Egypt, Iraq, Burma and Singapore Flashcards
Egypt was declared a Protectorate
December 1914
Riots against British in Egypt and Sudan
Because the British had exiled their nationalist leader Saad Zaghlul
Impact of Egyptians riots in 1919
Attacks on military bases and other facilities
Egyptian towns were burnt down
Railways destroyed
Number killed/wounded in Egyptians 1919 riots
800 Egyptians killed and 1600 wounded
Murder of British officials in Egypt meant that…
The British refused to put the Egyptian case at the Paris Peace Conference
Milner Report
Egypt was declared independent
Caveats to Milner Report
Britain still controlled foreign policy
Britain controlled the affairs of foreigners in Egypt
Egypt did not gain full sovereignty over Sudan
Anglo-Egyptian Treaty
British troops would withdraw from Egypt except the Suez Canal Zone
Suez Canal Zone base
Largest military base in the world
Allowed for the stationing of 10,000 troops during peacetime
Egypt remained a British client state until…
Huge rebellion in Iraq
July 1920
Muslim demonstrations in Baghdad turned into a full-scale revolt
Kurds in Northern Iraq also rebelled
How much did the British spend on suppressing the revolt in Iraq?
More than they had done on WWI operations
British colonial administration was abandoned in Iraq
Cairo Conference
Allowed some local government in Iraq
Britain would retain control over military and foreign affairs
Anglo-Iraqi Treaty (first one)
Established everything agreed at Cairo Conference
Confirmed Faisal I as King of Iraq
Faisal I
Popular Muslim and Arab leader
Favoured cooperation with the British
Continued British control following Anglo-Iraqi Treaty (1922)
Most government departments still had senior British officials
British controlled major military bases
British trained the Iraqi army
Anglo-Iraqi Treaty (second time)
Promised full consultation between Britain and Iraq on foreign policy
Full independence granted to Iraq
Continued British control following Iraqi independence
Influence in oil industry through the Iraq Petroleum Company
Exclusion of Burma from political advantages given to India caused riots
Shortly after WWI
System of dyarchy introduced in Burma
1921 (an attempt to quell building riots and unrest)
Government of Burma Act
Separated Burma from India and extended its self-governance although defence, foreign affairs and finance remained under British control
Burma was occupied during WWII
By the Japanese in 1942
Anti-Fascist Organisation in Burma switched to support the British
Anti-Fascist Organisation became…
Anti-Fascist People’s Freedom League in 1945
Building Singapore as a major naval base
£25 million spent on this during the interwar years
Construction began in 1923 and lasted 14 years (until 1937)