Earth And The Atmosphere Flashcards
How was early atmosphere made?
Early atmosphere was made from volcanoes (mostly carbon dioxide and water with no oxygen)
What formed the oceans?
- The Earth cooled. Water vapour condensed to form the oceans
- Carbon dioxide dissolved in the oceans
What happened to plants?
Plants photosynthesised - removing carbon dioxide and making oxygen
Greenhouse gasses
Greenhouse gasses include carbon dioxide, water vapour and methane. They absorb heat radiated from the Earth and stop it going in to space
How are greenhouse gasses increased?
Greenhouse gasses are increased by burning fossil fuels and livestock farming
How is climate change caused?
Climate change may be caused by humans - as increased CO2 and increased temperatures correlate but not a proven link
We can reduce climate change by?
We can help reduce climate change by reducing the fuels burnt on our behalf