Effective Police Supervision (Chapter 10) Flashcards
What is the goal of discipline?
to produce desirable behavior
How can the goal of discipline be established?
By encouraging appropriate behavior and punishing inappropriate or unacceptable behavior
What is the essential element in work that ensures overall productivity and an orderly environment?
What is most often used to describe an adversarial process resulting in the application of various kinds of negative sanctions or punishments?
In the context of the book discipline is considered what and what is its purpose?
positive and means teaching, instruction, training, and remediation. its purpose is to facilitate collective action, the internalization of self-control based on the norms and values of the workforce, predictable behavior, and organizational efficiency
Maintaining discipline is a management function that involves conditioning subordinates in order to promote what?
obedience, internal self-control, and acceptance of punishments designed to curb individual deviance or professional misconduct
What is the linchpin for delivery of all public safety services in a given community?
human resources
Who has direct responsibility for accomplishing the organization’s mission, goals, and objectives through the collaborative efforts of immediate subordinates?
first line supervisor normally a sergeant
Sergeants are expected to nurture professionalism in the employee, yet are responsible for initiating disciplinary measures when formal action is required to deal with individual deviance. True or False
A sergeant must fin the balance between employee self - regulation and what?
organizational control
Who play a pivotal leadership role in the administration of criminal justice?
What is the root meaning of “disciple” or “discipline”?
to teach or mold
What is the systematic approach designed to instruct or guide employees in such a way that they become loyal, dedicated, responsible, and productive members of the organization?
positive discipline
When is discipline considered positive or good?
when all police employees share a common sense of purpose, practice self discipline, and voluntarily follow the policies, procedures, rules, and regulations established to promote order and to facilitate work within the department
According to who, positive discipline manifests itself in the officer’s willingness to conform and participate in self-restraint, based on professional dedication or personal commitment to the ethos of the police department? He is sometimes referred to as the father of modern policing.
O.W. Wilson
What is the most positive form of discipline?
the self discipline built on the human tendency to do what needs to be done, to do what is right in any given situation, and to comply voluntarily with the reasonable standards of performance and conduct that apply to all members of the work force
What is the sergeant’s job and what does it depend on in the long run?
to promote professional growth and to foster a sense of self-worth in each subordinate and it depends on the sergeant’s technical knowledge and human skills
All first line supervisors in healthy police organizations are multidimensional players who act as what?
technical advisors, role models, teachers, counselors, leaders, and disciplinarians
Effective supervision and good supervisors help keep subordinates in their job and satisfied with working conditions. True or False
Even though money and other material awards are powerful incentives what can have an even more dramatic impact on job related behavior?
Mary Kay Ash stated there are two things people want more than sex or money, what are they?
recognition and praise from those in a position to judge their on the job performance and exert a positive influence on their career
Good supervisors are enthusiastic team players who have the skills necessary to influence their subordinates in a positive way. True or False
According to Dale Carnegie there are nine ways in which a sergeant can change a person’s attitude without giving offense or arousing resentment. What are they?
begin with praise and honest appreciation, call attention to the other person’s mistakes indirectly, discuss personal mistakes before criticizing others, as thoughtful questions instead of giving direct orders, always try to let the other person save face, praise, whenever possible, even the slightest improvement, give the other person a fine reputation to live up to, use encouragement and make faults seem easy to correct, make the person happy about what is being suggested
What did Michael LeBoeuf call the “Greatest Management Principle”?
the things that get rewarded get done
What are physical indicators a police department uses to show a job well done?
commendations, citations, certificates, plaques
What are among the most powerful motivators at the disposal of a first line supervisor?
psychological rewards
Camaraderie, unity of purpose, technical expertise, and effective supervision create natural parameters for accepted and expected what in any given organization?
What is an important trait of police professionalism?
What technique is used to assist in developing a positive performance-oriented culture, as well as employee commitment within the work environment?
total quality management
TQM empowers employees to become partners in making the organization work more efficiently and effectively by removing barriers that inhibit commitment, creativity, and high quality service. True or False
What protocol almost guarantees improvement in employee performance?
PRICE protocol
What is PRICE protocol?
Pinpoint performance problems, Record current performance level, Involve the employee on how to deal with the problem, Coach the employee by providing advice, encouragement, positive reinforcement, retraining, and Evaluate and provide feedback.
According to Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies (CALEA) a disciplinary system is to include what?
procedures and criteria for using training as a function of discipline, procedures and criteria for using counseling as a function of discipline, and procedures and criteria for taking punitive action in the interest of discipline
What are powerful motivators and key ingredients in a work based reward system built on self discipline?
ego satisfaction, pride in achievement, professional competence, and job security
What type of discipline is based on the use of punishment rather than rewards?
negative discipline
What is disciplinary action is designed to do what?
regulate work related behavior and to safeguard the integrity of the organization
Negative discipline in the form of disciplinary action is considered a legitimate and necessary behavior control mechanism in virtually all paramilitary-type police departments. True or False
This type of employee is not deviant per se, do not measure up to reasonable expectations, do the minimal amount of work to get by, lack or lost interest in the job and are comfortable with their present level of incompetence and they may say they are just “putting in their time”.
marginal employee
While most american police personnel exercise a considerable degree of self discipline, there are up to how many percentage wise that will for one reason or another continue to violate policies even though they are aware of the potential consequences?
up to 15%
Sergeants play a much more important and direct role in the disciplinary process than almost any other police manager. True or False
Whose responsibility is it to identify weaknesses, deficiencies, failures that need corrective action; analyze all relevant factors to determine appropriate action; initiate and carryout disciplinary actions; document the case for subsequent review by superiors?
Sergeants are expected to act in the best interest of who?
employee, department, law enforcement profession, and the community at large
What should be viewed as an essential part of goal oriented process designed to control the disruptive behavior of individual employees while ensuring the overall efficiency, effectiveness, and productivity of the work force?
disciplinary action
As the first line supervisor, the sergeant has a primary responsibility for satisfying a subordinates:
need to be treated as an individual with intrinsic value, need to know what exactly management expects, need for regular feedback, need to be treated fairly, need to judged by management based on facts and standards rather than on i or assumptions
If a sergeant fails to recognize and employee’s needs what can it lead to?
job dissatisfaction, interpersonal conflict, poor performance, disciplinary problems, and high employee turnover
Good disciplinary systems generally exhibit these characteristics:
proper assignment of personnel to job based on interest, skill, utility, and training; necessary and reasonable job related policies and procedures; effective communication of information; continuous review, evaluation, and appraisal; consistent, fair, and equitable enforcement; mutually acceptable, institutionalized disciplinary procedures; a formal appeals procedure
What will have an adverse, potentially destructive effect on employee morale and productivity?
inconsistency and favoritism
In regards to discipline, a sergeant’s actions must always be what?
legal, reasonable, consistent, and timely
What negative effects can punishment produce?
resentment, interpersonal conflict, lower morale
Police officers learn to fear, lose respect for, and distrust supervisors who become entrenched in company politics, make decisions too quickly or irrationally, and invoke disciplinary measures for the slightest infractions. True or False
The imposition of discipline action within an organization has what two distinct yet interactive objectives?
to reform the individual offender and to deter other who may be influenced by what has happened
What is the proper goal of imposed discipline?
to make the future more satisfactory, not to vent emotions or fulfill some abstract sense of justice
What are the legitimate motives/goals and likely effects for disciplinary action according to Sartain and Baker?
reform - improved performance or conduct
deterrence - prevent similar violations by others
What are the unacceptable motives/goals and likely effects for disciplinary action according to Sartain and Baker?
revenge - anger, provocation to more violations
capriciousness - fear, loss of respect, distrust
displaced aggression - uncertainty, confusion, resentment
humiliation - anxiety, personal conflict, hatred
retribution - frustration, accusations of legalism
What is a cause of action that is legally adequate to sustain a decision to inflict negative sanctions?
just cause
In the long run, who suffers from the consequences of poor first line supervision in law enforcement?
american society
What are the keys to effective discipline?
Dont be a discipline ostrich - do not slip into a pattern of overlooking discipline problems; Become a “Caesar’s Wife” - all of a sergeant’s behavior must be above reproach (lead by example); Practice the hot stove method - discipline should be immediate, based on known rules, consistent, and impersonal; Never lose control - unless a sergeant’s authority is challenged publicly, employees should be discipline in private with dignity; Be instructive - sergeants serve as culture carriers, clarify policies, and should never hid anything from an employee; Stay out of the employee’s private life - personal value judgments often lead to interpersonal conflict and covert as well as overt discrimination; State rules and regulations in a positive manner - avoid negativism; Don’t be a disciplinary magician - don’t make rules up as you go; Be precise - lack of precision lessens credibility and increases likelihood of subsequent litigation
The sergeant, in the long run, will determine the effectiveness of the discipline and the overall what of the disciplinary system?
There are five stages that employees facing discipline go through. What are they?
denial, anger, bargaining, depression, acceptance
Should the sergeant give the employee who is going through the five stages vent feelings, display anger, and show some disrespectful emotion without taking the reaction personally?
If the supervisor followed the keys to effective discipline not only should the employee go through the five stages rapidly and accept the disciplinary action without an adverse effect on the employee/supervisor relationship it should do what to the relationship?
strengthen it
Douglas McGregor, a noted management theorist, provides us with a very useful analogy concerning disciplinary tasks and earned punishment. What is it called?
Hot stove method
What is the hot stove method?
The burn is immediate with no question as to cause and effect; You had advance warning and knew (because the stove was red hot) exactly what would happen if you touched it; The discipline is consistent because everyone who touches the hot stove is burned; The discipline is impersonal in that the victims are burned for touching the stove regardless of their identity.
When discipline is automatic and impersonal, it reduces what?
resentment and clears the way for subordinates to assume responsibility for their own performance or job related conduct.
What case law protects officers from employers using information provided by the employee in an internal investigation and says that information provided cannot be used against them in a criminal procedure ?
garrity vs new jersey
For Garrity to apply what has to happen?
The employee must believe that the statements he or she provides are compelled under threat of substantial disciplinary action or dismissal from his or her job.
Who are the keystone around which the disciplinary system is built and has a tremendous influence on the disciplinary process?
When it comes to discipline, what is being able to say that the punishment was warranted, justified, and appropriate in terms of its goal?
To ensure basic fairness Steinmetz and Todd recommend asking certain questions concerning the need for discipline or negative sanctions in a particular situation. What type of questions should you ask?
Is the disciplinary action based on a violation of a known policy, procedure, rule, or regulation? What has happened to others that have knowingly violated this policy, procedure, rule, or regulation? What is the subordinate’s record concerning this specific policy, procedure, rule, or regulation? Has the employee received a written “final warning” from the supervisor? What caused the poor performance or unacceptable conduct? What evidence is there that the employee intentionally or maliciously violated a departmental policy, procedure, rule, or regulation? Are the intended disciplinary measures appropriate for use in this particular situation?
What type of punishment is calculated to correct or deter disciplinary problems?
progressively severe punishment
What is the ideal that each first line supervisor should strive for?
firm but fair discipline
Whether the discipline is firm and fair will depend, in the long run, on these four critical factors
quality of personnel being recruited by the department; the effectiveness of the promotion system; the training given to newly promoted sergeants; support that the first line supervisors receive from their superiors
What is the sequence of punishment with progressively severe discipline action?
informal discussion - minor offense and employee has not been disciplined for it before; oral warning - probably most common form of punishment; written reprimand - formal warning issued to an errant, disruptive, or deviant employee by the immediate supervisor (first official step in progressive discipline); final written warning - becomes the bottom line and shifts all responsibility for compliance to the employee; transfer - has been used for a long time but many agencies do not use transfers as part of their progressive discipline policy; Suspension - called disciplinary lay off in the private sector; Demotion - the validity of demotion is being questions as a disciplinary measure; Discharge - the most drastic form of disciplinary action and should be reserved for only the most serious cases
Demoted officers suffer a loss of income, social status, and self esteem which can lead to them becoming what?
resentful, discouraged, and dissatisfied
Modern management theory has rejected the imposition of negative sanctions for the sake of inflicting punishment. True or False
Progressive discipline is based on what?
that the punishment should fit the crime and the progressively more severe punishment will trigger a “hedonistic calculation” (pleasure derived by breaking the rules versus pain caused by escalating punishment)
What are in place to protect workers in the public sector?
labor laws, collective bargaining agreements, and civil service regulations
What is an aggregate of rights that are guaranteed and protected by the government?
property right or interest
Are police officers held to a higher standard of conduct than private employees?
yes (merrifield vs illinois state police merit board)
What mistakes does a first line supervisor need to avoid in order to make sure disciplinary action sticks? (bittel and newstrom)
No clear cut misconduct or violation; Inadequate warning; Absence of positive evidence; Acting on prejudice; Inadequate records; Excessive Punishment; Violation of procedural due process
In order to make any disciplinary policy or procedure work effectively and remain within legal guidelines, management and supervision must ensure that employees know what?
the expected standard of behavior; what sanctions will be imposed if the standard is violated
What is a claim or legal finding that an employee who purportedly voluntarily resigned form a position should be treated as though the employee was actually discharged or fired by the employer?
constructive discharge
What are the two situations in which an employee who resigned may obtain legal remedy against the employer?
the employer was attempting to avoid legal protections due the employee; the employer made the working situation intolerable for the employee
Disciplinary action must be what in order to deter misbehavior and help purge undesirables from police work?
prompt, certain, reasonable, and fair
What allows form “loose cannons” who are in positions of power to abuse that power?
poor supervision and the lack of effective disciplinary mechanisms
Failure to sustain a disciplinary action against an employee puts the supervisor at risk for a subsequent what?
civil suit (abuse of authority, discrimination, defamation of character)
Until recently, public entities were considered immune from civil liability resulting from the negligent or wrongful acts of their employees. True or False
While the individual employee is still liable, the courts, based on case law and recently enacted statues, have held that the public agencies are often liable for compensatory damages when the wrongful acts occur while employees are acting within the scope of their employment. True or False