Ela Vocabulary Week 1 Flashcards
What is the definition of abate
To decrease; to recede
What is the definition of abet
To aid; to act as an accomplice
What is the definition of abhor
To detest; to loathe
What is the definition of banal?
Common place; boring
What is the definition of calamitous
What is the synonym for abate?
To decrease, lessen, subside
What is the synonym for abet?
To assist, support, sustain
What is the synonym of abhor?
To detest,despise,loathe
What is the synonym of banal
Trite, mundane, pedestrian
What is the synonym for calamitous?
Adverse, hapless, catastrophic
What is the definition of callous
What is the definition of dauntless?
What is the definition of debase?
To lower in quality or value
What is the definition of eclectic
Comprised of elements from various organs, varied
What is the definition of fastidious?
Very attentive in details
What are the synonyms of callous?
Hard hearted, uncaring, cavalier
What are the synonyms of dauntless?
Courageous, daring, intrepid
What are the synonyms of debase?
To degrade, demean, lower
What are the synonyms of eclectic
Diverse, multifaceted, heterogeneous
What are the synonyms of fastidious?
Meticulous, scrupulous,exacting
What are the antonyms of abate
To intensify, increase, amplify
What are the antonyms of abet
To sabotage, obstruct, hinder
What are the antonyms of abhor
To adore, love, cherish
What are the antonyms of banal
Sublime, new, original