Ears: Flashcards
sensory organ for hearing & equalibrium(balance)
divided into 3 regions
the 3 regions of the ear:
external ear
middle (tympanic cavity)
inner ear
External Ear:
includes the AURICLE(PINNA), Accoustic meatus
the eardrum/tympanic membrane is at the end f the external acoustic meatus
Where does the external acoustic meatus travel to?
through the TEMPORAL Bone, connecting the auricle to the tympanic membrane
Tympanic Membrane:
thin, translucent membrane of CT
forms a segment b/w the external & middle ear
soundwaves through the external acoustic meatus, cause the tympanic membrane to vibrate
transfers soundwaves to the bony ossicles in the middle ear
Inner Ear/ Labyrinth
2 compartments
bony labyrinth & membranonous labyrith
contains: vestibule, semicircular canals, cochlea
Bony Labyrith:
a maze of bony passages, course through the temporal bone
contains fluid- Perilymph
Membranous Labyrith:
network of membranoous capsules w/in the bony labrith
contains fluid- Endolymph
Fluids in the inner ear function:
provide a medium for conducting sound waves
detect changes in body position
balance movement
Middle Ear/ Tympanic cavity:
Air-filled chamber lined w/ muccus mebrane & 3 auditory ossicles
The 3 auditory ossicles of the middle ear:
Malleus- attached to the tympanic membrane
Stapes: attached to oval window
Auditory Ossicles function:
Attach/connect the tympanic membrane & inner ear wall
Transmit/ amplify soundwaves across the tympanic cavity to the oval window
Pharyngototympanic/ auditry tube:
along the anteior wall of the tympanic cavity
the direct link b/w the middle ear & nasaopharynx (region of throat)
central area of the inner ear
divided into 2 regions: utricle & saccule
contains sensory receptors called MACULAE, detect changes in linear movements, gravitational forces
static equalibrium
Semicirular Canals:
3 semicircular tubes connected to the posterior wall of the vestibule
anterior, posterior, lateral semicircular canals
at 1 end of each canal is a region called an AMPULLA
inside each Ampulla, a region called the CRISTA-AMPULLARIS
contains sensory receptors that detect changes in angular acceleration/ deceleration
dynamic equalibrium
snail-shaped structure
coils around the central axis of bone
on anterior wall of the vestible
sensory receptors for hearing
spinal organ/ ortgan of corti
sound cause the fluid to move