Earth Materials Lecture 19: Metamorphic Grade & Facies concept Flashcards
Define a metamorphic grade
A general term for describing the relative temperature and pressure conditions under which metamorphic rocks form.
As the temperature and/or pressure increases on a body of rock we say that the rock undergoes prograde metamorphism or that the grade of metamorphism increases.
Define a metamorphic facies
A facies consists of a repeated set of associated mineral assemblages within a given bulk composition
Facies concept based on metamorphism of the basic rocks
Describe water roles in metamorphic facies
Hydration of original mafic minerals required for the development of the metamorphic mineral assemblages of most facies
If water is unavailable, mafic igneous rocks will remain largely unaffected in metamorphic terranes, even as associated sediments are completely re-equilibrated
Coarse-grained intrusives are the least permeable, and thus most likely to resist metamorphic changes
Tuffs and graywackes are the most susceptible
Describe the Greenschist Facies
Greenschist Facies (c. 350-500oC)
Greenschist – Rocks have a green appearance due to the metamorphic minerals present
Commonly schists, but can also have non-schistose varieties which are Greenstones
Chlorite + Albite + Epidote + Quartz + Actinolite = HYDROUS
Basalts start out ANHYDROUS, need to add Water
Describe the Amphibolite facies
Amphibolite facies (c. 500-700oC)
Amphibolite – dominated by metamorphic amphibole, can be schistose or not
Mineral assemblage: Hornblende + plagioclase (oligoclase-andesine) + garnet = HYDROUS
Describe the Granulite Facies
Granulite Facies (> 800oC)
Granulites typically have a granoblastic polygonal texture similar to quartzites and marbles
Mineral assemblage: Orthopyroxene (+ clinopyroxene + plagioclase + garnet + hornblende) = ANHYDROUS
Describe Blueschist facies
Blueschist Facies (> 6kbar < 500oC)
Blueschists are blue and typically schists!!!
Due to the diagnostic presence of a blue amphibole called Glaucophane
Mineral assemblage: Glaucophane + Lawsonite or Epidote (+ Albite + Chlorite) - HYDROUS
Describe Eclogite facies
Eclogite Facies (> 12kbar > 500oC)
Eclogites are red and green and can be foliated or not
Due to the diagnostic presence of a green clinopyroxene called Omphacite and garnet
Mineral assemblage: Omphacite + Garnet + Quartz (+ Kyanite)
FOUND IN SUBDUCTION ZONE SETTINGS and possibly the deep roots of orogens