Education Terminology Flashcards
Define social institution
Social institutions are organised social arrangements found in all societies,,, eg- family
Social structure
Social structure is the distinctive stable arrangement of institutions whereby human beings in a society interact and live together
Socialisation is the process of internalising the norms and ideologies of society
Norms are the social rules which define correct and approved behaviour within a group
Social control
Social control is the process of persuading/forcing individuals to conform to values and norms
Social class
Social class are divisions in society based on economic and social status
Social mobility
Social mobility is the shift in an individuals social status to another
Status is a persons rank or position in a particular context
Ascribed status
Ascribed status is status fixed at birth, eg- being the older sibling
Achieved/earned status
Achieved status is based on merit and achievements
Secondary socialisation
Secondary socialisation is socialisation that tAkes place beyond the family
Value consensus
Value consensus is a general agreement around the main values of a society
False consciousness
False consciousness refers to peoples inability to recognise inequality, oppression and exploitation
Social cohesion
Social cohesion is the bonds that integrate people into a united society
Social mobility
Social mobility is movement of groups or individuals up or down the social hierarchy
Hidden curriculum
Hidden curriculum are things not explicitly taught by schools, but get passed on through rules and expectations
Social solidarity
Social solidarity is integration of people into society through shared values, culture and understanding
Particularistic values
Particularistic values are subjective judgements based on individual characteristics
Eg- parents and their child- they treat the child as their own and special rather than judging them by universalistic values
Universalistic values
Universalistic values are objective judgements applied equally to all member of society
Meritocracy is a society in which jobs are allocated on the basis of individual merit
Human capital
Human capital is knowledge and skills possessed by a workforce which increases its value and usefulness to employers
Division of labour
Division of labour is the separation of a work process into a number of tasks, with each task performed by a separate person
Anomie is a sense of normlessness - confusion and uncertainty over social norms, often found in times of social CHNAGE
Marketisation is the process whereby education becomes subject to free market forces of supply and demand, based on competition and consumer choice rather than run by state
Ideological apparatus
Ideological apparatus is institutions that spread bourgeoisie ideology and ensure the proletariat is in a state of false consciousness
Habitus is the norms, values, attitudes, and behaviours of a particular social group
Cultural capital
Cultural capital is non economic resources that enable social mobility
Hegemony is the dominance of one group over another
Hegemonic control
Hegemonic control is working class is ruled by the ruling class by making them accept their ideology
Subculture is a self defining group within a society which holds different values and norms to those of the majority
Globalisation is an ongoing process that involves interconnected changes in the economic cultural, social and political spheres of society
Vocational education
Vocational education teaches people the specific knowledge and skills to prepare them for a particular career