ecology lecture 4 Flashcards
natural selection
the differential success (in terms of reproduction and survival) in organisms with different heritable traits resulting from the interaction of organisms with their environment; OR, the differential survival and reproduction of organisms such that those organisms best suited (or adapted) to their environment become more abundant. *sometimes there are conflicitng natural selection pressures. *end result of natural selection
natural selection works on what?
a heritable trait (which can be a physiological, morphological, or behavioral trait) that improves an organism’s ability to survive and/or reproduce under prevailing environmental conditions. Not all traits that animal/plant has are adaptions.
adapation can be a response to what?
abiotic and biotic factors
adaptation can help an organism to ?
survive and reproduce
heritable trait
any characteristic of an organism that is genetically controlled
the full set of DNA for an organism; the chromosomes are in every cell; the DNA codes for all proteins (and thus all heritable traits) that an organism has
change in the genetic makeup of a population over time resulting from natural selection. Evolution does not create progress or perfection. All evolution dependent upon genetic change.
grouping of genes in plants/animals cells carry certain types of genetic information
Directional Selection
selection in one direction; where traits on one extreme are favored or traits at the other exterme are elimated [SHIFT toward other extreme. Giraffe short neck not reach leaves–so shift to favor long necks]
Diversifying/Disruptive selection
intermediate forms of a trait are selected against and the extreme forms of the trait are favored [selection pressure act against folks in middle of trait distribution. fish size, large size eats medium sized, small sneak around] ]
Stablizing selection
intermediate forms of a trait are favored and the extremes forms of the trait elminated [ selective pressures select against 2 extremes of a trait. color snails shells: white brown dark brown, beach is brown – so white and dark brown vanish
type/forms of natural selection?
graphical form: standard distribution of trait across population X=quantification trait (saying height) and Y=# individuals with a trait. Selection pressures act differently: stablizing selection, diversifying/disruptive selection, and directional.
each of these distinct pieces of DNA have instructions/codes called genetic information for making certain proteins.
if a trait is produced from a gene or genes with varying alleles, several possiblites traits exists. The combination of alleles that make a particualr trait is genotype while trait expressed/observale characteristics is phenotype.
gene pool*
entire collection of genes within a given population. [Brandon: all alleles present in Population]. [individs in population will have only 1 pair of alleles for particular trait. Yet gene pool may contain dozens or even hundreds of alleles for this trait. Evolution=change in allele frequency over time[CLEP]