Eating Disorders Flashcards
What are the core features of anorexia nervosa?
Refusal to maintain body weight >85% of expected range --> BMI <17.5 Intense fear of gaining weight Disturbance of body image Amenorrhoea Other co-morbid psychiatric conditions
Which electrolyte disturbances might be seen in anorexia?
What cardiac problems may occur in anorexia?
Low BP, low HR
Increased QTc interval
Cardiac arrest
Which GI problems might occur in anorexia?
Dental caries (vomiting) Enlarged parotid glands Discomfort and bloating Oesophageal tears (vomiting) Constipation or diarrhoea Incontinence Delayed gastric emptying Raised LFTs as liver broken down to provide energy
Which renal problems might occur in anorexia?
Damage from chronic hypokalaemia
Oedema and dehydration
- vomiting/laxatives/diuretics
Which neurological problems might occur in anorexia?
Deficiencies can lead to
- peripheral paraesthesia
- tetany
- seizures
Which endocrine abnormalities might occur in anorexia?
Abnormal TFTs
Which dermatological problems might occur in anorexia?
Dry skin
Carotenaemic lanugo hair
Poor circulation
Hair loss
Which musculoskeletal problems might occur in anorexia?
Muscle wasting
Russel’s sign (calluses on back of hand)
What haematological problems might occur in anorexia?
Anaemia (iron, B12)
Bone marrow suppression
What are the psychological complications of anorexia?
Low mood + anxiety Irritability + anger Narrowed interests, social withdrawal Poor concentration, impaired decision making Drowsiness
What is the first line treatment for anorexia in children/adolescents?
Family based therapy (FBT)
What are the other psychological treatments for anorexia?
IPT (interpersonal therapy)
SSCM (specialist supportive clinical management)
Which medications might be used in anorexia?
Supplements e.g. vit D + calcium, vitamins
Antidepressants for low mood
What are the features of bulimia nervosa?
Recurrent binges + compensatory behaviours e.g. vomiting, excessive exercise or fasting Binge at least once a week for 3 months Russel's sign Dental caries Risk of oesophageal rupture