Educational Methods And Materials HPSm Flashcards
Basically health education helps people to make wise choices about their health and the quality of life of their community.
•To do this, accurate information must be presented in an understandable way using different methods.
True or false
State two ways to put accords health messages
Explain counseling as an individual educational method
State four purposes of counselling
Ways to put across health messages
1.Direct – Interpersonal (Individual and groups)
2.Indirect – Mass media and visual aids.
Individual educational methods - Counseling
•Counseling is one of the approaches most frequently used in health education to help individuals and families.
•It is a person-to-person communication in which one person is helped by another to increase in understanding, ability and confidence to find solutions to own problems.
•This service could be given to patients at the health center, to pupils at school, to families during a home visit or during casual visits to community (e.g. Market place, at water well etc).
Purposes of counseling
•To help individuals increase knowledge of self
•To encourage individuals or families to think about their problems and understand the causes.
•Help people commit themselves to take action on their own will to solve the problems.
•Help individuals to choose, but not forcing them to do so.
State six information that should be in the folder and kept up to date
State five principles of counselling
What information should be in the folder and kept up to date?
•The family name.
•The address and location of the house
•The date of the visit.
•The name and ages of all members of the house hold. (Be sensitive to local customs about collecting such information)
•Health problems
•Information discussed
•Ideas offered
•Agreements reached
•What you agreed to do
•Date of next visit
Principles in counseling
1.Counseling requires establishing good relationship between the counselor and the client
2.Counselors should assist people identify their own problems.
3.Counselors develop empathy (understanding and acceptance) for person’s feelings. It is thinking by putting self on the shoe of the others.
4.Counselors should never try to persuade people to accept their advice. Rather help people to think about all the factors involved in their problems and encourage them to choose the solutions that are best in their particular situation.
5.Counselors should always respect the privacy of the people they are helping. They never reveal information without specific permission.
6.Counselors should share information and ideas on resources, which the client needs in order to make a sound decision. For example, many people do not realize the connection betweentheir behavior and their health.
Under group educational methods,what is a group and give three examples
State and define the two types of groups
- Group Educational Methods
What is a Group?
•A group could be defined as a gathering of two or more people who have a common interest. Example of groups often found in a community:
•A family
•A health committee
•A youth club
•People attending a religious ceremony together
•Some friends getting together to relax
•A gathering of patients at a clinic
•People riding together on a buse working at the same factory, business, or agency
A class of school children
A farmers cooperative
Types of Groups
- There are two main kinds of group
1. Formal groups
•Groups that are well organized with some rules and regulations E.g.
•Farmer’s – cooperative,
•Women’s Associations
- Informal groups
•Groups that are not well organized E.g.
•People attending market on a particular day,
•People attending funeral ceremony
State four characteristics of formal groups and four informal groups
Characteristics of formal group
•Has a purpose or goal that everyone strives to achieve together.
•There is a set membership, so people know who is a member and who is not.
•There are recognized leaders who have the responsibility of guiding the group to wards achievement of its goals.
•There are organized activities such as regular meetings and project.
•The group has rules that members agree to follow and works towards the welfare of the members
Characteristics of informal gatherings
•May have some features in common, but no special goal that they are trying to achieve together E.g. People riding together on a bus
•No special membership or feeling of belonging
•People come and go at will
•No special leader selected, no special rules apply
•Usually no special activity is planned by the people themselves E.g. People coming to watch a football match
•There is usually more concern for self, and less for the welfare of the other people.
What is the value of group education
State six common methods used for group education
The Value of Group Education
• In a group, one can find the support and encouragement needed to promote and maintain healthy practices.
•It permits sharing of experience and skills.
•Working in groups makes it possible to pool the resources of all members. E.g. to dig a well, group of families can contribute enough money
Common Methods Used for Group Education
a) Group discussions
b) Meetings
c) Clubs
d) Demonstrations
e) Village criers
f) Songs
g) Stories
h) Music
i) Drama and role play
j) Proverbs
Explain group discussions as a common method for group education
What is the size of this group?
Planning a discussion involves what?
a) Group discussions
•Health education has been quick to recognize that groups provide an ideal set-up for learning in a way that leads to change and action.
•Discussion in a group allows people to say what is in their minds.
•They can talk about their problems, share ideas, support and encourage each other to solve problems and change their behavior.
Size of a group
•For sharing of ideas an ideal group is the one with 5-10 members
Planning a discussion involves:
• Identification of the discussants that do have a common interest E.g. mothers whose child suffers from diarrhea.
• Getting a group together
• Identification of a comfortable place and time:
What is a meeting?
How is it planned?
b) Meetings
•Meetings are good for teaching something of importance to a large group of people. They are held to gather information, share ideas, take decisions, and make plans to solve problems.
Planning a meeting
• It should be need based
• Determine the time and place
••Announce the meeting through village criers or word of mouth.
•Prepare relevant and limited number of agenda
How is a discussion conducted?
How is a meeting conducted ?
Conducting the discussion
•Introduction of group members to each other
• Allow group discussion to begin with general knowledge E.g. any health problems they have ever faced
• Encourage everyone to participate.
- Have a group act out some activity (drama, role play)
- Have a villager report on a successful experience
- Limit those who talk repeatedly and encourage the quiet tocontribute.
• Limit the duration of discussion to the shortest possible, usually 1-2 hrs.
•Check for satisfaction before concluding the session. E.g. Do they think that they are learning?
•Do they think the group should continue?
Conducting the meeting
Should be led by a leader
•Encourage participation as much as possible
•Try to reach at consensus based decisions
•Use some visual aids to clarify things
•Finally, get ready to take actions to solve problems.
What is the importance of clubs as a common method for group education
•There are many kinds of organizations to which women, men and young people belong.
•Clubs are becoming popular in many areas.
•They provide an opportunity for a systematic way of teaching over an extended period of time. E.g. a group of citizens could form an association to deal with problems related to a major local disease or to protect the environment.
What is a demonstration
What do they involve
What is it’s main purpose?
When is it useful
How is a demonstration planned?
•A demonstration is a step-by step procedure that is performed before a group. They involve a mixture of theoretical teaching and of practical work, which makes them lively. It is used to show how to do something.
•The main purpose of demonstrations is helping people learn new skills. The size of the group should be small to let members get the chance to practice. It is particularly useful when combined with a home visit. This allows people to work with familiar materials available in the locality.
Planning the Demonstration
•Identify the needs of the group to learn
•Collect the necessary materials such as models and real objects or posters and photographs.
•Make sure that it fits with the local culture. E.g. for nutrition demonstration you have to use the common food items and local cooking methods.
•Prepare adequate space so that everyone could see and practice the skill.
•Choose the time that is convenient for everyone
State and define four procedures for demonstration
What checklist is used to evaluate a demonstration?
Procedures for Demonstrations
•Introduction: Explain the ideas and skills that you will demonstrate and the need for it
•Do the demonstrations: Do one step at a time, slowly. Make sure everyone can see what you are doing. Give explanations as you go along.
•Questions: Encourage discussion either during or at the end nof the demonstration. Ask them to demonstrate back to you or to explain the steps.
•Summarize: Review the important steps and key points briefly.
Checklist to evaluate a demonstration
•Did the audience learn how to do what was demonstrated?
•What evidence was given that the audience plans to carry out this practice on their own?
•Visit members of the audience to see if they are using the newmethods demonstrated.
•How could your demonstration be improved?
What are teaching materials?
What are the characteristics of audios
Teaching materials (aids)
•Teaching materials include all materials that are used as teaching aids to support the communication process and bring desired effect on the audience.
•The following are some selected teaching aids that are commonly used in health education programs.
1. Audios
•Audios include anything heard such as spoken-word (talk), music or any other sounds. Talks are the most commonly used audio teaching methods.
•Characteristics of audios:
•- Effective when based on similar or known experience
•- Could be distorted or misunderstood when translated
•- Easily forgotten
What is a health talk under teaching materials specifically audios
How do you prepare for health talks(state eight things to consider)
Health talks
•The most natural way of communicating with people is to talk with them.
•In health education, this could be done with one person, a family, or with groups (small or large). Health talks have been, and remain, the most common way to share health knowledge and facts.
In preparing a talk, consider the following points:
a.Know the group: their interests and needs
b.Select single and simple topic: e.g. Nutrition is too big as a topic. Thus, select subtopic such as breast-feeding, weaning diet etc.
c.Have correct and up-to- date information.
d.Limit the points to only main once.
e.Write down what you will say, use examples, proverbs and stories to help emphasize points.
f. Make use of visual aids.
g.Practice your whole talk
h.Make the talk as short as possible - usually 15-20 minutes talk and 15 minutes discussion.
What are visual aids under teaching materials (so not under audios. It’s a different something but is under teaching materials)
State six advantages of visual aids
Visual aids
•Visuals are objects that are seen. They are one of the strongest methods of communicating messages; particularly when accompanied with interactive methods.
•They can easily arouse interest
• Provide a clear mental picture of the message
•Speed up and enhance understanding
•Can stimulate active thinking
•Create opportunities for active learning
• Help memory and provide shared experience.
•Visuals are more effective than words alone, and it will be rather more effective when extended to practice (action).
The Chinese proverb goes for this:
• If I hear, I forget
• If I see, I remember
• If I do, I know
What are non Projected materials under visual aids
Name six such materials
What are projected aids? What are they sued for? How many people should be a group using projected aids?
Non-projected materials (aids) or graphics
•They are shown or displayed and do not necessarily depend on any projected equipment.
a. Leaflets
b. Newspapers/Newsletters
c. Photographs
d. Posters
e. Flannel graphs
f. Displays
g. Flannel graphs
h. Flip chart
2.2. Projected materials
Projected materials are simply educational materials that are shown to people using a projector.
•They are used to facilitate lectures or seminars/trainings.
•The group should not be more than 30.
Mass media communication is aimed at reaching which people
Name some commonly used media
When is it used?
Mass Media
•It is one way of giving health education.
•The communication that is aimed to reach the masses or the people at large is called mass communication.
•The media that are generally used for mass communication go by the name of mass media.
•The commonly used mass media are microphones or public address system, radio, television, cinema, newsprints, posters, exhibitions.
•Mass media are the best methods for rapid spread of simple information and facts to a large population at low cost.
Selection of teaching methods and aids depends on which five things
List formal and informal groups found in your community.
2. Mention the advantages and disadvantages of face-to-face and mass media communication channels.
3. Identify traditional communication methods used in your locality and describe their strong aspects.
Selection of Teaching Methods and Materials
•The selection of the teaching methods and aids depends on
1. The type of the message
2. The purpose
3. The people addressed
4. Availability of resources
5. Availability of skills.