Effective Police Supervision (Chapter 5) Flashcards
What can transform a marginal or inept organization into a successful one?
effective leadership
What type of supervisor provides officers with a clear sense of purpose that can be translated as the vision provides guidance to the future, the mission describes the intent of the organization, and goals provide a framework for achievement?
effective supervisor
Leadership does not just happen it must what?
be cultivated and nurtured
Who is optimistic and confronts adversity with persistence and consistency, overcomes obstacles and strives to establish a strong organizational culture, networks with others, works at creating open, candid, trusting relationships, uses morals and ethical values when confronting difficult issues, able to convert past experiences into positive input, and possesses the capacity to visualize a desired future?
a true leader
What can happen as a result of an incompetent supervisor?
dampen enthusiasm and constrict even those who are highly motivated
The shift from being a follower to becoming an effective supervisor means transitioning from reliance on knowledge, methods, and techniques that dominated work in a line position and allowed performance on specific operations tasks must now be shifted to a greater consideration of what?
human and conceptual skills
An effective supervisor must develop the ability to understand why people behave as they do and work toward developing an effective means of what?
changing, directing, and controlling behavior
In a Florida study the percentage of personnel working in administrative positions ranged for percentage?
What happens when leadership is missing?
organization is generally ineffective, problems develop that are seldom resolved, chaos is likely to occur
What happens when there is positive leadership?
operational tasks are completed and objectives are obtained
It has been suggested that there is a possibility that effective leaders may be those who constantly strive toward self-improvement. True or False
What has emphasized the critical roles of leaders should assume in order to deal with organizational environment and with the continuing and constantly changing demands of the community, views trust as a by-product of integrity and ethical conduct that will be a cooperative working environment, and fosters openness, fairness, sincerity, and provides involvement for everyone?
Total quality management (TQM)
What are the four critical task identified by TQM that skilled leaders need to carryout in a high performance organization?
permits decisions to be made at the appropriate organizational level, builds trust and openness, empowers others, creates a vision and communicates it to everyone in the organization
What are vital by products of positive interactions between the supervisor and the line officers?
trust and openness
When motivation is heightened and a supervisor challenges followers by empowering officers to become involved in the decision making process and allows them to be engaged in a continuing learning process?
leads to a vision of excellence as values are shared and renewed energy is directed towards goal attainment
What happens when motivation is heightened?
leads to positive trade-offs such as openness and enhanced confidence
What is the process of influencing group activities toward the achievement of goals and also recognized as the process of influencing that can include such activities as telling, selling, ordering, coaching, joining, or consulting, and operates from a position of power based on the authority delegated to the supervisor?
A first line supervisor is no longer a primarily doer, but a coordinator of others’ activities. True or False
What rule should the supervisor comply with?
50% rule - supervisors should spend half their time managing others instead of just being another employee
What are the power sources?
reward, coercive, legitimate, referent, and expert
What are the tools a first line supervisor can use to extend power when dealing with others?
persuasion, patience, gentleness, teachableness, openness, consistency, and integrity
A supervisor’s perspective should be based on what?
accurately acquired information about each officer, including awareness of goals, values desires, and intentions
A supervisor should constantly strive for control that can only be interpreted as what?
fair, impartial, and non manipulative
What is coercive power based on?
fear and on the ability of the supervisor to administer some type of punishment
The department is an organization with a clearly defined hierarchy of what?
Integrity is a technique resulting from the extension of what?
Can coercive power be applied without taking formal disciplinary action, such as giving an officer an undesirable work assignment or enacting a closer supervisory pattern?
Subordinates will respond to expert supervisors who possess this greater amount of knowledge, knowing that it ensures the successful completion of tasks. True or False
What does a knowledgeable supervisor demonstrate?
the ability to implement, analyze, evaluate, and control situations and to resolve problems that are readily accepted
Is expert power extremely narrow in scope?
Written directives and the requirement that subordinates comply with lawful orders is an example of what type of power?
What power is the only aspect of a potential power base that is not directly attributable to the the position the supervisor holds and it associated with the leader’s personality (charisma)?
Other than being likable what is another source of referent power?
good reputation
What power is somewhat limited in law enforcement because promotions are based on service regulations so the supervisor’s role in the process is limited?
Officers are more likely to respond to what power when the authority of the supervisor affects operational conditions?
Power is the base that legitimizes the supervisor’s what?
What is generated internally by one’s mind and value system and is of special importance because it makes each person unique and is foundational in nature?
will power
What are the three categories of theories of leadership?
behavioral, contingency, trait
What are the two types of leadership behavior under the behavioral theory?
initiating structure and consideration
What is the leader’s behavior in delineating the relationship between him/her and members of the work group and in endeavoring to establish well defined patterns of organization, channels of communication, and methods or procedures?
initiating structure
What is the behavior indicative of friendship, mutual trust, respect and warmth in the relationship between the leader and all members?
A supervisor who feels comfortable emphasizing consideration as a leadership approach is more likely to what type of communication?
two communication
When a supervisor has a low degree of what, the supervisor is more impersonal and shows less concern for the needs of those supervised?
What is a supervisor emphasizing when he/she carefully constructs a subordinates role, activities are carefully planned, deadlines are established, and giving instructions dominates the interpersonal relations between the sergeant and officers?
initiating structure
What model of leadership holds that the leader’s style , if it is to be effective, must match the demands of the specific situation?
contingency model
In landmark research, Fiedler and Associates developed the first contingency model of leadership and postulated what three factors of major importance?
the leader’s position of power, the structure of the task, and the interpersonal relationship between the leader and members
What is the degree to which the position itself confers upon the leader capacity to motivate officers to accept and comply with directions?
position power
Examples of positional power are?
can recommend punishments and reward, official rank and status, knowledgeable in terms of position and work of subordinates, knowledge allows for a decision about how a task is to be done
While a sergeant does not have the position power that can be attributed to lieutenants or those of higher rank, power is enhanced because the first line supervisor has what?
more frequent and intense contact with line personnel
What is the extent to which a task is routine and structured as compared to ambiguous and poorly defined task?
task structure
When tasks are defined carefully, it is much easier for a supervisor to do what?
control operational duties and hold officers accountable for their actions or inactions
Why is when the relationship between subordinates and a leader can be described as a good working relationship, the leader is in a favorable position to influence behavior?
due to trust between them
Under the contingency model which has been found to be the most important in terms of the leader’s capacity to influence a group of officers?
What happens when a sergeant is very acceptable from the officer’s viewpoint?
loyalty is inspired and compliance is generated
When followers reject a first line supervisor what becomes the essential means to ensure attainment of goals?
It is necessary for the leader’s guidance style to be congruent with the demands of a specific situation. True or False
What are the two leadership styles under Fiedler’s contingency models?
task oriented (leader’s satisfaction is generated by effective task accomplishment) and relationship oriented ( predicated on the desire to achieve personal acceptance)
Under contingency model, When there is a mutual trust and respect and the task is highly structured, the supervisor has high position power and the situation can be considered favorable. True or False
Under contingency model, If the supervisor is not respected and has limited support, the position power is what and the tasks will be unstructured and vague creating an unfavorable position?
Under contingency model, or a newly appointed supervisor who’s influence is limited, what leadership style will be most effective?
task oriented
What is probably the cause of a supervisory failure under contingency model?
due to an inability to adapt to the situation
Under contingency model, in some situations a supervisor can change a leadership style by using positive features of the hierarchical organization and structuring the tasks more carefully. True or False
Under contingency model, a supervisor may find a work environment is tense and interpersonal relationships or less than adequate. The supervisor should then implement what leadership style?
What theory of leadership identifies distinguishing qualities or characteristics a person possesses when functioning as an effective leader?
trait theory
Number of traits manifested by successful leaders varies considerable from a few to as many as how much?
It is difficult to determine whether the leadership position results in the development of the traits or if the individual had the traits before becoming a leader. True or False
The trait approach does not account for what?
the complex interaction between actions of the leader and the situation
Supervisors deal with five types of skills
Hu-Tack (human, tactical, affective, conceptual, and knowledge)
Does the environment modify the leadership process?
in most instances
After analyzing thousands of articles and books who found a relationship among leadership capacity, achievement, responsibility, participation, situational, and status?
Ralph Stogdill
It has to be acknowledged that what type of factors and pressures have a major place in our effort to determine what constitutes effective leadership?
situational factors
What are leadership traits from Bass and Stogdill’s handbook of leadership?
Ability, accountability, attainment, involvement, situational, and standing
Leadership is highly personal and projects what?
one’s innermost beliefs and feelings
What are the three types of leadership behavior that can be used when a supervisor what to influence the behavior of a line officer?
consultative, directive, and participative
What is a leadership position adopted by a supervisor as a compromise position when it has become apparent that line officers have values and attitudes different from those held by older police officers?
What type of leadership behavior do higher managers expect to see in an operation?
This type of supervisor shows concern for officers as well as the organization, subordinates are allowed to participate in the decision making process, are accepted as part of the team, and it is acknowledged that officers have something to offer and are knowledgeable and capable.
This style of leadership works best when decisions deal with relatively simple tasks or issues.
What are the advantages to consultative leadership?
improves quality of decisions, involves subordinates in the decision making process, reduces stressful situations, shows concern for the welfare of subordinates, utilizes subordinates ideas
What are the disadvantages to consultative leadership?
leaves personnel in the middle never knowing what to expect, limited effectiveness to solving problems, one never knows the impact a suggestion will have
In consultative leadership, when there are two or more appropriate solutions for the same problem, the decision can generally be left to subordinates. This avoids an arbitrary decision and compliance is ensured. True or False
In many instances a supervisor who practices this style of leadership was previously supervised by someone who relied on a the same leadership style.
This style of leadership is described as autocratic and dictatorial.
The work environments of some police departments are such that it is very difficult for a supervisor to use any other style than directive. True or False
This supervisor exhibits very little concern for officers, allows little or no involvement in the decision making process, the supervisor makes the decision, will listen to questions but never for the purpose of altering the decision.
A first line supervisor by virtue of position of power is firmly entrenched in a position of unquestioned authority and will wield the power necessary to accomplish assigned tasks. True of False
What theory holds that a directive supervisor perceives line officers as being lazy and untrustworthy?
Theory X
How is control maintained under the directive style of leadership?
relying on rules and regulations
Under directive style of leadership personal needs are subordinate to what?
departmental needs
What are the advantages to directive leadership?
decisions are made quickly, decisions are not challenged, enhances compliance with department rules and regulations, focuses on goal attainment, logical extension of position of power, maximizes control of subordinates, subordinates know what has to be done
What are the disadvantages of directive leadership?
can be punitive and is seldom rewarding, isolates the supervisor, limits two communication, may result in lowering of morale, minimal compliance, negative feelings can be generated, stifles creativity, stressful for the supervisor
What leadership style can only be used when the supervisor has a genuine belief in and respect for subordinates?
In this leadership style the supervisor consults with subordinates and involves them in the decision making process, attitudes,values, and officers’ feelings are viewed as important and are considered, officers are encouraged to develop to their highest potential, and every effort is made to get officers to accept responsibility as well as handled delegated authority.
In participative leadership have meaningful input but in every instance the supervisor or someone higher makes the decision. True or False
What is the goal of participative leadership?
to have employees actively engaging in self management
What type of management style works best when the department has a positive orientation toward its human resources and subordinates have some discretion in performing assigned tasks?
What are the advantages of participative leadership?
better decisions, committed employees, employees are motivated, improves working relationships, totally acknowledges subordinates’ skills and abilities
What are the disadvantages of participative leadership?
raises officer expectations, slows down the decision making process, takes a long time to evolve, time-consuming
A truly people oriented supervisor functions best when serious efforts are expended to foster a work environment in which officers are viewed as an organizational asset. True or False
What happens when people are viewed as assets?
they become critical part of the organization, their importance is never underestimated in the demand to achieve the unit’s mission, risk is minimized, and management standards function to achieve results
In participative leadership what is the operational mode and what are supervisors?
teamwork / supportive
From a study of urban police departments, what are the four supervisory styles that were identified?
traditional, supportive, innovative, and active
This type of supervisor is highly task oriented, down plays community oriented activities, more likely to make independent decisions and tell an officer what to do, and relating to an officer is not considered, and specific instructions are the way the game is played. More than 60% of these sergeants believe that enforcing the law is the patrol officer’s most important responsibility.
traditional supervisor
This type of supervisor is less concerned with enforcing the rules, lesser concern with paperwork and ensuring that officers produce, they encourage officers through praise and acknowledgement, counsel officers when needed, and consistently demonstrate a concern for subordinates. Just over 2/3 of this type of supervisor believe that it is their duty to protect officers from unfair censure or punishment and in some cases they do not have strong ties or positive relationship with management.
supportive supervisor
This type of supervisor generally encourage those supervised to embrace new philosophies and methods of policing, more likely to delegate decision making, refrain from telling officers how to handle a situation,spend more time per shift working with the public or other officers. 96% of these types of supervisors agree strongly with the statement that a good patrol officer will try to find out what residents think the neighborhood problems are.
innovative supervisor
This type of supervisor leads by example, they feel the need to be actively involved alongside those they supervise which provides them an opportunity to control officer behavior while performing as a street officer and supervisor, they are reluctant to become removed from active involvement, and 95% of the time will on their own initiative respond to their subordinates call for service, they are less likely to encourage team building, coaching, or mentoring. Patrol officers with this type of supervisor are more likely to use force against a suspect although the study found that the mere presence of the supervisor did not have significance influence on the use of force.
Active supervisors
Research up to this point and time suggests that an active supervisor style that personifies leading by example may be the best way to influence officer behavior. True or False
Supervisors can use power to ensure compliance but in the long run it may prove to be what?
What is the most difficult task?
reprimanding subordinates for poor performance
Keys to reprimanding an subordinate with the least amount of difficulty:
allow an officer to save face indicating how the dispute might be resolved, allow the subordinate adequate time to respond, discuss the problem with the subordinate without letting emotions enter the exchange, discuss the facts, not the personality, have the subordinate repeat what you have said so that there is a clear understanding of the issues
What is the true mark of a competent supervisor?
strong sensitivity towards others
Many of the problems facing a supervisor stems fro what?
letting the acquisition of power become more important than the actual attainment of objectives and goals