKG only.
Do items which have failed require placarding?
What is the MEL Rectification Interval Extension Scheme?
Provides for an extension to
the calendar day rectification interval for an additional period of time up to a
maximum duration as that specified in the MEL
Who can use the MEL Rectification Interval Extension Scheme?
Authorization of such extensions can only be performed by CX Engineering Planning Cat ‘E’ approval holders.
Can the MEL Rectification Interval Extension Scheme be used for cat A items?
If the MEL Rectification Interval Extension Scheme is applied, can the aircraft land after the extension has expired?
Yes as long as it was dispatched during the time the extension was valid
When is the start of the rectification interval is based on?
The start is the end of the calendar day the defect was detected UTC time, unless it is based on hours or flights, then it shall start before the next flight.
What preflight documentation items (rear wall) does the PIC need to check before the start of a flight? 6 items
• Certificate of Airworthiness.
• Certificate of Registration.
• Certificate of Maintenance Review.
• Certificate of Insurance.
• Aircraft Radio Station Licence.
• Noise Certificate
If the radio operating license shows an expired date, is this ok?
Yes, Engineering QA track actual license validity and crews responsibility is only to check that the certificate is onboard the aircraft.
What is article 11 Dispatch?
It permits an aircraft to be dispatched for flight following an unscheduled repair or replacement when there is no appropriately LAME to issue the CRS (certificate of release to service)
E.g Diversion to offline port
Where can you find information on how to close/ open a flight with defects and no ground engineer using article 11 dispatch?
E-tech log information guide in comply 365, information center - EFB user guides
If you need to use article 11 dispatch is there any prior approval you must seek before doing so?
Yes, and shall only be applied after consultation with CX engineering and the duty operations manager
If there is an inoperative item which is not listed in the MEL is it required for flight? Can you depart?
Yes it is required and without it you cannot depart
At online stations where defects, rectifications or certification work requires further clarification or engineering assistance, who should the PIC liaise with?
CX MC for advice
Defects which affect E (EDTO) require a separate PADD. Does this happen automatically when the defect is logged?
Yes, example
(Note: before this was not the case)
All CDL items have a repair interval of what?
10 days
If you have a defect that self clears and you are going into China, what should you do?
Don’t write it up until you are on the outbound sector to HKG
Does an RTO require a call to ENG to check is maintenance is required before the next takeoff?
What are the four pillars of leadership?
Integrity, authenticity, a higher cause, taking ownership
When shall the welcome PA be made?
10-15 minutes before departure (delay if you can see lots of pax on the airbridge)
How should the arrival PA and 20, 10 above signals be used if you are coming in low (China) or have significant holding?
30 minutes use FMC arrival time, 20 minutes for 20 above and 10 minutes for 10 above
Shall a PA to the cabin crew be made on a turn around flight?
Yes, they need to know the details too!
If the OPT was out of limits and you didn’t have time to do another one, what could you do?
Use OPT but click the full tab and use full thrust settings. Always try and recalculate new data
You should always get a new OPT to reflect the current conditions or better
Can you use the stairs if the cabin crew want to go through the terminal?
Yes and it is recommended because you will lose 10-15 minutes by going through the terminal
What tool should you use on your command course if there is no clear solution to a problem?
What mindset should you set when flying with a First officer and how far to let them go?
Can I live with this? How can I make this work?
What are the three points of intervention?
- Prompt or hint: “How’s your profile looking”, “We are high on profile, or when are you going to configure”
- Direct: “Descend now, Slow down now” with a firm tone
- Take control: ‘I have control”
If the aircraft has been sitting on the ground for a long time with the APU running, what should the engineers do?
Make an entry into the logbook, this will resolve any discrepancy when entering the fuel
Are there any restrictions while you are on probation?
You must add 50’ to minima and 200m to RVR (autoland does not apply)
For CAT 3A do you need roll out visibility?
In some states it is only advisory, (check the port page)
If you put the wrong entry for the flight details in the etech log, can you change this?
Yes after at the commanders acceptance
If you select no to deicing, after starting the flight and you need deicing, how can you enter this into the etechlog?
In the reporting tab there is a deicing tab
What elements should be provided in the briefing to the cabin crew on the bus?
- Flight time
- Flight Crew and their duties RQ
- Refuelling with pax onboard
- Weather for the flight
- Turbulence (time after t/o)
- Security aspects (transit, security alerts)
- Anything abnormal
- Long or short taxi
- Passenger related issues (deportee)
- How often to be called
- Cockpit door procedure
Can you get a dispensation for an EDTO required item?
No, however if a dispensation is given the aircraft will be downgraded to non-EDTO
Can you use a dispensation to grant for CDL items outside the MEL?
If it becomes apparent that you cannot make a curfew, what shall be done?
Contact IOC as they might be able to negotiate a dispensation or FPL you with a higher CI
Can you arrive after curfew in Australia?
Shall depart only if the estimated time of arrival will be at, or before, the start of the curfew. However, if the aircraft is subsequently delayed enroute by unforecast headwinds, thunderstorms, operational conditions, traffic etc, it may continue and land.
How can you reduce your fuel?
- Reduce the taxi if it’s shorter
- Reduce trip fuel compare the FMC distance with the FPL, multiply by the AVG trip (kg/gnm)
- Reduce the CON fuel by 10 minutes but not less than 5
- Change alternate with less fuel
Use CLB thrust which will reduce burn by about 300kg
What 3 reasons can you use to change the cost index?
- Compliance with AFTLS
- To avoid arriving during aerodrome curfew or closure period
- Compliance with arrival, or next sector departure, slot time restrictions
How much can you extend using commanders discretion?
3hrs standard FDP
2hrs LRO, ULRO, Split duty
If you reduce your rest using commanders discretion, are there any restrictions on using commanders discretion to extend the next duty?
Restricted to 2hrs extension
If you used commanders discretion to reduce rest, what is the minimum available time for rest in the hotel?
Can you use commanders discretion to reduce multiple rest periods?
Are you required to look at damage charts? Where are they located?
Damage charts are an engineering function and are not provided to flight crew. Any outstanding damage which is significant to flight crew will be listed in the etech log NTC. Engineering will check damage.
Can you land with poor braking action?
No unless there is an emergency
Should PA be used to pressure customers to comply with crew?
Not normally unless it is an emergency situation. The Job of a PA is to reassure and represent the brand.
What checklist shall be done by the engineer if there is water ingress at any of the doors?
Water intrusion checklist
What’s the minimum transit time for a delayed service?
25 min
Should you advise ATC you are conducting an autoland?
If you receive an operations dispensation, does this have to be annotated in the aircraft maintenance log?
How long is a new PIC under observation for after a successful
Final Command Check following Command Course training?
What shall be done once you are no longer under probation?
19 Sectors
Advise crew operations
What is a minima increased by while a new PIC is on probation?
Shall be increased by 50 FT (altitude) and 200 M (RVR/VIS) for takeoff, approach and landing. The minima increments do not apply to LVO Landing Minima, Alternate Planning Minima or EDTO Planning Minima. For the avoidance of doubt, the 200 M (RVR/VIS) increment does apply to LVO Takeoff Minima.
If there is turbulence after take off what shall the PIC emphasise in the briefing to the cabin crew?
To remain seated until the seatbelt sign has been cycled
What is the visual reference required for a Cat 1, Cat 2, Cat 3A, Cat 3B approach?
CAT 1 - 1 Row of crossbar lights (5 consecutive approach lights)
CAT 2 - Approach environment & threshold
CAT 3A - 3 Centerline lights
CAT 3B - Not required
If you are committed to your destination, and low on fuel, what can you do to save fuel / time in the event of a go around?
Declare MAYDAY fuel and require a 1500’ visual circuit