Earthquakes And Seismic Waves Flashcards
The point beneath earths surface where rock under stress breaks to cause an earthquake
The point on the surface directly above the focus
What are seismic waves?
Seismic waves carry the energy of an earthquake all the way form the focus, through earth’s interior and across the surface
How do seismic waves carry the energy through an earthquake?
Away from the focus in all directions
What are the three categories of seismic waves?
P waves
S waves
Surface waves
Shakes buildings from side to side
Surface waves
Shakes building violently
S waves
Causes buildings to contract and expand
P waves
A device that records the ground movement caused by seismic waves
What’s the three scales used to measure earthquakes?
Mercalli scale
Richter scale
Moment magnitude scale
The shaking and trembling that results from the movement of rock beneath a earths surface
Scientists use what to determine the epicenter of an earthquake?
S waves and p waves
What scale is based on the amount of damage?
Mercalli scale
What scale is based on the size of the seismic waves
Richter scale
Which scale is based on the total amount of energy released?
Moment magnitude scale
Which wave compress and expands the ground like an accordion
P waves
Which wave vibrates from side to side and up and down
S waves
Which wave moves the slowest?
Surface waves
In what order do the waves arrive at the seismograph?
P waves
S waves
Surface waves
A combination of p and S waves that move along the surface and cause extreme damage
Surface waves
A number that geologists assign to to an earthquake based on the earthquakes strength
How do geologist find the earthquakes epicenter?
They plot three different seismographs in different locations and then draw circles around all three. Where all three circles intersect is where the epicenter is
The traces from a seismograph