Education / Health Services / Bulletin Boards / Union Reps Flashcards
Attendance at schools, seminars, training, during off-duty hours shall be compensated by overtime if:
o It is required by the department
o It is required to maintain “certification of qualification”
Associate degree or higher in fire science technology, EMS, or fire administration, or any equivalent program approved by the Fire Chief shall receive a ______________
one step pay increase
Associate degree or higher in a subject that they are utilizing in everyday work of the assignment with the fire rescue department may receive a one step pay increase if approved by the _____________
Fire Chief
100% tuition reimbursement to those who _________________ classes in an off-duty status and successfully complete protocols and state certified paramedic requirements
voluntarily attend paramedic training
Ride time approved by the ____________ may be permitted on duty
authority having jurisdiction
Physical every 24 months
o A-L Odd number years
o M-Z Even number years
A full body ultrasound will be provided at the employees request, limited to one time per employee every:
2 years
Results of the complete medical examination shall be given to each employee within _______ of examination
30 days
The Miami-Dade County human resources department will maintain all medical records, with access only by __________________
risk management,
the county attorneys office,
and the employee
County agrees to pay _________ for burial expenses for LODD
Employee support services and counseling available for up to ___________ after the employee separation from County service
five years
County shall establish an email group of members of the bargaining unit for informational purposes. Only the president of the union or ______________ shall be able to send information to this email group
secretary of the Union
Bulletin boards are _____ in size
36” X 48”
____ union representatives for attendance at labor management committee and renegotiation of the CBA
___ members with time off with pay for health and safety committee
___ employees, No more than 3 per shift, including a Grievance Committee Chairman, to act as grievance representatives
_________ may be allowed time off with pay to attend each grievance hearing
1 grievance representative
Arbitration hearings – ______ with time off with pay
2 union reps
Union meetings – __________ with pay, South Florida local meetings, Commission meetings
2 e-board members
Bi-annual IAFF convention – __ members Time off with pay (Max 48hrs per member)
Florida professional firefighters Convention – __members time off with pay (Max 24 hrs per member)
___ members for the Florida AFL/CIO annual convention (max 24 hours)
______ hours of Administrative Leave per month to do union stuff
Labor Management Committee – 6 from Union Pres. (up to 5 on duty) / 6 from Fire Chief – Meets monthly to “discuss _________
problems and objectives of mutual concern.”
Fire Chief will furnish a secretary to take minutes of meetings and these minutes will be mailed out to each member 15 days after the meetings
Reports published at the end of every April and September
The __________ may request a meeting with the director of the human resources division to discuss disciplinary action being administered as a result of employee suspension under section 2 – 42 of the code of Miami-Dade County
union president