Early Republic Midterm Part 3 Flashcards
Newburgh Conspiracy
Set up by Horatio Gates based on the Newburgh Address that had army upset they were not getting enough pay. Washington showed up to the meeting for mutiny and diffused situation. Only time army almost overthrew the government.
Writer of the Newburgh Address
John Armstrong
Plan to put soldiers at the border, organize militias, create military academies and military factories
Washington Peace Establishment
Riot that was a march on Springfield arsenal with angry frontier men who protested tax on gold
Shay’s Rebellion
Importance of Shay’s Rebellion
Washington realized the current militias were too decentralized
Body that got rid of the Articles of Confederation and replaced it
Constitutional Convention
Act said all white citizen men ages 18-45 must be available to serve in militia for 3 months and must supply own weapon. Also approved the Navy
Militia Act of 1792
Wars that caused British merchants to be unable to trade, causing Americans to fill the void
Napoleonic Wars
The officer sent with 1,000 men to attack the Miami Indians but lost very bad
Josiah Harmar
Governor of North West territories that led 60 day trip fortifying the route to Indians but suffered greatest defeat of Americans by Indians
Arthur St. Clair
Commander General who was great at training troops and altered the firing mechanism on a gun, but was a drunk
“Mad” Anthony Wayne
the 2nd in Command who bashed Wayne causing clashes, was on Spanish payroll
James Wilkinson
Battle where Americans got surprise attack on Indians forcing them to fall back to British where British surrendered, made Wayne a national hero
Battle of Fallen Timbers
The politician that pushed for a larger army and expanded it to 10,000
Alexander Hamilton
President of budget cuts that reduced the size of the army and fired bad officers, sold all warships, relied too much on the militas
Thomas Jefferson
He used machines to manufacture muskets, using interchangeable parts, meaning no more hand made guns
Eli Whitney
Institution created by Jefferson to be a center of science
U.S. Military Academy/ West Point
head of West Point 1817, father of west point, created small classes and a curriculum that mirrored France
Sylvanus Thayer
became a teacher at West Point, taught Art of War, and wrote Outposts
Denis Hart Mahan
teacher at West Point that became general of Union Army, was professor, lawyer and millinoaire
Henry Halleck
French general that wrote book on serving in Napoleonic war that provided a structure to war that Napoleon did not, stressing lines of communication and not the bloodshed and chaos
Man that created artillery that Napoleon used his ideas to win war
the organization created by Napoleon that allowed groups to function independently from the corps, making easy mobility
The Division
man that wrote General Essay on Tactics that called for an army of citizen soldiers
smooth barrel rifle built for citizen soldiers that was very durable and soldier resistant