Economic Deveopment Flashcards
What is a LIC?
Low income country - Roughly 30% of the worlds poorest countries where most people have a poor quality of life with inadequate services and few opportunities. Most are located in Africa with some in the Middle East
What is a NEE?
Newly Emerging Economy - Countries such as Brazil, India and China, which are experiencing rapid economic growth and development. Incomes are rising and most enjoy a reasonable standard of living
What is a HIC?
High income Country - There are around 80 countries where most people enjoy a good standard of living based on relatively high levels of income. Most countries have efficient modern industries with most working in the service sector. These include USA, Australia etc.
What are the 9 ways of measuring development?
- Gross National income (GNI)
- Birth Rate
- Death Rate
- Infant Mortality
- Life expectancy
- People per doctor
- Literacy Rates
- Access to safe water
- Human development index (HDI)
What does GNI mean?
The total income divided by the number of people
What does birth rate mean?
Number of live births per 1,000 population
What does death rate mean?
Number of deaths per 1,000 population
What does infant mortality mean?
Number of deaths of children less than 1 per 1,000 population
What does life expectancy mean?
Average number of years a person can be expected to live
What does people per doctor mean?
Doctors per 1,000 population
What does literacy rates mean?
% of people with basic reading and writing skills
What does HDI mean?
Using data on income, life expectancy and education to calculate an index from 0 - 1.
What is the Demographic Transition model?
A graph that plots changes in birth rates and death rates over time and shows how the total population grows in responce
What is stage 1 of DMT and what countries are there?
- High Fluctuating
- Birth ad death rates are both high, they tend to cancel each other out,
- No countries on in stage 1, though some small tropical rainforest tribes
What is stage 2 of DMT and what countries are there?
- Early Expanding
- Death rates start to fall and then drops rapidly. Birth rates remain high with an increasing natural rise
- Afghanistan
What is stage 3 of DMT and what countries are there?
- Late expanding
- Death rate continues to fall before levelling off. Birth rates start to fall rapidly. The total population continues to grow
- Many NEE’s have these population characteristics
What is stage 4 of DMT and what countries are there?
- Low Fluctuating
- Both birth rate and death rate re low and fluctuating. As they cancel each other out, the total population growth slows and starts to level off
- Most HICS are in this stage. eg - USA
What is stage 5 of DMT and what countries are in it?
- Natural decrease (decline)
- Death rate remains constant but birth rate dips below
- Some European Countries for example Germany have experienced sustained periods of very low birth rates