Edwardian Society and Economy Flashcards
When did the Western Rebellion take place? What were its main causes? - Edwardian Society and Economy
The Western Rebellion took place from June-August 1549. It was mainly caused by religious grievances over the introduction of the Book of Common Prayer which interfered with traditional religious practice. It was also sparked by social unrest between landowners and labourers.
When did Kett’s Rebellion take place? What were its main causes? - Edwardian Society and Economy
Kett’s Rebellion took place between July and August of 1549. was largely caused by class antagonism and social unrest, with this down to disputes over the rearing of livestock and the obstruction of peasant use of land by landowners.
How can it be argued that government was the cause of both of the 1549 rebellions? - Edwardian Society and Economy
Both the Western Rebellion and Kett’s Rebellion had roots in royal policy (over enclosure and over the introduction of the Book of Common Prayer) with the imposition of these policies by proclamation indicative of weak authority.
How many rebels participated in Kett’s Rebellion? How many were slaughtered? - Edwardian Society and Economy
16,000 rebels participated in Kett’s Rebellion, with 3,000 slaughtered.
How threatening was the Western Rebellion to the Crown? Why? - Edwardian Society and Economy
The Western Rebellion was not threatening in terms of proximity to the Crown due to its distance from London, yet the time taken to disband it did increase its threat. Furthermore, the reasoning behind it, with it religiously motivated was a worrying sign of the subsequent tensions over religious policy.
How threatening was Kett’s Rebellion? Why? - Edwardian Society and Economy
Kett’s Rebellion was unthreatening with regard to proximity to the Crown, however the rebels did occupy Norwich and surrounding settlements, adding to the feeling that there was greater threat to Crown authority as a result of this rebellion.
What policy did Somerset pursue with regards to the debasement of the coinage? What were the impacts of this? - Edwardian Society and Economy
Somerset decided to continue with the debasement of the coinage started by Henry in 1544/5, with this leading to a mass injection of funds for the crown, but also leading to major inflation and a fall in living standards.
What policy did Somerset introduce in an attempt to reduce enclosure for livestock farming? - Edwardian Society and Economy
Somerset introduced a tax on sheep farming to attempt to deter enclosure. In actual fact, it created pressures on upland farmers who relied on sheep farming through lack of choice and did little to prevent the practice of enclosure.
How did Northumberland improve Crown finances through the manipulation of the church? - Edwardian Society and Economy
Northumberland pursued a policy of melting down church plate for bullion in order to provide greater financial might to the Crown.
How many people were killed by Lord Russell’s men when taking down the Western Rebellion? - Edwardian Society and Economy
Lord Russell’s men killed 3000 people when bringing down the Western Rebellion.
How many rebels took control of Norwich during Kett’s Rebellion of 1549? - Edwardian Society and Economy
16,000 rebels took control of Norwich in 1549.
What did Somerset introduce in 1547 to deal with disorderly poor? What were the terms of this act? - Edwardian Society and Economy
Somerset introduced the 1547 Vagrancy Act, which allowed able-bodied people out of work for 3 days to be branded and sold into slavery for 2 years. NEVER ENFORCED
When did Somerset introduce new taxes late in his reign? What taxes were these? - Edwardian Society and Economy
Somerset introduced taxes in 1549 on personal property OF 5% and a tax on sheep designed to diminish enclosure.
When was debasement ended by Northumberland? What issue was there with this? - Edwardian Society and Economy
Debasement was ended by Northumberland in 1551. However, the debased coinage was not replaced, meaning prices remained high unless voluntarily lowered.
What was crown debt reduced from in 1550 by 1553? - Edwardian Society and Economy
Crown debt stood at £300,000 in 1550, down to £180,000 in 1553.
How much money did the sale of crown lands produce for Northumberland? - Edwardian Society and Economy
The sale of crown lands produced £100,000 for Northumberland.
What happened during the Western Rebellion? - Edwardian Society/Economy
Following fears that church land would be plundered and that religious practice would be changed, rebels gathered in the South-West. Lord Russell brought in to disperse crowds peacefully, but failed and began to advance on rebels and people killed.
What % of land was enclosed in 1547? - Edwardian Society/Economy
Only 3% of land was enclosed in 1547
What % did inflation reach in 1550? - Edwardian Society/Economy
Inflation reached 200% in 1550.
By what factor did wheat prices increase under Edward? - Edwardian Society/Economy
Wheat prices doubled under Edward.