chapter 9 actual test question Flashcards
Why did most people reject Wegeners hypothesis?
he could not provide a satisfactory explanation for the force that pushes and pulls the continents
What technology did scientists use to map the mid ocean ridge?
In sea floor spreading molten material rises in the mantle and erupts where?
mid ocean ridge
How did scientists discover rocks far from the ridge are older the ones near the ridge?
pillow shapes, rocks magnetic stripes, age of rock samples, sea floor spreading
what did scientists in a submersible see when they observe the mid ocean ridge?
molten material that formed and cooled rapidly
The process by which the ocean floor sinks beneath the ocean and back into the mantle is known as
old oceanic crust is more dense then new oceanic because …
it had longer to cool
most geologist’s think that the movement of continental drift are caused by …
convection currents
the geological theory that states that pieces of earth’s lithosphere is in constant slow motion
plate tectonics
When two plate slip past each other its a…
transform boundary
a rift valley form at a..
divergent boundary
using data from seismic waves geologists have learned that earth’s interior is made up of several…
Earth’s mantle is…
made from hot rock, solid, divided into layers based on physical characteristics
Earth’s magnetic field results in movements in the…
outer core
scientists think of convection currents flow in the earths what…
a collision between two continental crust produces..
any trace of an ancient organism that is preserved in rock
mid ocean ridges are found where?
in every ocean
when two plates come together it is a…
convergent boundary
the study of earths interior often relies on indirect evidence from FOSSILS
false, seismic waves
Wegener provided evidence from landforms by fossils and climate to support the theory of the SHRINKING EARTH
false, continental drift
the transfer of heat by the movement of a fluid is called CONDUCTION
False convection
Pressure INCREASES from earth’s surface toward the center
oceanic crust in the mid ocean ridge is YOUNGER then oceanic crust farther away from it
if subduction occurs faster then needed an ocean will EXPAND
False shrink
along a DIVERGENT BOUNDARY to plates will pass each other
false, transform boundary
Mantle material rises in convection currents because heated material will become MORE DENSE
false, less dense
Along the mid atlantic ridge north american plate, and the break in the plate are moving APART
The outer most layer of the earth is called the MANTLE
false, crust
what is pangaea?
a single landmass or supercontinent
Wegeners evidence to support continental drift
land forms, climate change, fossils
direct evidence from earth interior
rock smaples
indirect evidence from earth’s interior
seismic waves
what is the order of earths layers from the surface
crust, mantle, outer core, inner core
earth’s inner core is made of…
solid metal
when you touch a hoy plate energy moves to your hand, this is called…
the transfer of heat through empty space is called…
heat transfer within a fluid is called…
when a heat source is removed from a fluid convection currents will…
eventually stop
according to Wegener’s hypothesis of continental drift…
all the continents were once joined in a single land mass and have since drifted apart
continental plates pull apart divergent boundaries on land … form
rift valleys
the part of the mantle called the … is made of soft rock that bends like plastic
in the mantle heat is transferred and soft rock flows softly in cycles known as…
Convection currents
earth quakes produce …
seismic waves
when you touch a hot plate the transfer of heat from the plate to your hand is called …
the hypothesis of … was that there was on super continent
Alfred wegener
to support wegener’s hypothesis he found evidence from … blank which are ancient organisms preserved in rock
energy through a substance that warms our feet is called …
the process of … that adds new ocean floor
sea floor spreading
two of earth’s plates slips past each other along a … boundary
… is a rock that has dark texture and makes up the most the oceanic crust
the ship shows that the youngest rocks are found …
mid ocean ridge
subduction occurs where there are …
deep ocean trenches
the lithosphere is broken in to section called … they float on top of asthenosphere
plate tectonics
the formation of volcanoes and mountain ranges can be explained by the theory of …
Plate tectonics
a continental plate and a oceanic plate collide at a …
convergent boundary
the process when the ocean floor sinks and comes back to the mantle is …
wegener believed that the continents have once been joined in one land mass called …
scientists think that the … made of liquid iron and nickel will move to protect earths magnetic field
geologists learn about earth’s interior by studying … through earth