Education Theorist Flashcards
By being a member of a school teaches us how to be apart for society
Durkheim (Functionalist)
Society is fair and equal. You get out what you put in therefore education can work for everyone
Durkheim (Functionalists)
Role of education is to provide us with specialist skills so we can fulfill our roles in society
Durkheim (Functionalists)
Secondary socialization is a vital element of our development where we learn beyond the family and learn the norms and values of wider society
Durkheim (Functionalists)
Education acts a bridge between particularistic values and universalistic values
Parsons (Functionalists)
Formal control are the official rules of society upheld by people in positions of authority e.g. teachers while informal controls are social rules by peers who also police behavior
Parsons (Functionalists)
Role allocation where we are sifted and sorted in education into future roles done by achieving best or specific qualifications
Davis and Moore
Internal critique as not all institutions work for everyone. Seen when individuals cant achieve within the institution legitimately they experience the 5 adaptions to strain and often turn to illegitimate means
Criticize Durkheim’s view by saying that schools focus too much on examination results and competition to be concerned with solidarity and reflects individualistic competitive approach
criticize parsons views that children learn values of wider society in schools by talking about how anti learning laddish attitudes adopted as a result of examinations and social success isn’t always associated with academic success e.g. Nerd or Geek
Mac an Ghail and others
Sees schools as a mirror to society so just as society oppress workers schools oppress children and children learn obedience needed to be a docile workplace
Bowles and Gintis (Marxists)
Studied 12 working class boys going against capitalist values of schools often criticized by portraying them as working class heroes because he is Marxist however they often showed rampant sexism and racism and were very anti social
Willis (Marxists)
schools are ISA’s which justifies capitalism
schools kill creativity and children learn to accept authority without challenging it thus they accept what governments tell them in an unthinking fashion
Ivan Illich (Marxist)
Culture capital culture worth more than money three types
- Embodied capital refers to class indicators e.g. accent, culture and manners
- objectified capital refers to ownership of social markers such as knowledge of music, access to art and books
- Institutionalized capital signifies authority and power e.g. High power job or educational qualifications
Pierre Bourdieu