Electrical System Of The Heart Flashcards
Myogenic muscle
A type of muscle tissue found in the heart that contract automatically without needing nervous stimulation the contraction is initiated by pacemakers
Artial systole
One of three phases of a heartbeat
When the atria contract to push blood into the ventricles through the AV valves (ventricles are relaxed but filled with blood)
Ventricular systole
One of three phases of a heartbeat
The ventricles contract to push the blood into the the arteries (pulmonary and aorta) this closes the av valves ( to prevent back flows) and causes the first “LUBB” sound
One of three phases of a heartbeat
When the heart chamber are relaxed between contractions. The semilunar valves close to prevent back flow into the ventricles. This cause the second heart sound “DUBB”
Electrical impulse
The heartbeat is controlled by electrical impulses which are just signals send to simulate the muscle fibers of the heart
Sinoatrial node
The heart rate is set by the sinoatrial ( SA ) node or aka pacemaker Which are a bundle of specialized muscle and nerve fibres located where the veins enter the right atrium. The sa node sends out electrical signals to the rest of the heart to stimulate the muscle fibers of the heart to contract and relax rhymically
Anatomical pacemaker
Another name for the sonoatrial node aka pacemaker
Bundle of his
Muscle cells specialized for electrical conduction located in the septum and receives electrical impulses from the aritroventricular node which is triggered by the Sinoatrial node and the bundle of his conducts that impulse to the ventricles
Purkinje fibers
The muscles fibers the branches out from the bundle of his and conduct the impulses to the ventricles to allow them the contract together
The pace of the heart that can be measured measures the voltage in the heart and creates a map call electrocradiogram
P wave
One of the three waves on a electro cardiogram
This shows the wave of the SA node being excited and the electrical activity just before the artia contract
QRS wave
One of three waves seen of a electrocardiogram
Shows the electrical activity just before the ventricles contract
T wave
One of the three waves seen on a electrocardiogram
Shows the ventricles resetting just before another cycle begins
Beats per minute the number of times the ventricles contract per minute
Benefits of cardiovascular exercise
Increases the size of the ventricular chambers and increases the stroke volume so the heart cans work less and therefore beat slower which means the heart is working efficiently
Stroke volume
The amount of blood contained in the left ventricle of the heart this depends of the how stretchy the ventricle is and how large of a can become to pump more blood when needed
Cardiac output
The amount of blood pumped by the heart in one minute. The cardiac output is determined by BPM x SV = CO
Blood pressure
As blood passes through the vessels in exerts pressure against the vessel walls this pressure changes depending on what phase the heart is in. The farther from heart the lower the pressure the arteries have higher pressure and the veins have lower
Systolic pressure
The peak pressure in the arteries occurs at the start of the cardiac cycle when the ventricles are contracting
Diastolic pressure
The resting pressure of the heart occurs while the heart is relaxed while the Atria are refilling
Blood pressure is measures using a sphygmomanometer
Variance of blood pressure between people and within a person
Blood pressure varies with lifestyle choices, health factors and demographics
Within and individual pressure also varies with exercise sleeping volume of blood and salt intake etc