effective aid - unit 4 AOS 2 Flashcards
three types of aid
- humanitarian
- bilateral
- multilateral
humanitarian aid
- Emergency aid or humanitarian aid is the rapid assistance given to people or countries in immediate distress to relieve suffering during and after emergencies such as conflict and natural disasters
- It is designed to be short-term and is usually needed to keep people alive.
- e.g. food, water, shelter, health workers
purpose and characteristics of humanitarian aid
- The purpose of this type of aid is to respond quickly and effectively to address the immediate needs of the affected communities and, in this way, helps improve short-term health and wellbeing.
- short term, provided after crisis
bilateral aid
- Bilateral aid is where one government provides to the government of another country.
- Bilateral aid can include infrastructure projects, community based projects and immunisation programs.
purpose and characteristics of bilateral aid
- The purpose of bilateral aid is to help reduce poverty and bring about long-term sustainable development by helping governments of recipient countries strengthen their economic, political, health and education systems and eventually become self-sufficient.
- long term and promotes sustainability
multilateral aid
- Multilateral aid is provided through an international organisation, such as the United Nations, which is supported by the governments of multiple countries and other organisations to address global issues and large scale projects
- Multilateral aid can include Addressing global issues such as global warming, control of diseases, and major infrastructure projects such as roads and sanitation systems
purpose and characteristics of multilateral aid
- The purpose of multilateral aid is therefore to address global issues and large scale projects, such as global warming, war, and food security, and to prevent disease and death.
- addresses global issues
- involves collaboration
features of effective aid programs
- focusses on results
- partnerships and collaborations
- ownership by country
- transparency and accountability
feature: focusses on results
- A program should be focused on addressing patterns of disease and illness within a country or individual community.
- continuous evaluations
- does it promote health and wellbeing and human development
feature: partnerships and collaborations
- To be effective, aid programs need to have strong partnerships built between all stakeholders.
- By forming partnerships, the differing strengths of government, non-government organisations (NGOs) and local communities can be used to implement effective programs that make efficient use of the resources available and avoid duplicating other programs with the same objective.
feature: ownership by country
- recipient county must be involved in the aid and understand it so they can eventually be self sufficient
- It is important to involve the government of the recipient country in these decisions as they will likely have the greatest awareness of the needs of their citizens,
- programs should be culturally appropriate
feature: transparency and accountability
- Transparency means that all necessary information is made available to those involved in developing and implementing a program.
- funding provided for correct things
example of an aid program which addresses an SDG
- Sexual and reproductive health and wellbeing program in Cambodia
what is the program
- The purpose of the sexual and reproductive health and wellbeing program implemented in Cambodia was to improve access to sexual and reproductive health and wellbeing services and information in the most marginalised and isolated communities in the country.
implementation and partnerships
- The program was implemented by the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) in partnership with United Nations children find.
- The program is also partnered with the health, education and women’s affairs sectors of the Cambodian government.
- District leaders receive training to lead outreach sessions that address sensitive topics related to sexual and reproductive health and well-being.
- These leaders, along with teams of village members, visit each family to encourage participation in the information sessions.
how the program promotes health and wellbeing and human development
The program increases access to antenatal care for pregnant mothers
- this reduces complications during pregnancy such as infections or hypertension, thus improving physical H+W for the mother and the baby
- this also helps reduce stress and anxiety in a mother, thus improving mental H+W
- this also increases knowledge about about how to have a healthy pregnancy, so a mother and child can live a long and healthy life.
- reduces maternal deaths and child deaths (SDG 3)
the program seeks to provide mothers with the skills and knowledge to have a healthy pregnancy.
- this can prevent maternal mortality and infant mortality. (SDG 3)
- This helps mothers and their children develop to their full potential and enjoy a long and healthy life
the program seeks to increase access to contraceptives and family planning services
- this means women and families can plan the number and spacing of children. This empowers women and gives them control over decisions that affect their lives.
- this also helps to reduce Pregnancy during adolescence. This helps to reduce the risk of maternal and child death because the girls’ bodies are still developing, meaning their bodies are less able to cope with the demands of pregnancy and childbirth.
- protects from sexually transmitted infections (SDG 3)