Educational Attainment Theorists Flashcards
Poor parent cant afford additional resources such as books, computers and space to work
Smith and Noble
Link between poor nutrition particularly during pregnancy and educational under achievement
Working class children have worse language and thinking skills than middle class children restrictive language
Working class parents don’t value education
Schools are middle class institutions and pass on the norms and values of capitalist society. Schools socializes children but only to produce more workers known as correspondence principle
Bowles and Gintis
Noticed how teachers labeled children based on background and interacts with them based on these labels
Schools streamed students based on behavior and not performance
Found working class children often under marked by teachers which leads to them accepting their label
Children can and have rejected labels
Laddish, clowning behavior among boys and girls is a from of self protection strategy as a response to over testing and over emphasis on educational success in school
biological differences between male and females over stated difference between individuals much greater than differences in genders as a whole
Bob Connell
Term genderquake to describe the large changes taking place in gender patterns
Helen Wilkinson
Gender differences at schools reflect the creation of gender identity this begin in the home and is reinforced by secondary socialization through education and media reason for boys picking ‘masculine’ subjects
Sue Sharpe
Middle class girls more likely to opt for male dominated subjects while working class girls have more traditional view of careers
some boys likely to reject values of education and form anti school sub cultures linked to form of masculinity linked to male work in traditional industries which required limited qualifications
Males feel threatened and so distance themselves from femininity as girls move towards male areas of achievement
researched in 1970s girls were focused on finding a husband a repeat done in 1990 found that girls now try to find a career
Some ethnic groups are less intelligent than others proven by intelligence test but no longer seen as a valid theory
Murray and other new right thinkers
in primary school black and white children from disadvantaged backgrounds failed to make expected progress however Indian and Chinese children from similar backgrounds exceeded expectation
schools should promote idea of multicultural Britain because many schools were institutionally racist
Swan Report
pointed out racist attitudes among schools and teachers
Gilroy and others
Although teaching staff opposed racism they still held stereotypical views which saw some children as problematic e.g. Asian girls more submissive black Caribbean boys had less educational potential
Racism in school led to a rejection of schooling by black Caribbean boys which he called a culture of resistance
Stuart Hall
Single mothers can be positive role models for young women who perform better in education knowing that they may raise a family of on their own. May account for high rates among Caribbean girls compared to Caribbean boys
Analysed data from 1970 birth cohort study found test scores at 22 months predicted educational attainment at 26 years and were related to family background as children from porter background who achieved better at 22 months often overtake by poor attainers from wealthy backgrounds
Suggest that children have a 7.5x chance of poor educational attainment if their fathers also did bad in school
Found link between diet high in fat and reduced intelligence in children
Avon Longitudinal Study
Poorer families tend to have weak learning environments so there is little to read and few computers available for children because these are expensive items
Goodman and Gregg
Pointed out significance of clothing and style in culture of young people. Failure to attain style left young people without status
Louise Archer
Working class underachieving linked to social factors suggested younger people spend more time outside than inside school and so social factors outside schools can significantly influence school attainment. These factors include aspirations, cultural knowledge,quality of parents and time spending time on homework
Association of school and college leaders 2014
Issue not aspiration but rather knowledge of the routes through education and employment to achieve ambitions
Joseph Rowntree foundation
Studies very poor people in Mexico in the 1940s and 1950s identified what he called a culture of poverty he concluded that they had a fatalistic approach to life
Oscar Lewis
Announced free parenting classes in areas of high to mediums level of deprivation among other things parents are taught to provide stimulating learning environments, to eat meals as a family and to insist on bedtimes and consistent discipline
Children’s Minister 2011 Sarah Teather
Criticised Bernstein elaborated and restrictive language by studying language patterns among black Americans and said language doesn’t limit thought
Claimed working class culture is not inferior but different the response to the culture by teachers is the real problem
Pointed out that by looking at cultural failings in the working class the government can safely ignore issues of funding and social deprivation and material deprivation
Reay and others
Suggest that focus on cultural deprivation also directs attention away from school processes that contribute to working class failure
Supports bourdieus cultural capital theory finding parents with high level of qualifications are able to use their knowledge and influence to benefit their children. Use their professional knowledge to prepare their children for demands of school and teachers while working class parents teach children how to cope with disadvantage and bullying
Boys are less likely to be conscientious in schools
Mitsos and Browne
Masculinity no longer clear for boys as girls have challenged their assumption that to be male is to be superior so they experience a crisis of masculinity which involves a rejection of what can be seen as feminine such as success in school
Mac an Ghaill
Boys tended to have a different approach ch to examinations preferring not to be seen to work this examination revision is left to the last minute
Described the process as consisting of 3 stages and teachers may be subject to halo effect so behaviours from pupils labelled good will be accepted while the same behaviour punished for challenging pupils
Those labelled as failing or naughty pupils tend to form friendship groups with counter school culture status is gained by challenging teachers and not conforming to their expectations
Suggested that teachers could affect pupil attainment favouring those they thought of as intelligent would then go on and succeed however it is a controversial study due to its experiment not able to be repeated on ethical grounds
Rosethal and Jacobson
Suggested that teachers could affect pupil attainment favouring those they thought of as intelligent would then go on and succeed however it is a controversial study due to its experiment not able to be repeated on ethical grounds
Rosethal and Jacobson
Found teachers making educational judgements on the basis of social class and appearance and favoured middle class children
Becker and rist
Careers teachers gave different advice to working and middle class pupils
Cicourel and Kitsuse
Recent research in Britain and USA found students taught in mixed ability classes outperform those in streamed classes
Found that black minorities are often found mostly in lower sets in school
Gillborn and Youdell
Poor organisational structure and low teacher expectation were identified as characteristics of sink schools generally found in areas of high deprivation and poverty
Stoll and Fink