Economic Change and Social Inequalities in Deindustrialised Urban Places Flashcards
What were the consequences of Tata Steel announcing redundancies in Swansea?
They announced 1050 redundancies. Out of the 6000 they employed in Wales, almost 1000 were made redundant. It was estimated that Tata employees brought 200m to the local economy total.
What were the consequences for Swansea following deindustrialisation?
0.7% Population growth.
GVApp (general value added per person) - £44,300
% of residents with college education - 31.8%
% of residents with no qualifications - 10.1%
Employment rate - 67.7%
What are the 6 measures of deprivation?
Income, employment, health, education, access to housing + services, and crime rate + living environment.
What is multiple deprivation?
When someone counts as deprived of multiple measures of deprivation.
How can deindustrialisation decrease quality of life?
Limited employment opportunities resulting in lack of income.
Lack of income limits access to housing.
Services may close - population have no spending power.
Poorer living conditions combined with stress = lower health
Areas of deprivation may have reduced access or negative attitude towards education and therefore have higher crime rates.
Which factors does the Welsh Index of Multiple Deprivation take into account?
Income (23.5%), Employment (23.5%), Health (14%), Education (14%), Access to services, (10%), Community safety, Housing and Physical Environment (5%)
Where is deprivation concentrated?
In urban areas but 2% of the most deprived areas are rural but 18% of the most deprived live in rural areas.
What is territorial stigmatism?
Certain areas and people who come from those areas being referred to as ‘ghetto’ or having a negative stigma around them due to their background.
What is the evidence of territorial stigmatism in St Pauls, Bristol?
As a consequence of deindustrialisation, St Pauls has now become an undesirable area. It was previously an industrial centre, but post-war was rebuilt into housing. In the 1950s and 60s, as a result of the Windrush and National Immigration Act, it became home to Afro-Caribbean immigrants. It was associated with riots, drugs and violence due to the Jamaican gangs operating there.
What are the statistics referring to pollution levels and deindustrialisation in Bristol?
83% of the pollution in these areas are due to fuel burning.
Sulphur dioxide emissions have decreased 97% 1970-2016 due to heavy industry closure.
There has been a decline in the use of coal and fuel oil in favour of natural gas.
To meet the Gothenburg Protocol, the UK will still need to cut emissions by 26%
What is the European Regional Development Fund?
Formed in 1975, it aims to reduce disparity in development between EU states. It financially aids projects that stimulate economic development in urban places. It preserves natural environments to improve resident Quality Of Life. It supports both infrastructure and educational schemes.
What are the European Regional Development Fund’s priorities?
Strengthening research, technology and innovation.
Enhancing information and communication.
Enhance competitiveness of small enterprises.
Promote Climate Change adaptation.
What is the European Social Fund’s aims?
To tackle poverty and social exclusion by increasing employment.
To invest in skills + diversity of the workforce.
To invest in young people with necessary skills to form a challenging, knowledge-based economy.
What are the measures that confirm the success of the ESF?
Reduce poverty
Increase skill level of workforce
Increase youth employment and attainment.
Reduce inequalities in labour market among women and recognise other disadvantaged social groups.
What are Enterprise Zones?
There are 48 in England as part of the LEP programme. Businesses in these areas, either in business parks or in CBDs, can benefit from business rate discounts or tax relief, simplified local authority, planning regulations and infrastructure designed for businesses. There have been 887 new businesses as a result, 38,000 new jobs and £3.5B from the private sector invested in this. The most successful one is in Newcastle.
What are Local Enterprise Partnerships?
A voluntary partnerships between local authorities and businesses to promote economic growth and job creation. The Solent LEP is focussed on 6 major areas in the LEP, one of which is a Greenfield site called Welbourne. It attained Garden Village status, and over the next 20 years the Solent LEP is planned to have 6000 new mixed-use buildings, 13,000 homes and 6000 jobs. Community grants are used to assist wards with high unemployment and poor social cohesion.