electricity and magnetism Flashcards
permenant magnet
magnetic material
how to induce magnetism
a nail is made into a permenant magnet by its closeness to a permenant magnet
demagnetisation of magnet simple
heat it or hit it with a hammer
what is a magnetic field
a region where a magnetic pole experiences a force
what is the only test for a magnet
how to make a permenant magnet ( complex)
place steel rod inside coil, use high dc current, leave steel inside, turn of current
how to change the strength of an electromagnet
increase current
use iron core
more turn in wire
examples of electromagnets
electric bells
charging negative rod by friction
both cloth and rod contain equal number of protons and electrons
rub plastic polythene ( white) rod with cloth, electrons move from cloth to rod
rod becomes negative
charging a positive rod by friction
both contain equal number of protons and electrons
rub acetate clear plastic rod move from rod to cloth
non-metals can be charged by friction
electric field
region where electric charge experiences a force
the greater the number of lines per unit area, the greater the strength of the electric field
electric fields directions diagram
+ = arrows away
- = arrows towards
+ - = charge goes from positive to negative
2 plates= from positive to negative
current formula
charge/ time
examples of conducters
- metals, because they have free electrons
- carbons is a conducter
- no free elecrons
- water
relationship between current and temperature
when temperature increase the flow of current decreases and resistance increases
what is p.d
pushes electrons, gives them energy to move around a circuit
work by unit charge passing through a component
p.d formula
p.d= work/charge
cells in series
the total pd adds up
what is resistance
the opposition to the flow of current
resistance formula
resistance- p.d/current
conventional current
opposite to flow of electrons
what is emf
the work don per unit charge by the cell converting chemical energy into electrical energy
emf formula
E= W/Q
what do electrical circuits do
transfer energy from a sourse of electrical energy like cells, to the circuit component and then to the surroundings as heat energy
the rate of doing work ( changing energy)
power formula
energy change/ time
p.d x current
ohms law
current is porportional to potential diference
series circuit current, resitance and p.d
p.d adds, V= V1 + V2
current is the same everywhere
R= R1 + R2
parrallel circuits p.d, resitance, and current
current adds up, I1 + I2
p.d is the same everywhere
R=R1 x R2/R1 + R2
advantages of parallel circuits
all components can be awitches on and off independently
if a lamp breaks it does not affect the others
components recieve the pd it was desighned for
the total resistance of a parallel circuit is…
less that any resistor in that circuit
potential divider
can be 2 resistors in resirors in series or variable resistor with 3 connections. used for dimmer
potential divider formula
Vout=R1/R1 +R2 x Vin