EICAS Flashcards
EICAS stands for
Engine Indicating and Crew Alerting System
How many EICAS systems are there?
2 independent systems which monitor each other
There are two EICAS screens displaying messages on CRTs (Cathode Ray Tubes), what is displayed on each screen?
the upper screen is ultimately a PFD, where engine power settings and alerts are monitored, and the lower screen is like the MFD, which provides supplementary information such as oil temp and pressure, or system status.
Why is there an option to select which computer is supplying the EICAS CRTs?
Because it allows you to crosscheck if one of the computers is giving false information
Which EICAS CRT will crew alerting messages appear?
The upper screen
How are the different crew alerting messages represented?
Warning: Red: requires immediate action
Caution: Amber: Requires timely action
Advisory: Amber but indented one space: Requires action when time available
What are the 3 WARNING aural tones that are available?
Bell, Siren, Voice. Bell for engine fire, Siren for configuration/unusual attitude, Voice for GPWS
What are the 2 CAUTION aural tones available?
Voice and beeper. Voice is for GPWS, beeper is for all cautions. The beeper is 4 beeps in 1 second.
How are aurals silenced?
When the issue is resolved (unless it is a beeper which only does 4 beeps)
Why would you push the master warning/caution button?
to reset the system so that it if another fault occurs you will be notified. If you didn’t, then you would have to rely on seeing the new message on the EICAS CRT to notice as the aural tone would stay the same.
In what order to crew alerting messages occur?
In order of importance and recency, warnings (red), cautions (amber), advisories (amber with an indent). If a new warning appears, it will be placed on top of the warnings list, and if a new caution appears, it will be placed on top of the cautions list etc…
What are the cancel and recall switches for?
Cancel allows you to get the crap out of the way, the recall switch lets you go back an investigate the stuff you cancelled
Can warning lights be cancelled?
What happens if there are multiple pages of messages and you push the cancel button?
current page messages will be cancelled and the next page will appear
Would there be times where you don’t want crew to be alerted?
Yes, certain warnings are inhibited, this is to prevent distraction during critical phases e.g. T/O
Are fire warnings inhibited on takeoff?
Yes, you will only get a warning with nose gear extension or reaching 400ft RADALT, whichever occurs first.
During the takeoff, is the beeper and master caution inhibited?
Yes, but only after 80kts. Disengages at same time as fire warnings.
When does the takeoff configuration warning go off?
When either engine is advanced toward takeoff thrust, and
- Leading edge slats / trailing edge flaps not deployed
- spoilers not in DOWN position
- stab trim out of limits
- park brake on
- flap position disagrees with indicator
To make sure you’re not a fuckwit and you don’t takeoff in the incorrect configuration, what could you do as a method of checking the configuration?
Use the test function of the takeoff configuration warning, which won’t make a sound if the none of the prerequisites are met. If you get a message, you’ve fucked up.
When does the landing configuration warning go off?
At or below 800ft RADALT with gear up and idle thrust set, or landing flaps selected with gear up
Why does the stick shaker not function during landing?
Because it is inhibited with landing flaps deployed.
Can you cancel Mmo or Vmo messages?
Only by slowing down
What RADALT altitudes will the GPWS be active?
What are the two categories of alers from the GPWS?
Soft warnings (alerts/cautions), or hard warnings “WHOOP WHOOP PULL UP”
What are the 5 modes of GPWS
Modes 1 and 2 are hard warnings. 1 = excessive descent rate, 2 = excessive terrain clearance rate. Modes 3-5 are soft warnings. 3 = altitude loss after takeoff/go-around, 4 = unsafe terrain clearance while not in landing configuration, 5 = below glideslop indication.
What fucked up scenario will the GPWS not provide warnings for?
Flight toward excessively sharp terrain, or very shallow descents while in landing configuration (think about that 737 which literally just flew into the water)
To get to a hard warning, do you have to encounter a soft warning first?
Nope, can get a hard warning straight away.
Do the master caution lights illuminate for GPWS warnings?
Describe Mode 1 of the GPWS
Excessive sink rates. First envelope will say “Sink Rate”, second envelope will say “whoop whoop pull up”
Describe Mode 2 of the GPWS
Excessive terrain closure rate. First envelope will say “terrain”, second will say “whoop whoop pull up”
Describe Mode 3 of the GPWS
Descent rate after takeoff or a go-around: Will say “Don’t sink”. Active between 50ft and 700ft RADALT.
Describe Mode 4A and 4B of the GPWS
Mode 4A is unsafe terrain clearance with gear up. Will say “too low gear” below 190kts, and “too low terrain” above 190kts. Mode 4B is unsafe clearance with flaps up. Will say “too low flaps” below 154kts, “too low terrain” above 154kts.
Describe Mode 5 of the GPWS
“glideslope” when at least 1.3 dots off centre scale. Active when on an ILS below 1000ft with gear down.