CX Recent Ops Changes Flashcards
Validity times for assessing weather shall be at +/- time for each airport?
Are airports considered in a EDG solution considered as adequate?
Before RETI, which page must be displayed on the lower MFD?
ENG Page
Do we need to print the ACARS load sheet?
Can contingency fuel be reduced? If so by how much?
CON fuel can only be reduced to equivalent of 10 mins OFP CON fuel, minimum CON fuel remaining is equivalent to 5 mins OFP CON fuel
What has mandatory fuel be renamed as? What is the new definition?
Additional Fuel is a supplementary amount of fuel that may be required if the minimum fuel calculated as the sum of trip fuel, available contingency fuel, alternate fuel, and final reserve fuel is not sufficient to:
1. Descend as necessary and proceed to an alternate aerodrome in the event of the failure of one engine or loss of pressurisation, whichever requires the greater amount of fuel assuming that such a failure occurs at the most critical point along the route,
a. Hold for 15 minutes at 1,500 FT AAL, and
b. Make an approach and landing
What is the minimum distance between destination and alternate built into alternate fuel?
What should be considered when adding discretionary fuel if there is additional fuel?
Additional Fuel will become extra fuel after passing the last en-route critical point. The PIC shall consider the availability of this extra fuel before loading discretionary fuel for destination contingencies
What parts of the OFP Fuel Required does the PIC have authority to adjust?
Taxi Fuel: OFP value may be increased or reduced;
Trip Fuel: OFP value may be increased or reduced;
Contingency Fuel: OFP value may be reduced;
PBC contingency fuel on the OFP includes a margin above the data-driven baseline
level. The PIC may reduce this margin at their discretion provided:
o The reduction is limited to an amount equivalent to 10 minutes of OFP
contingency fuel, and
o The minimum contingency fuel remaining is equivalent to 5 minutes
contingency fuel.
Alternate Fuel: OFP value may be increased or reduced by selection of a different
destination alternate aerodrome
What is Minimum Reserve Fuel?
Minimum Reserve Fuel is the minimum fuel with which the aircraft shall land at an ERA,
following a depressurisation and / or engine failure.
Minimum Reserve Fuel is equal to 15 minutes holding at 1,500 FT AAL, based on the aircraft’s
planned landing weight at the nominated ERA.
What is Final Reserve Fuel?
Final Reserve Fuel is the minimum fuel with which the aircraft shall land except in the event of
diversion to an ERA after depressurisation and / or engine failure.
Final Reserve Fuel is equal to 30 minutes holding at 1,500 FT AAL, based on the aircraft’s
planned landing weight at the alternate aerodrome.
What is Contingency Fuel?
Contingency Fuel is to allow for:
Extended taxi times
Restrictions on altitude
Minor route modifications due to ATC or weather
Errors in forecast winds or temperatures
Statistical departure, en-route or arrival delays.
Contingency Fuel is planned using a Performance Based Compliance (PBC) system. The PBC system provides, as a minimum, an equivalent level of safety to the prescriptive regulations.
If representative PBC Contingency Fuel data is not available, Contingency Fuel shall be planned as 5% of the Trip fuel from departure to destination.
DDG has now be renamed what?
If cleared to climb via SID, and there are additional altitude restrictions prior to the level cleared to, do you need to set these in the MCP before ensuring compliance?
No if using VNAV
Does HF data need to be selected for every ER flight?
No, only to be selected if flying a Polar route or SATCOM is inoperative
Digital refuelling contingency procedures if no automatic standby fuel figure displayed 55 minutes before departure?
Revert to the traditional manual refuelling process using the Refuel Record form for standby and final fuel orders.
Digital refuelling contingency procedures if Final Fuel figure message won’t send or return a ‘received’ time stamp in the ‘Accept Fuel’ pop-up
window (e.g., ‘60.5T Received at 0615Z’) -
Revert to the Refuel Record form for the Final Fuel request to the Refueller, and send final fuel figures to CLC via ACARS.
Digital refuelling contingency procedures if refuelling status does not display on the Dashboard Refuelling panel within ten minutes of sending the
final fuel figures?
Revert to the Refuel Record form for the Final Fuel request to the Refueller, and send
final fuel figures to CLC via ACARS..
Digital refuelling contingency procedures If the Fuel Company doesn’t get a fuel summary confirmation from the PIC within five minutes after sending the final figures?
The Fuel company will begin the manual refuel fallback procedure -> crew to expect a paper fuel receipt to be presented
What is the minimum separation in HKG between two heavy aircraft (group B) e.g A350/777?
3 nm
Do you need to have a RAIM forecast for conducting an RNP approach?
Are there any exemptions for this?
- When conducting an RNP approach when there is no other navigation aid?
- When conducting an RNP AR approach with a RNP 0.3nm or less
You do not need a RAIM forecast if you are doing an RNP approach with another nav aid available for approach other than GNSS.
Where is the Fire Engine On Ground checklist located in the ECL
If there is the FIRE ENG L/R checklist, use this as the first option is to either select ground or in the air. Memory items do not apply to an engine fire on the ground.
Or select FIRE ENG L/R [] and select prompt on ground
If you have fluctuations due to AIDIRU erroneous output e.g VERIFY POSITION, or ANP is unacceptable what can you do?
Is there an restrictions on the type of approach you can do?
SP FMS Position Update.
Do not perform RNP AR approach.
Where can you find ACARS RTOW/ LDG codes?