Civil War Final Flashcards
Sherman’s plan to go through confederate towns instead of occupying them and destroying them.
Raiding Strategy
Confederate officer in charge of Harper’s Ferry and obtained first confederate victory
Battle where confederates got first victory at Manassas with Johnston
Battle of Bull Run
Officer of the Union in Virginia who was not successful and had no experience. Always avoided combat
Union General in Mississippi, very successful
Grant’s first major win against Confederacy
Battle of Shiloh
Naval battle between ironclads at Chesapeake Bay
Monitor (union) vs Virginia (Confederacy)
Who led the Shenandoah Valley Campaign and what happened
Led by Stonewall Jackson and Lee, where they cleared the valley from Port Royal
Battle where McClellan lost, causing Lincoln to replace him, and McClellan was begging for reinforcements they did not have
Seven Days Battle
law that ordered the union to steal slaves from south, marking them contraband of war
First Confiscation Act
Law that empowered seizure of all confederate property including slaves
Second Confiscation Act
Law that states President can use black people in any way he sees fit allowing them to join the Union army if they escape
Militia Act of 1862
Law that freed all slaves not in the Union, where Lincoln waited for a major battle victory to enact, which he got at Gettysburg
Emancipation Proclamation
The 3 campaigns of 1864
Sherman raids Atlanta, Grant siezes Richmond, Banks seizes new Orleans
Turning points in the war
Antietam Campaign (gettysburgh), Battle of Vicksburg