Echokardiographie Flashcards
What does TAPSE stand for?
tricuspidal annular plane systolic excursion
What is TAPSE used to assess?
right ventricular function
How is TAPSE measured?
by assessing the forward motion of the tricuspid ring in M-Mode in a 4-chamber view
What is the normal value for TAPSE?
> 18 mm
What does TAPSE measure in relation to the tricuspid valve?
the distance of movement of the tricuspid ring from end-diastole to end-systole
Which conditions are associated with a reduced TAPSE score? (list at least two)
- Hinterwandinfarkt (inferior ischemia)
- Septuminfarkt
- Pulmonale Hypertonie
- Stenose der Pulmonalklappe
What is the normal value for the basal right ventricle diameter (RVD1)?
<4.1 cm
What is the normal value for the mean right ventricle diameter (RVD2)?
<3.5 cm
What is the normal value for the right ventricle length (RVD3)?
<8.3 cm
What are the normal values for the diastolic and systolic right ventricle areas (RVAd and RVAs)?
- RVAd: 20–24 m²
- RVAs: 11–15 m²
What is the normal value for the right atrial area?
<20 cm²
What is the normal value for the right atrial volume?
27–32 ml/m²
What is the normal value for the right ventricular outflow tract diameter (RVOT) proximal?
<3.5 cm
What is the normal value for the right atrial pressure (RAP)?
3 mmHg (dependent on vena cava inferior)
What is the normal systolic pulmonary artery pressure?
<35 mmHg