Electrocardiogram Technician: Module 6 and 7 Flashcards
What is ventricular rhythm?
rhythm originating in the ventricles
has automaticity and excitability but a heart rate of 20 - 40 bpm
For ventricular rhythm, where does the electrical impulse start at?
Purkinje fibers
For ventricular rhythm, the duration and configuration of PR will be how many seconds?
0.12 or greater
What are premature ventricular contractions?
Extra heartbeats in the lower chamber of the heart
What are the types of rhythms of the ventricles?
premature ventricular contractions (PVCs)
Idioventricular rhythm
Accelerated idioventricular rhythm
ventricular tachycardia (V tach)
Agonal rhythm
ventricular fibrillation (vfib)
Premature ventricular contractions can be caused by
early ectopic beats that originate in the ventricles. They have a regular PR and RR intervals with early QRS complex with compensatory pulse.
For Premature ventricular contractions, p waves may not
be identified on early complex but shape will remain consistent to original rhythm. PR interval will follow original rhythm.
For Premature ventricular contractions, duration of QRS complex will be
greater than 0.12 seconds and have a bizarre shape with T wave going opposite direction from the complex.
What is unifocal?
when early heart beat has a similar shape in every occurrence. This suggest only one area of irritation is present.
What is multifocal?
When early heart beat has different shapes and forms in every occurrence suggesting more than one area of irritation present.
What is interpolated?
When early heartbeat in ventricles occur during normal RR interval without interrupting the cycle.
What is occasional?
more than 1 to 4 premature ventricular contraction per minute
What are the types of Premature Complexes (Atrial and ventricular)
Bigeminy: every other beat is a pvc or pac
Trigeminy: every third beat is a pvc or pac
Coupling: Two PVCs or PACs occur back to back
The significance of Premature Complexes (Atrial and ventricular) depend on
frequency and it can occur in healthy normal hearts.
If there is low cardiac output, patient may feel
dizzy due to pvcs
notify a clinican about any complications due to PVCs
What is Idioventricular rhythm?
slow regular ventricular rhythm, typically with a rate of less than 50, absence of P waves, and a prolonged QRS interval.
For the Idioventricular rhythm, the RR interval is
regular and PR interval cannot be determined because of absence.
the ventricular rate will be 20-40 bpm as purkjne fiver acts as pacemaker.
For the Idioventricular rhythm, the duration and configuration of the QRS complex will be
0.12 seconds or more
due to slow rate of heart, there will be loss of cardiac output and patient will be unconscious. Notify clinician immediately.
What is accelerated idioventricular rhythm?
rhythm created by purkinje fibers with heart rate faster than idioventricular rhythm
P waves are absent and QRS complex are bizarre with absent p waves.
For accelerated idioventricular rhythm, the RR interval is
regular and PR interval cannot be determined due to absent P waves.
What is the typical heart rate for accelerated idioventricular rhythm
40 or 50 - 120 bpm
For accelerated idioventricular rhythm, the duration for the QRS complex will be
0.12 or greater
There will be a decrease in cardiac output and patient may be unconscious. Notify likened clinician.
When three or more PVCs occur in a row and ventricles are in state of continuous contractions and relaxations
ventricular tachycardia
For ventricular tachycardia, the PR intervals are usually
unidentifiable with the RR intervals usually being regular
With ventricular tachycardia, the atrial rate
cannot be determined but the ventricular rate will be between 100 - 200 beats per minute with T waves in opposite direction of the QRS complex
With ventricular tachycardia, most patients are
unconscious immediately and if seen on waveform contact clinician immediately.
if patient is unconscious, follow your facilities guidelines and procedures for cpr and code blue.
What is agonal rhythm?
rhythm that occurs when SA node, AV node, and Purkinje fibers have failed and ventricular rate is less than 20 beats per minute.
For agonal rhythm, the RR interval may be
regular or irregular with absent p wave
The PR interval will be indeterminable due to absent p wave and QRS complex will have a duration 0.12 seconds or greater with a wide appearance.
For agonal rhythm, there will be a loss of cardiac output
and patient will be unconscious. Notify clinician immediately, follow cpr, and call code blue team.