Economic system Flashcards
When it comes to the post industrial shift of economies
some countries are still at the beginning. Their shift will happen differently then ours
(Already moving towards the city, but not because of job availability)
Most important part is the …. (economic system)
physical resource chain
Important factors for the resource chain
- resources are a limiting factor to growth
- “real” prices (so including environmental effects), tax, etc
- Ability to substitute is important to continue growth
… of resources is …. (economic system)
displacing the problem
unless society and income stabelize
there is a chance it will lead to overshoot and collapse
Some of the environmental pollution can be solved by
cleaning and treating welfare diseases
3 ways to prevent doomsday scenario
1) a backstop resource that can substitute and has unlimited supply
2) a technology that can do economic activity at vanishing resources
3) change lifestyle
weak sustainability
complete substitution by technology
strong sustainability
limited substitution options. (Must be mostly done by using resources responsible and efficient.)
3 factors for a strong SD community (economic)
- resilience
- efficiency
- sufficiency
Economic growth loop by smit
Growth of income -> specialisation -> growth of market -> growth of income -> etc.
Malthus … with the economic growth loop created by smit because
the fact that resources were finite was not taken into account
Malthus did not take the power of … into account in his model, ….
technology and money.
Yield would increase and population growth rate would decrease. (He only saw overexploitation and collapse)
the determinant of economic growth
No longer is the determinant of economic growth
- resource limits
- capital accumulation
- labour substitution
Input/output tables (economic)
primary inputs are labor, capital and intermediate deliveries.
Intermediate deliveries (economic)
they will get converted to something that is final demand
investments in technologies are often based on
pay back period
3 types of potential (economic)
- theoretical
- technical
- economic