Blood Vessels Flashcards
One of three blood vessels
Veins have thinner less muscular walls and bigger lumen
Low pressure blood (no pulse)
Contain one way valve to prevent backflow
Carry blood toward the heart
Most carry deoxygenated blood
But not pulmonary veins
One of three blood vessels
Have thicker muscular and elastic walls
Which allows for stretching and accommodating rush of high blood pressure ( pulse )
Lumen is smaller
Carry oxygenated blood except pulmonary artery
One of three types of blood flow
Carries blood to and from the heart itself
One of three types of blood flow
Carries blood to and from the rest of the body
Blood vessels
One of three major components of the circulatory system
Are the roadways through which blood flows there are three types of of blood vessels
One of three major components of the circulatory system
organ which pushes blood through the body with its pumping action
Valves are like small gates that open and close when needed they are meant to prevent back flow ( blood travelling in the wrong direction) as of right now we know of valves in the veins
Lumen refers to the hollow centre of blood vessels the lumen size varies between the three blood vessels
One of three types of blood vessels
This is the smallest blood vessel being one cell thick
Are usually organized in a network
Where gas and fluid exchange between the blood and the cells of the body
When and arteries and their walls dialate to make the diameter larger to accommodate more blood
When a artery wall contracts to make it’s diameter smaller to restrict blood flow
Pulmonary vein
This vein is the only vein that contains oxygen rich blood because the collect blood from the lungs and bring it to the heart
Pulmonary artery
This artery is the only artery that carries deoxygenated blood because it pumps the deoxygenated blood from the heart to the lungs to get oxygenated
One of three main functions of the circulatory system
Transports nutrients, wastes, hormones, gases and many other things are transported around the body via blood
One of three main functions of the circulatory system
Helps regulate body temperatures and water balance stay homeostasis
One of three main functions of circulatory system
Transports white blood cells and platelets to site of injury and infection
Complex vs simple
In single celled organisms one need diffusion and active transport
In multicellular they use a system of tubes to connect to all cells on the body too complex for just diffusion
One of three major components of the circulatory system
Serves as a transport medium for materials
Smaller branches of arteries leading into capillaries