Egypt Flashcards
How did the yearly flood create the difference between black land and red land
The black land was the land with fertile soil from the silt that comes from the yearly floods and the red land was the dry desert. It was dry because it didn’t have the yearly floods
Why was it benefit that the Nile flooded at the same time each year
It was a benefit to the farmers because they would know when to plant the crops during the year
Why were the jobs of priest and scribe seen as important in Egyptian society?
A scribe was important because they were the record keepers of the land and the people who live on it. A priest was important because they were believed to be able to speak to the gods and ask the gods for a good farming season, rain, and other weather
Describe the social roles (6) in Ancient Egypt
Pharaoh- the ruler, or pharaoh, was considered a god
Priests and Nobles- these powerful people were in charge of the religion and government
Scribes and Government Officials- together they organized the government and kept it running
Craftspeople and Merchants- they produced and sold goods Egyptians needed
Farmers- the farmers worked the fields to supply Egypt with food and other useful crops
Laborers and Slaves- these people did all of the most difficult and dangerous work for Egyptian society
Describe the Egyptians advancements in education.
The rich children went to school and learned science and math. They were usually taught by priests and scribes. Regular children usually learned their parents jobs
Describe the Egyptians belief in the afterlife. How was this different than the
The Egyptians believed after death they would have another life somewhere. Each level of Egyptian society had its own view of what made for a happy afterlife. While the Egyptians thought the afterlife was a happy place, the Sumerians thought that the afterlife would be miserable.
What was the Book of the Dead
The Book of the Dead was a sacred text made up of magic formulas and charms designed to aid the deceased in their journey into the afterlife.
If you were a pharaoh in your tomb you would have many things that belong to you
How did the ancient Egyptians view the role of the pharaoh in government
The ancient Egyptians thought the pharaoh was a child of the gods and a God himself. Egyptians believed if the pharaoh and his subjects honored the gods, their lives would be happy. If Egypt suffered hard times for a long period, the people blamed the pharaoh for angering the gods. In such case, a rival might drive him from power and start a new dynasty. Because the pharaoh was thought to be a God, religion and government were not separate Egypt. Priests had a lot of power in the government. Many high officials were priests
Why did pharaohs build pyramids? What were some of the challenges to
building pyramids
They built pyramids to have a special tomb place and the pharaohs would be close to the heavens for their decent into the afterlife. Some challenges were building the pyramids. They were really hard to build. Also grave robbers would rob the pyramids for the jewels and riches that are in the pharaohs tomb. cost a lot of money, many died in the building of the structure
How did Hatshepsut expand Egypt’s
She expanded it by trade. Her biggest trading expedition crossed the Eastern Desert to the Red Sea. Large ships sailed south to the African land called Punt.v traders brought back rare herbs, spices, scented wood, live monkeys, and potted trees for making incense
Explain the ways that Egypt and Kush were connected throughout their
Kush practically copied almost every thing about Egypt with culture
Kush concurred Egypt
High waterfall or rapids
Triangle shaped deposit of rich soil near a river ‘s mouth
Fine,fertile soil carried by rivers and deposited on nearby lands
Favorable for the growth of crops and other plants
Fabric woven from fibers of the flax plant
People who specialized in writing and record keeping
Pictures that stand for words or sounds
Paperlike material made from the stems of a papyrus reed
A life believed to follow death
To preserve a body after death
Body prepared for burial according to ancient Egyptian practice
Family or group that rules for several generations
Order in which members of the royal family inherit a throne