Blood Flashcards
Blood contents
55% plasma
44% red blood cells
1% or less is white blood cells and platelets
Blood’s primary function
Its primary function is to transport energy materials through out the body
Gases (carbon dioxide and oxygen)
Hormones (chemical messengers)
Nutrients (sugars, amino acids, lipids,)
Regulating temperature
Blood helps to regulate temperature of ideally 37 degrees Celsius by carrying and distributing heat throughout the body
But keep in mind your body cannot be too hot or too cold this is where the regulation is by vasoconstriction and vasodilation (which I will explain in later flash cards)
A liquid that suspends cells sometimes referred to “fluid tissue”
Blood is made up of various kinds of cells that work together for a common purpose
Losing 40% or more equals death
Average human adult 4-6Litres
Plasma one of the components of blood. Plasma is a yellowish liquid which is 90% water( water helps break down/dissolve nutrients breaks down minerals and ions)
The remaining 10% is gases, ions, nutrients, vitamins, minerals, waste products and plasma proteins.
3 blood proteins dissolved in plasma
Albumin makes up 60%
Major component of osmotic pressure of plasma (different pressures of water between vessels)
Globulins make up 35%
Antibodies (immunoglobulin) and transport proteins
Fibrinogen 4%
Functions in blood clotting
Other but 1%
Other factors also prothrombin as well
Red blood cells and scientific name
RBC Aka erythrocytes are suspended within your plasma and are the most numerous cells in the blood and can account for about 70-80% of all body cells.
However in people that need more RBC are people that live in high altitudes or athletes because they require more oxygen
Red blood cell function and structure
Primary function is to carry oxygen to body tissues. Structure are biconcave disks this is to increase Surface area to carry more oxygen.
RBC are enucleated and lack organelles to give more room for oxygen and also small enough to pass through capillaries.
Plasma function
Is the liquid part of the blood that contain the cells in your blood the plasma itself also contains proteins that help with blood clotting. And helps with immune system due to the proteins and antibodies it has. And lastly holds nutrients vitamins minerals
Formation of RBC
Because they have no nucleus they cannot divide and reproduce on its own instead your bone marrow and bones have to create
All your red blood cells every single time. The RBCs start out as a nucleated stem cells in the bone marrow.
If the oxygen concentration of the blood get too low receptor cells in the kidneys release a hormone called erythropoietin (EPO which stimulates the bone marrow to produce more RBCs)
Heme is the iron containing pigment and globin is the protein structure that allows to hold oxygen and increases the capacity of the blood to carry oxygen
Oxygen and carbon hemoglobin
When hemoglobin is bound to an oxygen we get a complex call oxyhemoglobin which gives us blood a bright red Color
When hemoglobin is bound to carbon dioxide we get a carboxyhemoglobin which gives blood a dark red colour
Filtering RBC
RBC have a life span of only 3-4months and Dead RBCs are brought to the liver to be recycled.
The iron from the hemoglobin is returned to the bone marrow and for use to make new RBC and the heme group is turned into a product called bilirubin ( yellow brown compound that is eliminated from the body as bile and responsible for the Color of urine and feces) and also responsible for Color of a bruise being yellow due to dead blood cells that contain bilirubin
Caused by a deficiency in hemoglobin or healthy RBCs to deliver oxygen to the tissues
Characterized y low energy levels general weakness pale skin can be cause by hemorrhaging disease of a dietary deficiency of iron
Sickle cell anemia
A hereditary blood disease which causes an abnormal type of hemoglobin to form these RBC become crescent shaped and have difficulty carrying oxygen and passing through small vessels
Platelets and scientific name
Aka thrombocytes are a vital part of the clotting process.
Clotting prevents blood loss after injury.
Platelets are enucleated and are formed in the bone marrow
formation of a clot order
Platelets attached to injury site
Platelets become activated
Platelets release a clotting factor call thromboplastin
Thromboplastin combines with calcium and activate another protein called prothrombin
Prothrombin interacts with calcium and turns into thrombin
Thrombin is an enzyme that binds with fibrinogen and uses calcium to break it down to fibrin
Fibrin is and insoluble substance which turns into a sticky mesh that stops blood cells from escaping and stops bacteria and other things from entering
An inherited life threatening disorder resulting from insufficient clotting proteins in the blood very rare in females but affects bout 1 in 7000 males. People with hemophilia are constantly in danger of bleeding to death as even a small bruise or cut can bleed out of control
White blood cells and scientific name
Aka leukocytes are very important in fighting disease and infection
Leukocytes make up about 1% of total blood volume but this can increase if your body is fighting off an infection. All WBC have a nucleus appear colourless and are formed from stem cells in the bone marrow
One of two main WBC
And there are three different ones
Engulf bacteria and cellular debris
Parasitic infections and helps with allergic response
Hypersensitivity which is responsible for allergies they release histamine which help destroy allergists
One of two main WBC
There are two different ones
Produce antibodies reglulates the immune response
Engulf cellular debris and to process antigens
Cancer of the white blood cells can be caused by uncontrolled division of white blood cells in the bone marrow or the lymph nodes depending on the location of the tumor
As a result the cells are immature and cannot fight off infection
The increased amount of white blood cells also takes up the space needed by RBC this leads to anemia
Allergic reactions
Allergies occur when your immune system (especially basophils over reacts to a harmless foreign substance
Sometimes severe allergies can cause a life threatening reaction called anaphylaxis which causes the airways to constrict
Allergies can be treated with antihistamines like Benadryl and in severe cases an EpiPen
Part 1 formation of a blood clot
First 2 steps activated thromboplastin release a clotting factor call thromboplastin
Thromboplastin then combines with calcium ions in the blood to activate another protein called prothrombin
Part 2 formation of a blood clot
Next two steps are prothrombin turns into thrombin when interacts with calcium it physically turns into thrombin
Then the thrombin which is and enzyme acts on a substance called fibrinogen (which we know is found in the plasma and considered a plasma protein )
Part 3 formation of a blood clot
Last two steps is fibrinogen binding on thrombin and uses calcium to help it break down to create fibrin
Fibrin is an insoluble substance which turns into a sticky mesh this mesh sticks to escaping blood cells forming a clot, binding cells together and preventing foreign objects and bacteria from entering the body further
When you exercise blood vessels carry warm blood from your muscles and organs to the skin where it is cooled by the air.
And when you are too warm vessels near skin surface dilate to allow more blood through (increase heat loss)
When you are cold blood is directed to the body core leaving the body’s extremities (so your fingers nose ears) when the body is too cold vessels near skin surface constrict to allow less blood through ( decreases heat loss)
Bone marrow
Cellular components are produced in bone marrow.
Any cells in your blood white blood cells RBC platelets any physical thing that’s not a liquid are produced in the bone marrow this is because your bone marrow has stem cells
Athletes and EPO
Athletes abuse EPO with injections blood doping and altitude training to increase their RBC concentration (hematocrit) to have more oxygen delivered to muscles which boosts endurance and performance however this can cause dehydration and thicker blood which can be very dangerous and lead to death.
Platelets function
When a blood vessel is damaged and exposed to interstitial space the cells of the blood vessel release a substance which makes them sticky
Platelets that are floating in the blood begin to stick to the injured site
Once platelets sticks to the injury they become activated and change shape this helps more platelets to stick to it and this also causes it to release a substance (thromboplastin) that attracts more platelets that start to pile up on the wound