Ela Vocabulary Week 4 Flashcards
What is the definition of fickle?
Erratic, capricious
What is the definition of germane?
Relevant, appropriate
What is the definition of hapless?
Ill-fated; unlucky
What is the definition of impassive?
Unemotional, expressionless
What is the definition of lament
To mourn
What is the synonym of malice
Spite, animosity, enmity
What is the synonym of oblivious
Clueless, imperceptive, unaware
What is the synonym of pallid
Anemic, ashen, wan
What is the synonym of palpable?
Tangible, manifest, obvious
What is the synonym of quell?
To subdue, squelch, quiet
What is the antonym of fickle?
Dependable, predictable, stable
What is the antonym of germane
Irrelevant, immaterial, unrelated
What is the antonym of hapless
Fortunate, favorable, lucky
What is the antonym of impassive
Emotional, exuberant, expressive
What is the antonym of lament
To celebrate, exult, rejoice
What is the definition of malice
What is the definition of oblivious
What is the definition of pallid
Pale in color, dull
What is the definition of palpable?
Tangible, capable of being touched
What is the definition of quell?
To pacify or quiet
What is the synonym of fickle?
Capricious, impulsive, mercurial
What is the synonym of germane
Applicable, apropos, relevant
What is the synonym of hapless?
Adverse, untoward, Ill-starred
What is the synonym of impassive
Inexpressive, inscrutable, stoic