Blood Typing Flashcards
The two antigen markers of RBC
Red blood cells carry 2 different antigen markers on their cell membranes = A nd B proteins
The two antigens= what four blood types
Person with type a blood has red blood cells with an A antigen in their cell membranes
Person with type B blood has red blood cells with a B antigen in their cell membranes
person with type AB blood has both antigen markers
Person with type O blood has none of the markers
Antibodies within the blood types
People carry antibodies against the opposite blood antigen in their plasma so a person with
Type A blood has a anti B antibodies in their blood that would bind and clump together (agglutinate) type B blood
Type B blood has anti A antibodies in their blood that would bind ans clump together type A blood
Type AB has no antibodies In their plasma
Type O has both antibodies in the plasma
Universal donor vs recipient
Type O blood is a universal donor they can donate to all blood types but can only receive O blood
Type AB is a universal recipient and can receive blood form all people but can only give blood to AB
Full blood typing chart
Blood type, antibodies, antigens, can receive, can give to,
A , Anti B, A, O and A, A and AB
B, Anti A, B, O and B, B and AB
AB, none, A and B, AB O A B, AB
O, anti A and anti B, none, O, A B AB O
Rh factor
Another group of antigen markers may appear red blood cells as well
People with the antigens are termed Rh positive ( Rh+) those without the antigen are termed Rh negative (Rh-)
Rh positive people can get blood from either Rh positive or Rh negative donors if the ABO antigens match
Erythroblastosis fetalis
Practice 1
Practice 2