Effective Police Supervision (Chapter Two) Flashcards
As of 2009 it was estimated what percentage of the population were policed by agencies that practiced community policing?
Office of Community Oriented Policing Services has distributed more than how many billion in the furtherance of expanding and enhancing community policing?
12 billion
As of 2009, nearly how many new officers had been hired by law enforcement agencies?
Community policing is viewed as what?
all encompassing philosophy and managerial strategy
What is essential to community policing?
citizen involvement
Police and residents working together allows for what with the goal of resolving issues of concern?
identifying and prioritizing contemporary problems
What traditional approaches to policing are proven to be limited and with nonlasting value?
neighborhood saturation with intensive patrol activities
To address community problems what must be accomplished?
identifying community attitudes and values, dealing with the personalities of participants and key decision makers, addressing problems with an open mind, dealing with varying preferences of those involved
Evidence shows that what type of organizations have proven to be effective in developing a viable and continuing partnership?
local organizations
Does everyone need to be trained in the nuances of community policing and problem solving?
What are some of the problems that arise when trying to implement and keep community policing in an organization?
transition of new leadership, new managers place their imprint on the organization, political commitment for succeeding administrations
About how many police and sheriff’s departments have a full time community policing unit?
two thirds
About how many local departments operated one or more community substations?
three quarters
Community policing at most requires what?
radical change, wherein some personnel work with the community determining the delivery system for police services and long term commitment
Research shows that what percentage of municipal police departments formed problem solving partnerships through MOU but in reality the majority of line personnel continued to perform traditional police services.
When this is threatened it must be acknowledged when change is perceived as threatening autonomy or authority?
Change unless planned and implemented carefully introduces what?
uncertainty and ambiguity
What should be applied liberally throughout any change process?
training, coaching, and counseling
What is the definition of community policing?
a philosophy that promotes organizational strategies, which support the systematic use of partnerships and problem solving techniques to proactively address the immediate conditions that give rise to public safety issues such as crime, social disorder, and fear of crime
What are the key elements of the definition of community policing?
development of a dynamic relationship with community partnerships, consideration of the most urgent needs of the community, utilization of community resource, application of problem solving process
Community policing is a procedure that allows for police to do what?
organize members of the community, coordinate activities, communicate with every concerned individual or organization
Community policing is a transitional process where the chief executive officer does what?
removes barriers that impede change, fostering the development of a culture in which actions contrary to traditional working methods are stimulated
Top management must due what?
articulate the values of community policing and communicate them to every level and everyone in the organization
What is required by everyone who has an interest in the community>
active participation
Who are the recipients of the significant shift in power in authority in community policing?
line officers and supervisors
Community policing initially consisted of three complementary core components. What are they?
community partnerships, organizational transformation, and problem solving
Positive relationships with the community have evolved in the quest to improve what?
quality of life, crime control, and engagement in preventive activities
What are the characteristics of officers and supervisors operating in a community policing program?
integrity, risk taking, originality, creativity, individuality, and problem solving
Responding to changing crime problems requires a type of response that demands what?
flexibility and critical reasoning from the organization and each officer
What is empowerment?
The deliberate decision of police executives to create organizational change that allows officers to operate within a frame of reference of self direction. Placing authority and responsibility at the lowest levels of the organziation.
Officers must balance what in community policing?
need to immediately and effectively respond to calls and developing innovative and proactive responses to community problems
Supervisors shouldn’t make decisions they should what? What is the goal?
coach, support, mediate, and help officers identify, plan, analyze, and solve community problems / to get line personnel to function independently
What is trust?
It is the sum and substance of leadership in an empowered organization
When empowerment occurs, community policing will what?
Why is empowerment rejected by some officers?
It comes with assumption of additional responsibilities and the concomitant (associated) risk
Training has to be consistent and the goal is to what?
create a working environment wherin what is taught in training permeates every aspect of day to day operations and the process becomes a win-win-win proposition
Above all first line supervisors must work at what?
understanding the needs and perceptions of the public
The first line supervisor takes center stage with what?
the introduction of community policing into a department
This envisions shared decision making, teamwork, creativity, and innovation.
quality supervision
The supervisor must personify what attributes if community policing is to succeed?
facilitator, coach, counselor, mentor, role model, communicator, and coordinator
Every action that a supervisor performs must be taken within what?
the context of complete honesty and integrity