Effective Police Supervision (Chapter 3) Flashcards
What is the one characteristic that excellent supervisors have in common?
ability to communicate
What is the foundation of interpersonal relations?
Interpersonal communication exists at every level of any organization, but it is most prevalent at what level?
operational level
What is an inevitable consequence of our inability to interpret what is said?
breakdown in communication
Are first line supervisors managers?
First line supervisors spend what percentage of time communication time performing tasks related to subordinates?
First line supervisors spend what percentage of time communication time performing tasks related to superiors?
First line supervisors spend what percentage of time communication time performing tasks related to the public?
15 %
First line supervisors spend what percentage of time communication time performing tasks related to other supervisors?
In a task analysis study of the first line supervisor’s position, when considering 53 tasks, 51 % involved what?
What does effective communication mean?
getting the meaning accross
When analyzing why one supervisor is a better communicator over another what is the one characteristic that stands out?
an awareness of the need to communicate well
What does a good communicator avoid?
meaningless or imprecise words
What does a poor communicator fail to realize?
more often than not words can confuse, confound, or mislead
What is defined as a process by which information is exchanged between individuals through a common system of symbols, signs, or behaviors?
What must the sender of a message do in order to affect the behavior of the recipient?
put forth a sincere effort
What is the simplistic communication process?
sender -> message -> recipient
One study showed that about what percentage of residents in the US have limited ability to read, write, speak, or understand english?
Who is effected by the attitudes, skills, knowledge, opinions, and other forces existing before, during, and after the message is transmitted?
both sender and recipient of the message
Interpersonal communication includes ow many people?
two or more people
The characteristics of which people can substantially influence the communication process?
senders and receivers
The sender of the message determines what of each message and what is this generally known as?
relevancy and gate keeping
What with primary guidance coming from departmental police, places the first line supervisor in the position of controlling the amount and nature of information entering the information system?
operational autonomy
This is an exchange of information involving two or more parties and all must participate.
The communication process is modified or constrained by such features as…
insufficient information will seldom produce a preferred result, the acceptor of the message determines the accuracy of the communications through decoding, the recipient of the message, because of attitudes, experiences, and motivations determines whether the message is decoded in the way intending by the sneder
Each person involved in a communication situation both encodes and decodes messages simultaneously. True or False
Another element of the communication process is the channel through which what travels from one sender to the recipient?
What is the channel?
usually refers to one or more of the human senses
What type of communication does the first line supervisor usually deal with?
oral communication
Once the message has been sent who is it up to to decode the message and attache significant meaning?
the recipient
What six aspects of the communication process are involved in every message?
what the sender meant to say, what the recipient heard, what the recipient said, what the recipient thinks he or she heard, what the sender thinks the recipient said, and what was in fact said
What allows for the communication to become a viable two way process?
What is noise?
last feature of the communication process and is anything that reduces the accuracy of a communication
Improving communication allows for a supervisor to convey thoughts, ideas, and decisions more effectively when in engaged in what type of activities?
managerial activities of controlling and directing
First line supervisors are task oriented which means what?
results are what count
The realistic supervisor works with subordinates in an effort to develop them to the point where they can become committed and motivated to such an extent that they are what?
Supervisors should be serving as a conduit which means what?
communicating concerns, desires, and suggestions to management
Traditionally, one way communication has dominated supervisory relationships with subordinates. True or False
Two way communication occurs when the recipient provides what to the sender?
One way communication is preferable when:
compliance is imperative, feedback is not wanted, orderliness is significant, speed is important
One way communication protects what because mistakes are never acknowledge?
the sender’s authority and power
What is the drawback of two way communication?
one must accept some risk and share power and authority
The success of two way communication depends on what?
a mutual understanding as an integral part of the communication process (desire is to communicate not find fault or place blame)
What are the advantages of two way communication?
acknowledgement of the importance of communicating, greater understanding, improved accuracy, recognition of subordinates’need to know what is expected of them, sharing of authority and responsibility
What are the barriers to communication?
concern about one’s knowledge of subject, the probability of being looked upon with displeasure, jeopardizing one’s status, environmental influences, personal expectations, and semantics
What type of barriers may block or lead to garbled transmissions?
physical barriers
What type of barriers include an individual’s beliefs, judgements, values, needs, life experiences, education, training, and goals?
Psychological barriers
Can the emotional state (hostility, anxiety, etc) of either the sender or the recipient impede communications?
Personal attitudes of stereotyping, biases, and prejudice can form a frame of reference for the sender or receiver of any message. True or False
What are some personal barriers?
can by physiological (fatigue, illness, discomfort, or other distractions (family, work (shifts), financial problems
Semantics are another obstruction to effective communication. True or False
What is it called when words are simply misunderstood or subject to misunderstanding?
A word is a complete misrepresentation of reality and can be manipulated without regard to what is factual. True or False
What is it called when jargon or esoteric language is used?
When can a supervisor obtain sound feedback?
when there is a reason for officers to dispel fears and concerns impeding or impairing valid two way communication
What is the foundation for real two communication?
when subordinates accept a supervisor as someone who assists or supports rather than one who forces, demands, or orders
Subordinate involvement is a real working relationship in which true commitment requires some degree of what?
Power sharing
Positive supervision maximizes the use of what?
human resources
It is best to focus on resolving problems rather than employing what?
criticism for the sake of criticism
What are the pre-requisites to any working relationship?
trust and respect
If there is but one supervisory principle a sergeant should follow it is to what?
The utility of feedback is limited unless it is viewed as a process intended to help the recipient understand what?
the communication
The best communication is that which is supportive and in which the recipient of the message has a feeling of personal worth and comfort. True or False
What is needed so that emotions, feelings, and values will not interfere with the transmission of the message?
self examination
Feedback influences what because it allows subordinates to become knowledgeable about their performance?
Feedback can become a motivational factor, generating an interest in and enthusiasm for the accomplishment of tasks and contributing to the attainment of organizational goals. True of False
Feedback the acknowledges subordinates’ importance can build a foundation of what between supervisor and officer?
Feedback should be specific, selective, limited to the issue at hand, descriptive, and nonjudgmental. True or False
What is a good part of feedback?
it is either instructive or corrective
Research suggests that most people listen at an efficiency level of this percentage?
approximately 25%
The average person speaks how fast?
2 to 3 words a second up to 120-180 words a minute
Listeners can process up to how many words per minute?
Listening is what type of process that requires one’s intellectual capacities of comprehension and evaluation?
active process
A successful listener should strive to keep an open mind and be fully cognizant of his or own what?
biases and preconceptions
How can one respond intellectually rather than emotionally in a conversation?
concentrate on the conversation and look for the value and meaning of what is being said. also look for what is not being said (is something being avoided or glossed over?)
A good listener waits until when before responding?
sender completes the message
Waiting until the sender completes the message allows for what?
suspension of judgement, reduces errors in interpretation, and allows for the listener to concentrate on the entire conversation instead of jumping to conclusions
What is probably the first and most important action to be taken when listening?
stop talking. you can not listen if you are talking
What are some techniques to be used for improving listening effectiveness?
adjust to the sender’s message, attempt to listen unemotionally, give undivided attention to the speaker
Feelings and emotions are important aspects of any message. True or False
Some experts observed that it is more important to be competent in what rather than in actual verbal skills?
nonverbal communication
What are the three components of a message that contribute to the communication process?
actual words (7%), the way it is said (38%), and nonverbal facets of communication (55%)
What is the study of nonverbal communications and concerns itself with understanding nonverbal signals?
Kinesics (body language)
Paralanguage is where an individual sends messages not only through language and words but also by what?
tone of voice, pitch, and inflection
What are active emotions and how are they expressed?
anger and fear / expressed by a fast rate of speech, loud volume, high pitch, and blaring tone
What are passive emotions and how are they expressed?
sadness / expressed through a slower rate of speech, lower volume, lower pitch, and a more unyielding feature
Nonverbal communication is used primarily to convey what?
emotions, desires, and preferences
Can eye contact effectively control communication?
Failure to maintain eye contact can display what?
aloofness, indirectness, a lack of confidence, or anxiety
One expert believes there are how many different facial expressions?
What are some positive body language indicators?
nodding, maintaining eye contact, smiling, leaning forward
What are the voluntary movement of a part of the body to explain, emphasize, or reinforce the verbal component of a message and is an important part of what is called the silent language?
One expert has identified how many distinct hand gestures that have verbal equivalents?
Executive Order 13166 requires what?
the federal government and grant recipients take reasonable steps to ensure that people with LEP have meaningful access to the programs services, and information they provide
It is essential that first-line supervisors be fully conversant with the Executive order and its impact on duties performed by those they supervise. What are some of those duties?
receiving citizen complaints, interrogating witnesses, arresting, booking, and holding suspects, operating 911 centers, providing ems, enforcing laws and ordinances, and other duties
Many departments across the nation make use of an interpreter service that offers interpreters for how many languages?
What is the federal government’s language identification guide called?
I Speak
A number of departments are utilizing handheld translation devices such as what?
Speechguard Translator and the Voxtec Phraselator
What is a source that can be used to guide law enforcement agencies for the creating of a language assistance policy?
Planning Tools for Creation of a Language Assistance Police
What should a first line supervisor due if he or she encounters a foreign language barrier and an interpreter is not available within the department?
consider identifying interpreters who are employees of other city or county agencies
The last major national census found that what percentage of US residents spoke a language other than english at home?
The communication process while different for each culture is composed of essentially three components. What are they?/
language, culture, and ethnicity
Is nonverbal behavior culturally specific?
In some Asian cultures eye contact is considered disrespectful while Americans prefer eye contact. True or False
Arabic people, southern mediterranean people, and latin americans stand close and touch while conversing. True or False
What is important to the communication process in contact cultures?
physical closeness, occasional touching, and frequent gesturing
In the US it is estimated that how many people have some degree of hearing impairment?
21 million
It is estimated there are at least how many people who communicate by utilizing American Sign Language as their primary method of communication?
What is a person called who facilitates communication between a hear and deaf person?
What is the process of recognizing spoken words by watching the speaker’s facial expressions, lip movements, and/or body language?
lip reading
What can interfere with the ability of a lip reader to read lips?
beard or mustache, an accent, chewing gum
What are the two types of interpreters for hearing impaired persons?
sign language interpreter (listens to speaking person and relays content of message through sign language), oral interpreter (repeats another’s words without using voice/words are mouthed and the person speech reads the interpreter)
There are two federal laws that protect the rights of individuals with disabilities. True or False
US Department of Justice regulation 28 CFR Part 42 requires law enforcement agencies to ensure that hearing impaired individuals can be communicated with effectively. True or False
This organization was founded in 1964 and has the responsibility for certifying individuals as qualified interpreters.
Registry of Interpreters of the Deaf
A supervisor or officer should be aware of the following guidelines when working with an interpreter:
ask what sign language is used, provide an interpreter when interviewing anyone associated with a crime, look at and speak directly to the hearing impaired person, talk at a normal rate or slightly slower if you speak fast, use short sentences and simple words
When a hearing impaired person is arrested he or she should be provided with a printed form of Miranda warning (which includes an interpreter to the arrestee at no cost) True or False