ECOS 1 Review Flashcards
What is a positive log roll test indicate?
Piriformis syndrome with TTP in sciatic notch
Intra-articular pathology indicated with anterior/groin pain
Clicking = acetabular labral tear
What is a positive jump sign?
Pt withdraws or jumps with pressure
Indicates trochanteric bursitis
What is a modified trendelenburg?
A drop in the level/height of the lilac crest on the side of the lifted leg indicates a positive trendelenburg sign
What does a positive trendelenburg indicate?
Weakness in the hip abductor muscles consisting of the gluteus medius and minimus on the planted leg side
What does pain upon labral loading indicate?
Labral or cartilaginous pathology
What does improved pain upon labral distraction indicate?
Labral or cartilaginous pathology
What does pain upon a FABER (flexion, abduction, ER) indicate?
Intra-articular disorders such as labral tears, FAI or osteoarthritis
Also iliopsoas bursitis/strain
What is a positive Ober test?
Pain at greater trochanter or inability to adduct
What is a positive Scour test?
Indicates labral or articular cartilage pathology
What is a positive valgus test?
Laxity, soft, absent endpoint or pain
Indicates MCL disruption (sprain or tear)
What is a positive varus test?
Increased laxity, soft or absent endpoint, or pain
Indicates LCL disruption (sprain or tear)
What is a positive Lachman’s test?
Increased laxity or soft or absent endpoint
Indicates ACL disruption (partial insufficiency or complete tear)
What is a positive anterior or posterior drawer?
Increased laxity, soft or absent endpoint
What is a positive McMurray’s test?
Palpable click or pain during extension indicates meniscus injury or tear
What is a positive bounce home test?
Failure to fully extend
May indicate a meniscus injury or effusion or both
What is a positive Apley’s grind compression test?
Pain with compression or rotation
What is a positive Apley’s grind distraction test?
- Pain with distraction and rotation indicates possible collateral ligament damage
- Relief of pain with distraction and rotation
What is a positive patella femoral grind test?
Crepitus or pain
Dx = patella femoral pain syndrome (chondromalacia patella)
What is a positive bulge sign?
Either a fluid wave toward the lateral aspect or bulge on the medial side
What is a positive Talar tilt test?
Laxity, increased ROM or pain
What does a positive talar tilt test indicate?
Anterior tall fibular ligament injury
Calcaneofibular ligament pathology/tear
Lateral ankle sprain
What is a positive eversion test?
Pain elicited, increased ROM, increased laxity
What does a positive eversion test indicate?
Deltoid ligament pathology (medial ankle sprain)
What is an anterior drawer test for the ankle?
Pain elicited, no springing, increased laxity
What does a positive anterior drawer of the ankle indicate?
ATF ligament pathology/tear (lateral ankle sprain)
What is a positive squeeze test?
Pain at syndesmosis
What does a positive squeeze test indicate?
Syndesmosis pathology (high ankle sprain)
What is a positive Homan’s sign and what does it indicate?
Pain with dorsiflexion
Thrombophlebitis or acute DVT
In practice extreme caution should be exercised when performing Homan’s sign to minimize what?
Embolism risk especially when you have an edematous/erythematosus painful calf
What does neurologic pain between 30-60 degrees upon SLR testing indicate?
Lumbar disc herniation at L4-S1 nerve roots
Lumbosacral radiculopathy
Sciatic neuropathy
A resisted SLR indicated what?
SCFE or femoral acetabular impingement
What should the angle of trunk rotation and the Cobb angle be?
ATR >7
Cobb angle >10 (X-ray)
Are abnormal
What is a positive FAIR test?
Pain produced in sciatic/gluteal area
What is a positive low midline sill sign?
Observable or palpable anterior displacement of superior segment compared to pathologic segment
What is a positive Thomas test?
Inability to fully extend leg or leg raises off the table
What are the spinal levels being tested for biceps and brachioradialis reflexes?
What spinal levels are being tested for triceps reflex?
What is a positive apprehension test and what does it indicate?
Pt apprehension
Indicates GH instability
What is a positive empty can test and what does it indicate?
Pain or weakness
Indicates supraspinatus pathology
What is a positive painful Arc test?
Pain between 60-120 degrees of abduction
What does a positive painful arc test indicate?
Subacromial bursa impingement and/or rotator cuff injury
What is a positive drop arm test and what does it indicate?
Uncontrolled arm drop
Supraspinatus pathology
What is a positive Neer impingement test and what does it indicate?
Indicates subacromial bursa impingement or rotator cuff impingement
What is a positive cross arm test and what does it indicate?
AC joint pain or increased TTA
AC joint pathology
What is a positive Hawkins test and what does it indicate?
Indicates subacromial bursa impingement or rotator cuff impingement
What is a positive varus stress test?
Pain/tenderness with palpation
Increased laxity in LCL
What does a positive varus stress test indicate?
Sprained lateral (radial) collateral ligament
What is a positive valgus stress test?
Pain/tenderness with palpation increased laxity in UCL
What does a positive valgus stress test indicate?
Sprained medial (ulnar) collateral ligament
What is the medial epicondylitis test?
Indicates medial epicondylitis
+ test = pain or tenderness around the medial epicondyle
What is the lateral epicondylitis test?
Tests for lateral epicondylitis
+ test = pain or tenderness around the lateral epicondyle
Positive tinel test elicits what?
Tingling sensation down forearm within ulnar nerve distribution
Indicates ulnar nerve entrapment/cubital tunnel syndrome
What is the finkelstein test?
+ test = increased pain in first dorsal compartment (lateral wrist)
Indicates DeQuervain’s tenosynovitis
What is a positive phalen’s sign?
Any reproduction of sx such as paresthesia in the distribution of the median nerve
Indicated carpal tunnel
What is a positive neck compression test?
Reproduction of sx (i.e. pain, paresthesia, or numbness down the arm in the nerve root distribution)
What is a positive neck distraction test?
Alleviation of sx
What is a positive Spurling’s test?
Reproduction of sx (i.e. pain, paresthesia or numbness down the arm in the nerve root distribution)
What is a positive Roos or EAST test?
Reproduction of sx (i.e. pain, paresthesia, weakness, pallor, cyanosis, swelling)
What is a positive Wright’s hyperabduction test?l
Loss or change in pulse
Reproduction of sx (pain/paresthesia)
Specifically tests neurovascular entrapment by pectoralis minor muscle
Find adsons test and costoclavicular test
Which nerve is evaluated to test smell?
Olfactory (I)
Which nerve is evaluated for testing pupillary reflex, visual acuity and visual fields?
Optic nerve (II)
Which nerves test cardinal signs of gaze?
CN III, IV and VI (Oculomotor, trochlear, and abducens)
What else does the oculomotor nerve test for?
Near reaction and pupillary reflex
What does the trigeminal nerve test for?
Face sensation, muscles of mastication, corneal reflex
What does the facial nerve test?
Muscles of facial expression and corneal reflex
Which nerve tests hearing?
Vestibulocochlear (VIII)
What does the glossopharyngeal nerve test?
Swallowing, phonation and gag reflex
What does the vagus nerve evaluate for?
Soft palate and uvula, swallowing, phonation and gag reflex
What does the spinal accessory nerve test?
Trapezius and SCM muscle strength
What is a positive Romberg test and what does it indicate?
Loss of balance
Loss of balance with eyes open indicative of Cerebellar pathology
Loss of balance with eyes closed indicative or propioceptive or vestibular lesion
What is a positive pronator drift test and what does it indicate?
One forearm turns inward and down
Indicative of contralateral corticospinal tract lesion
Next tap the arms and see if they return to neutral (w/ cerebrally pathology pt may overcorrect moving upward and out)
What is the Babinksi reflex (plantar response)?
Normal response = plantarflexion of the great toe
Abnormal = dorsiflexion of the great toe
Indicative of UMN lesion
What are the meningeal signs?
Nuchal rigidity, Brudzinski’s and Kernig’s sign