This class was created by Brainscape user Oliver Wise. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (85)

Key Terms
Define a mineral 1,
What are minerals made up of 2,
What is a mineral compound made u...
7  cards
Scientific concepts - actual definitions
Define matter 1,
Define mass 2,
Define energy 3
13  cards
Earth: A portrait of a planet - Introductory Notes
Define the geosphere 1,
Outline earth s internal structur...,
Outline the structure of the geos...
10  cards
How the Earth works Lecture 1: Origin of the Universe and the Solar System
Define the anthroposphere 1,
Give the exact speed of light 2,
What is 1 lightyear equivalent to 3
7  cards
How the Earth works lecture 2: Journey to the centre of the Earth
Describe the magnetic field of ea...,
Define the heliosphere 2,
Define the magnetosphere 3
17  cards
How the Earth works Lecture 3: Plate tectonics
Who first theorised tectonic theo...,
Who theorised sea floor spreading 2,
What are the various forms of evi...
11  cards
How the Earth works lecture 4: Geological time
Define relative ages relative age...,
Define absolute age absolute agei...,
Explain the principle of superpos...
13  cards
How the Earth works Lecture 5: Mineralogy and Sedimentology
What are the four classes of sedi...,
Define and list form of chemical ...,
Define lithification 3
15  cards
How the Earth works lecture 6: Volcanology
0  cards
How the Earth works Lecture 7: Metamorphism
Define a metamorphic rock 1,
Define a protolith 2,
List the variables which affect a...
21  cards
How the Earth works lecture 8: Deformation in the Earth's crust
List the three tectonic forces bo...,
Define stress 2,
Define strain 3
28  cards
How the Earth works lecture 9: Tectonics and Climate
Describe the main variables which...,
What is the main driver of short ...,
What proxies are used to evaluate...
15  cards
How the Earth works Lecture 10: Earth resources
What are the two categories are m...,
List the metallic mineral resourc...,
List the non metallic mineral res...
23  cards
How the Earth works Lecture 11: Planetary Geology
What is the surface on the moon a...,
What are the polar ice caps on ma...,
True or false atmospheric composi...
31  cards
Earth Materials Lecture 1: Physical properties of Minerals
What kind of substance are minera...,
Minerals are crystalline substanc...,
What do the types of element and ...
20  cards
Earth Materials Lecture 2: Physical properties of Minerals Part 2
Define hardness 1,
What is the scale of hardness 2,
What is one method test to see ho...
18  cards
Earth Materials Lecture 3: Minerals and Society
What is quartz used for 1,
What are sands of olivine and zir...,
What minerals are used as abrasiv...
12  cards
Earth Materials Lecture 4: Introduction to Crystallography
What are the 7 crystal systems 1,
How many crystal lattice shapes a...,
What are the names of the 14 brav...
7  cards
Earth Materials Lecture 5: Introduction to Petrography
Define petrography 1,
How is petrography conducted 2,
What is the purpose of petrograph...
17  cards
Earth Materials Lecture 6: Felsic Minerals
Define silicate minerals 1,
Define felsic minerals 2,
What is the chemical composition ...
11  cards
Earth Materials Lecture 7: Ferromagnesian minerals
Define ferromagnesian minerals ma...,
Describe the chemical composition...,
Describe olivine paragenesis 3
7  cards
Earth Materials Lecture 8: Phyllosilicates
Define phyllosilicates 1,
Describe tetrahedra and octahedra...,
Describe phyllosilicate structure 3
12  cards
Earth Materials Lecture 9: Carbonates and Sulphates
What is a carbonate mineral 1,
List the carbonates 2,
What is the most notable carbonat...
15  cards
Earth Materials Lecture 10: Isotropic, Opaque and Accessory minerals
List the isotropic but transparen...,
Describe the structure of garnet 2,
Describe the chemical composition...
19  cards
Earth Materials Lecture 11: Hazardous Minerals
How many minerals contain lead pb 1,
What are the main lead containing...,
Why is lead hazardous 3
23  cards
Earth Materials Lecture 12: Igneous Petrology
What are the majority of igneous ...,
List intrusive types of igneous r...,
List extrusive types of igneous r...
14  cards
Earth Materials Lecture 13: Magma Generation and Crystallisation
List the main magma generation pr...,
Describe magma sources 2,
Define the geothermal gradient 3
8  cards
Earth Materials Lecture 14: Petrography of Igneous Rocks
What are the things to look for t...,
Describe features of texture in t...,
Define the two types of thin sect...
11  cards
Earth Materials Lecture 15: Intrusions
Define and describe a hypabyssal ...,
Define and describe an plutonic i...,
Define and describe a dyke hypaby...
11  cards
Earth Materials Lecture 16: Volcanoes and Products
Summarise the structure of a volc...,
Describe contents of volcanic pro...,
Give the two types of basaltic la...
14  cards
Earth Materials Lecture 17: Introduction to Metamorphic Petrology
Define metamorphism 1,
Describe where the word metamorph...,
Describe limitations for metamorp...
23  cards
Earth Materials Lecture 18: Metamorphic Textural relationships
Define foliation 1,
Describe the different kinds of f...,
Describe what s0 s1 and s2 refers...
12  cards
Analysis of the Earth and Environment Lecture 1: Basic Chemistry
Who first theorised the atom 1,
What are atoms 2,
What was discovered in 1897 and b...
5  cards
Analysis of the Earth and Environment Lecture 2: Periodic table
Define and explain what an isotop...,
How is the atomic mass of element...,
How do you calculate the relative...
6  cards
Analysis of the Earth and Environment Lecture 3: Moles and Molar masses
What is avogadro s number 1,
Define a mole 2,
What is the molar mass the same n...
8  cards
Analysis of the Earth and Environment Lecture 4: Water Chemistry
Describe covalent bonding and the...,
Water molecules have an uneven di...,
Water is considered a universal s...
10  cards
Analysis of the Earth and Environment Lecture 5: The Fundamental forces of nature
List the four forces of nature 1,
Define gravity what is the number...,
How is the gravitional force of s...
15  cards
Analysis of the Earth and Environment Lecture 6: Meteorology
Define meteorology 1,
Define weather 2,
Define climate 3
14  cards
Analysis of the Earth and Environment Lecture 7: Gravity, The Solar system and Tides
Describe newtons laws of motion 1,
Gravitation is universal this mea...,
Define an orbiting object 3
13  cards
Analysis of the Earth and Environment Lecture 8: Units
Define physical quantities 1,
Define and list the fundamental p...,
Define derived quantities 3
12  cards
Analysis of the Earth and Environment Lecture 9: Age of the Earth and Thermal energy
What is the kelvin conversion 1,
What is absolute zero 2,
Define heat joules 3
10  cards
Analysis of the Earth and Environment Lecture 10: Geothermal & Radioactive decay
Define one kilowatt hour 1,
Define geothermal energy 2,
Describe the pros of geothermal e...
10  cards
Analysis of the Earth and Environment Lecture 11: Acids and Bases
Define an acid 1,
Define and describe a hydrogen ion 2,
Describe how acid molecules and w...
28  cards
Analysis of the Earth and Environment Lecture 12: Carbon and Organic chemistry
What is the main type of chemical...,
List some organic compounds 2,
Describe a carbon atom 3
28  cards
Analysis of the Earth and Environment Lecture 13: Electricity & Magnetism
List the four fundamental forces ...,
Define static electricity 2,
Define a conductor 3
26  cards
Analysis of the Earth and Environment Lecture 14: The Atmosphere
Define the atmosphere 1,
What is the atmospheric pressure ...,
Describe the composition of earth...
19  cards
Chemistry terms
Define an ion 1,
Ions are formed through chemical ...,
Explain covalent bonds 3
7  cards
Engineering geology and Geohazards Lecture 1: The Nature of Soil
Define what soil is 1,
What is the origin of soil soils 2,
What are the two main weathering ...
8  cards
Engineering geology and Geohazards Lecture 2: The Nature of Soils Pt 2
What are the two classifications ...,
What does the table for soil part...,
True or false in course soils par...
24  cards
Engineering Geology and Geohazards Lecture 3: Tropical Risk reduction
Define a disaster 1,
Describe the relationship between...,
What is the equation for risk 3
10  cards
Engineering Geology and Geohazards Lecture 4: Tropical Cyclones
Define a tropical cyclone 1,
List the requirements of a tropic...,
How are tropical storms classified 3
7  cards
Engineering Geology and Geohazards Lecture 5: Volcanology
Define a direct impact 1,
Define a secondary impact 2,
Define vei volcanic explosivity i...
15  cards
Engineering Geology and Geohazards Lecture 6: Volcanic hazards
Lava flow and Ash
16  cards
Engineering Geology and Geohazards Lecture 8: Pyroclastic Flows and Lahars
Define a pyroclastic flow 1,
Describe characteristics of a pyr...,
In what kind of eruptions do pyro...
13  cards
Engineering Geology and Geohazards Lecture 9: Landslides and Karsts
How common are landslides 1,
Where do landslides occur 2,
Describe the effects of landslides 3
25  cards
Engineering Geology and Geohazards Lecture 10: Introduction to seismology and seismic waves
What causes earthquakes 1,
Define an earthquake 2,
Describe stress 3
22  cards
Engineering Geology and Geohazards Lecture 11: Recording and Locating Earthquakes
Describe the seismometers 1,
Who invented the first seismometer 2,
Describe modern seimometers 3
6  cards
Engineering Geology and Geohazards Lecture 12: Measuring Earthquakes
Define earthquake magnitude 1,
Describe the richter scale 2,
What is the equation for the rich...
11  cards
Engineering Geology and Geohazards Lecture 13: Ground Response
What are the two main ways in whi...,
Define amplitude 2,
Define attenuation 3
7  cards
Engineering Geology and Geohazards Lecture 14: Earthquake hazards and Mitigation
In the last decade how many peopl...,
Describe the setting for particul...,
Describe the primary direct hazar...
9  cards
Engineering Geology and Geohazards Lecture 15: Tsunamis
How long is a tsunami wave train ...,
Describe the speed of tsunamis 2,
How do tsunamis behave in differe...
4  cards
Engineering Geology and Geohazards Lecture 16 & 17: Climate Change, flooding, Storm surges
Describe how climate change is in...,
Describe hurricane stan 2,
Describe recent uk deformation ev...
14  cards
Sedimentology and Palaeontology Lecture 1: Fossilization and Trilobites
Define a fossil 1,
Define and explain the difference...,
What must happen for an organism ...
13  cards
Sedimentology and Palaeontology Lecture 2: Biominerals and Rock forming organisms
What are the materials that organ...,
Go into detail about calcium carb...,
Go into detail about calcite in a...
19  cards
Sedimentology and Palaeontology Lecture 3: Taxonomy, Bivalves and Brachiopods
Define taxonomy 1,
Define species 2,
Define genus 3
19  cards
Sedimentology and Paleontology Lecture 4: Functioning Morphology and the Echinodermata
Define morphology 1,
Define functional morphology 2,
What is order ranging from reliab...
17  cards
Sedimentology and Palaeontology Lecture 5: The Coiled Molluscs
Define gastropod 1,
Describe gastropod anatomy and sh...,
Describe cephalopods 3
10  cards
Sedimentology and Palaeontology Lecture 6: Biostratigraphy and Microfossils
Define biostratigraphy 1,
Define a biozone and how they are...,
Define a total range biozone 3
21  cards
Sedimentology and Palaeontology Lecture 7: Evolution and Paleoclimates
Define evolution 1,
What are the two types systems of...,
Define gradualism 3
8  cards
Sedimentology and Paleontology Lecture 8: PalaeoBiogeography
Who is the father of paleobiogeog...,
Define correlating fossil bearing...,
What and where is beringia 3
8  cards
Sedimentology and Palaeontology Lecture 9: Major Evolutionary events and the Origin of life
Define life 1,
What are the three main domains 2,
Define prokaryotes 3
17  cards
Sedimentology and Paleontology Lecture 10: The Cambrian Explosion
Describe the cambrian explosion 1,
When was the cambrian explosion 2,
How was the cambrian dated 3
15  cards
Sedimentology and Palaeontology Lecture 11: The Colonization of Land
List all the animal kingdoms and ...,
What are the various types of phy...,
What were the barriers to living ...
15  cards
Sedimentology and Palaeontology Lecture 12: Mass extinctions
Define catastrophism 1,
How many large and well documente...
2  cards
Sedimentology and Palaeontology Lecture 13: Early Human Evolution
Describe the origin of humanity 1,
Define archaeological evidence ar...,
Describe the location of which th...
15  cards
Sedimentology and Palaeontology: The Mesozoic
What is the time range of the mes...,
Describe the triassic 2,
Describe the jurassic 3
14  cards
Sedimentology and Paleontology Lecture 14: Introduction to Sedimentology
Define sediment 1,
What are the four components of s...,
Define cement 3
15  cards
Sedimentology and Palaeontology Lecture 15: Sediment Erosion and Transport
Define erosion 1,
What are the three kinds of erosi...,
What are the four erosion product...
19  cards
Sedimentology and Palaeontology Lecture 15: Siliclastics
Blank 1,
Define texture and the components...,
Define fabric and the components ...
15  cards
Sedimentology and Palaeontology Lecture 16: Sandstone Petrology
Describe quartz grains in thin se...,
Describe plagioclase feldspar gra...,
Describe microcline feldspar grai...
16  cards
Sedimentology and Palaeontology Lecture 17: Stratification and Sedimentary Structures
Describe stratification 1,
Describe bedding and lamination 2,
What is lamination defined by rel...
17  cards
Sedimentology and Palaeontology Lecture 18: Sedimentary Materials and Processes
Describe a grain flow 1,
Describe a debris flow 2,
Where do submarine debris flows t...
10  cards
Sedimentology and Paleontology Lecture 19: Biogenic sedimentary structures (Trace Fossils)
List various animal activity that...,
Define a trace fossil 2,
Describe key concepts of trace fo...
21  cards
Sedimentology and Paleontology Lecture 19: Chemical Sediments
Define precipitation 1,
Define siliceous organisms 2,
List biological silica minerals 3
22  cards
Sedimentology and Palaeontology Lecture 20: Carbonates
Define carbonate sediments 1,
Describe the carbonate polymorphs 2,
Blank 3
3  cards

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