elbow 1 - anatomy Flashcards
the trochlea articulates with what
the ulna
- in the trochlear notch
the capitulm articulates with what
the head of the radius
which side of the trochlear is longer
the medial side this is what produces the carrying angle
is men or women’s carrying angle larger
women’s: 13-16
mens: 10- 14
what ligament surronds the radial head
the annular ligament
where does the biceps tendon attach in the lower arm
the radial tuberosity
where do the triceps attach
the olecranon
what are the name of the two lateral ligamants of the elb.
the medial collateral lig (ulna)
the lateral collateral lig
what is the function of the collateral lig of the elb.
keep the articular surface in contact and prevent side to side movement
where does the radial collateral lig run from
the lateral epicondyle
blends distally with the annular ligament
what two lig make up the ulnar collateral lig
lateral ulnar collateral lig
medial ulnar collateral lig
lateral ulnar collateral lig - where does it run
the lateral epicondyle
the ulna
the relationship between the lateral ulnar collateral lig and the radial collateral lig
orginate from a common origin
what are the properties of the Ulnar collateral lig
it is triangular shaped
3 bands - ant, post, oblique
where does the ulnar collateral ligament run from
the medial epi
cornoid process and olecranon
what motion do the ulnar collateral lig resist
valgus for
what motion do the radial collateral lig resist
varus force
what is the function of the annular lig
attaches at the anterior and the posteior margins of the of the radial notch of the ulna
keep the radial head in proximity with the ulna
what is a nursemaid elb
when this is a distristractive force of sig magnitude that causes the radial head to dislocate
pulling child up from their elb.
what kind of joint is the humeral radial joint
saddle - hinge
what movement is allowed at the humeral-radial joint
flex and ext
what is the capsular pattern of the HR joint
Flex > ext
what is the resting position of HRJ
70-deg of flexion
what is the CPP of the HRJ
full extension with supination
proximal radial-ulnar joint - motion
pronation and supination
proximal radial-ulnar joint - capsular pattern
equal pronation and supination
proximal radial-ulnar joint - resting position
70 flex
35 supination
proximal radial-ulnar joint - max position of the interossei
full ext
5-deg of supination
proximal radial-ulnar joint - what makes up this joint
circular radial head
the radial notch of the ulna
what is another ligament of the proximal radial-ulnar joint that resit pronation and supination
the quadrate ligament
fibers are taut with pronation and supination
at the proximal radial-ulnar joint what is moving on what to allow for pronation and supination
the rounded radial head is moving the the radial notch of the ulna
what resists pronation
the approximation of the radius and the ulna
firm end feel
what resist supination
the interosseius membrane
soft end feel
where does the olecranon bursa sit
lies posteriorly between the skin and the olecranon
what muscles flex the elb.
biceps (muscolcutaneus n.)
brachialis (MSC n.)
brachioradialis (radial nerve)
what muscle extend the elb.
(both radial nerve)
what muscles are found in the superficial dorsal compartment
what nerve supplies the superficial dorsal compartment
the radial nerve
what muscle are found in the deep layer of the dorsal compartment
abd pollicus longus
extensor pollicus longus and brevis
the deep layer of the dorsal compartent is supplies by what nerve
the Posterior interosseous nerve
what is the the Posterior interosseous nerve a continuation of
the radial nerve once it passes through the supinator
what are the flexors of the wrist
plamaris longus
the pronator teres is a site of entrapment for what nerve
the median nerve
what nerve supplies the pronator quadratus
AIN - branch of the median nerve
what does the brachial art branch into
the radial and ulnar art
what does allens test test
the blood flow to the hand
looking for occulsions to the art
what are the roots of the ulnar nerve
C8 - T1
what is the pathway of the ulnar nerve
arcade of struther
cubital tunnel
two head of the FCU
travesl between the FCU and FDP
guyons canal
hook of hammate
what makes up the cubital tunnel
the medial epicondyle
what flexes the fingers
what goes through the cubital fossa
what is the pathway of median nerve
goes through the two heads of the pronator teres
travels between FDS and FDP
when does the median nerve becomes the AIN
passes underneath the the FDS and travels next to the interossei
what muscle does the median nerve serve
flexor region
- pronator teres
- plamaris longus
LOAF muscle
- lumbrical (1-2)
- oppenens pollicus brevis
- abd pollicus brevis
- flexor pollicus brevis
what muscles do the AIN serve
pronator quadratus
what muscles does ulnar nerve serve
intrinsic muscle of the hand
- entire hypothenar eminence
- adductor pollicis
- interossei all
- lumbrical (3-4)
superficial branch - palmaris brevis
what does the radial nerve serve
- Brachioradialis (elb. Flex)
- Triceps (elb. Ext)
- Aconeus (elb ext)
- Dorsal comportment of the forearm
o Brachioradialis
o ED
PIN: (continuation of the radial nerve as it passes through the supinator)
o Supinator
o Extensor indicis
o Abd pollicis longus
o Ext pollicis longus
o Ext pollicis brevis
o ED
what root is the median nerve
C6 - T1
what root is the radial nerve
C5- C8 and T1
what is the pathway of the radial nerve
runs Posteriorly, inferiorly, laterally between the heads of the triceps
seperates between - superficial and deep branch
arcade of froshe - radial nerve
what makes up the arcade of froshe
formed by the fibrous band between the heads of the supinator
what patho thing is going on that leads to PIN syndrome
compression of the nerve at the - Edge of the ECRB, arcade of Frohse, or as the PIN passes through the supinator
what is the overal presentation of PIN syndrome
weakness and not a lot of pain (still some)
- pure motor, not sensory
weakness: finger, wrist, thumb
what is radial tunnel syndrome entrapment location
arcade of frohse or as the pin passes through the supinator
what makes up the arcade of froshe
edial head of the triceps brachii muscle and its aponeurotic expansion
radial tunnel and PIN syndrome
PIN - weakness some pain
radial tunnel - pain, no really weakness