Ela Vocabulary Week 3 Flashcards
What is the definition of abide?
To put up with, to remain in place
What is the definition of abominable?
What is the definition of abridge
To condense, shorten
What is the definition of belie?
To contradict; to misrepresent
What is definition of candid?
Direct; frank
What is the synonym of capricious?
Fickle, chimerical, impulsive
What is the synonym of debunk?
To expose, demystify, unmask
What is the synonym of decimate?
To annihilate, obliterate, abolish
What is the synonym of effusive
Demonstrative, ebullient, verbose
What is the synonym of fiasco
Blunder, debacle, disaster
What is the synonym of abide?
To live with, bear with, accept
What is the synonym of abominable?
Detestable, egregious, vile
What is the synonym of abridge?
To abbreviate, truncate, shorten
What is the synonym of belie?
To conceal, disguise, mislead
What is the synonym of candid?
Direct, straight, honest
What is the antonym of capricious?
Steadfast, immutable, abiding
What is the antonym of debunk?
To corroborate, affirm, prove
What is the antonym of decimate?
To salvage, preserve, save
What is the antonym of effusive?
Laconic, curt, brief
What is the antonym of fiasco?
Triumph, achievement, success
What is the antonym of abide?
To oppose, reject, refuse
What is the antonym of abominable?
Admirable, commendable, laudable
What is the antonym of abridge?
To lengthen, expand, extend
What is the antonym of belie?
To reveal, disclose, betray